
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve


this is just random bs at this point


I'll be honest, I just skimmed through this chapter.


I think the true problem is that, nothing exciting has happened in this story so far. He doesn't have any ability or time to shine. He is nobody with nothing exciting about him. He isn't smart, doesn't have any advantageous knowledge or any extra ability. He is boring, that's why this story is getting boring. The story of hard working weak character is fun when we see the true progress. 18 chapters and we see nothing of that. Must we wait another 18 chapters for him to win a fight with the second weakest oponent in the shinobi academy? If the story was entertaining, I could wait even 1000 chapters for him to be strong enough. Unfortunately it isn't. This is my answer for this mass criticism of all reader.


I think I’m suffering more than takumi by reading this


Well I think I skimmed it this chapter, the reason why people are rating harshly is because ur previous two fanfics were really good but this just feels lackluster, I don't want to comment too much but I still think u PTSD from ur Kuroko fic


speed it up or I will drop, this is the third or fourth time he has been stomped onto the ground, we aren't masochists, give him a win or you'll lose your following, we are already being very patient, but now your writing about inane things like camping and having him lose even in his dream sequences, which is just another waste of chapter space. keep it clean and concise. This is very tiring and annoying to read, fix it.


I think I’m over this story


meh I'll come back after a few chapters, for now it's boring to read, I hope that at least when I go back to reading the MC has beaten someone instead of learning to dodge the opponent's first blows to then be beaten


why does this feel like mc is the only human here and the others were born ninjas, weakness after weakness, and atmost he barely touches the normal line. does the author have a weakness fetish or something. it was alright in the beginning, but i can't see much progress anywhere, i get that you are tryna make it realistic but this is a work of fiction in the first place, i read cuz i wanna enjoy it, not to constantly get frustrated and annoyed.


asking the one who go to Patreon how many more chapter before MC getting a good thing for himself cost I have seen none


Bruh, yesterday was a massacre... Thanks for reading, FictionOnlyReader [Nov 19, 2021]


the funny thing is, I still have hope and don't want to drop this fic. the tag of "weak to strong" and the authors proven ability is keeping me here. I have already stated in my previous comment that umm...it's not been "fun" reading but yet I await and check for updates 😅.


im of a mind that he isn't cut out to be a ninja at this stage. maybe he will get kicked out of the academy and be sent off as a spy but he will hate the village and and go rogue finally finding opportunities for advancements in other lands... (Outsider... hmm...)


author bro can u start naming the chapters. or it will start to get very confusing after many chapters are released. and please please pretty please start getting to the juicy partof the story.


hmm, the story is good because he's not op from the start like other fanfics, but the pace was too slow. It's Chapter 18 and there's no significant changes about him, and this is the timeline before naruto. So it's hard to create an exciting and interesting event, because most people must be reading this in hopes of seeing something different from the original story happen. so yes this is my opinion the development is too slow


are you reading the reviews at all


Bruh tf did I just wasted my time reading 2 chapters smh bro I’m still holding out hope for this ff I get that some of his reactions but this is ridiculous


The whole thing was pointless and giant waste fo our time. C'mon author...


These 2 chapters feel very out of place, Jumping into the trip with no setup is definitely confusing and not in line with the story, so why not just preface it with why he's going there, and forcing struggle feels cheap like almost injuring himself and losing the Ferro stick means nothing when you are not engaged in the story of why are you here, etc- Good story so far these two chaps broke the flow somewhat.


thx for the chapter