
Comments of chapter undefined of Despite it All

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Aye my boi has a mother letz GO!!


I don’t care about the age problem as it can just be that more years in academy and they were taught theory in first year without any physical thing but if his mother is alive, it stands to no reason that he should fail. Parents will always help their children to stay ahead and you can’t say that he has too much chakra due to Kyuubi that his skill is falling behind because kushina too was a host to it and had great chakra, so she would help him to get better control. From what I see, other than reducing the hate the village have for him, there’s no effect of kushina presence on naruto if he is still below average

AfroLord:(Just putting here to make it clear I appreciate you reading and discussing this with me even if we do disagree. thank you for your time.) I disagree entirely, their canon counterparts for the most part are weak for a while. (Naruto at 16 is at kage level but not super...) but that is not even my point. the point was subjecting young children into a violent lifestyle has drastic ramifications on their psyche, personality, social ability, longevity of lie. while holding them only makes you lose a small crop of ninja who to be frank weren't all that useful and ensures they should last longer when they get out. also I'd feel your argument more if wasn't much further than you are with knowledge that you don't have. if you were current in the story I'd doubt we'd be discussing this to the length we are. in summary, I choose to make them older for litany of reasons, better personalities which makes interaction easier. many of them are closer than they are in canon, makes romance less weird for me to write (i get a lot of people are underaged here but I'm not and not keen on writing some of the smut you all do with minors). it also makes it to where their active in their physical and mental peak as opposed to literal children attempting to fight grown adults. honestly I'm shocked that people are so gung ho on what is a small factor. yes Naruto started older and weaker. but he is more mature, more socially adept, and wiser than he had been in canon. and by the end will equal if not outshine his canon self. mak

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I didn't like the age difference

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If Kushina is around, wouldn't Naruto actually know the theory? Let alone the fact that I can't see Kushina not teach Naruto Fuinjutsu before he graduates... even if it's only the basics.