
Comments of chapter undefined of House of The Dragon: Reincarnated as Daemon Targaryen's Son


thanks for the story author. Good luck in your studies and in your professional life!


Author I would like to say your story was the most amazing house of the Dragons fanfic I have ever read. I know it is your choice but please it is my request that don't go there will be idiots everywhere you go and I understand what you meant by web novel recommendations but still please tell us if you want to continue this story on another site I will recommend FanFiction there are also others like ao3 scribble hub and many more


bro nobody has ever written a House of dragons story as good as yours......... I mean i literally wake up every morning to check for updates then again at noon and then at evening to check for updates for this story. You are a very good writer and yes I understand that life happens and people have to move on with life but please dont abandon this fic. atleast give us an update once or twice a month or something please.


this is one of the few stories that I could always look forward to reading and now its dropped sigh


It was good while it lasted. But tbh we all knew it would be dropped, like 90% of ff on this app. Too much hate and too soft authors.


I don't usually comment but all i can say is best of luck for your studies and it was a GREAT fanfic. The best. P.S. If you can continue you definitely should.


Sigh..... i somehow had the feeling it would come to this. Real life strikes ppl hard.


Why do all my favourite fanfictions all ways get dropped?


Don’t listen to the idiots, it is an amazing story and I and alot of readers while we have our opinions we usually love the direction the writer is going to go some might make a comment assuming things or make a prediction which never happens because it is not their story but I am most others love the direction the author has and want to read your ideas while some might put there own opinion on it overall we want the directions others take or we would of written our own in our way


Please do not abandon this story like many other we have all been eagerly waiting for chapter release of this story. We need to see how this story ends do not Abondon us your loyal readers we beg of you


As someone who read your fic and had no knowledge about the books and only now watched the shows, I can say for certain that this is definitely more logical than most of the illogical harem type sexathon fics in this pathetic little app. Whoever those readers are are idiots who don't have a life except for the flimsy imaginations they have when they read idiot fics. it's a shame that your not continuing, but I don't blame you at all. Thank you for the story, none the less.


goodluck on ur studies


Another story that stopped cause some readers can't appreciate the good stuff, *sigh*. "Nothing's changed!" as author said, Triarchy is literally gone! You know the force responsible for one of the biggest black defeats during the dance?!? Doesn't even touches on the fact there's a 3rd side, that the North would only support the side Maegor's on etc. If you guys can't appreciate this, then you are clearly not actual fans of ASOIAF... just my 2 cents.


oof this was a good story also, one of the stories I look forward to. That's ok good luck brother, internships are hard. Tell me how you do, I am planning to do internships in like my sophomore year and do summer school for some of my classes.



I thank you author san, for the good times you have given us by writing this story. I am ashamed that you have decided to drop this but i understand that school and real life must come first, also i am disappointed at those who thought that a house of the dragons fanfic was all about an mc that is instantly op and burns kings landing for the heck of it, it is a story about political intrigue people! Even with dragons it is mostly about politics and medieval war. A lot must have been poisoned with instant op mc's from other fanfics. Anyway thank you author for the wonderful story and may your future burn bright.


folks always ruining good stories smh .


no one should really be surprised. This happens all the time lol


Your book is amazing please continue


It's the way of fan fiction that 99,99% gets abandoned. Most often because the author loose interest or don't have the time anymore. That why you want things happening at quick pace. Any slow burn like this story turned out to be was doomed to fail. To qoute someone who adressed this "forget realism....we want plausible ridiculous".


Author thanks for the story .👍👍👍👍