
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel : Eternal Blazing Sun


This story is great but people don't understand that all the protagonists must be a mary sue protagonist of a Chinese novel who takes out a power up to defeat everyone and do what he wants while having a massive harem


don't bother with them your story is great. they just want to take out their frustrations on somebody else.


People are always gonna hate no matter how good your fic is it could be perfect and they will still find a way there’s really no point in listening to them. A lot of people really like the book and I hope you don’t pay much attention to the hatters


well I'll personally say this to all the haters, if you think this one's bad then write a good one yourself and if you're not capable then shut the f**k up and let the rest of us enjoy and don't dampen the Author's mood.


it's a one of kind story of a "GOD PROTAGONIST DONE RIGHT" Keep Ya Head Up , you accomplished something nobody has been able to do for years.


Dude you already tagged the story as dark if people still complain about Appollo being evil or something ignore them


Your Story is fantastic so Stay positive and don't let hate get near to you


What Apollo did wasn’t even that bad, he gave humans the capacity for negative emotions . Zeus is many times worse it was that or wipe them out. Pandora saddens me a little but it’s good writing so that’s point im supposed to feel sad for her. Author just write the way you want and don’t bother with the negativity.


this fanfiction is already better than 99.99% of so called "real" novels on this site


I just want you to know that I look forward for your update everyday and that your book is 10/10. Dont let the plebians tell you otherwise. Keep up the great job. Much love from your sincerest fan! :):)


They should stop looking for humanity in a God. Those ones always annoyed me but I at least read on and kept my demoralizing opinions to myself.


I don't consider this story bad at all. The fact the some people can't understand that Apollo has no human quality in him at all and is a God at the end of the day is proof enough that you have crafted an incredible main character.


I can only assure you that for every hateful comment you have more likes and that we appreciate your work. there are many Self Inserts who are gungho in character and have illogical wish fulfilment storylines. your story is Not one of them in any way. there is logic, reason, structure, connections to existing mythos and the marvel world portraying which can not be an easy task. there is a lot of research, writing, reading and rewriting involved even with fanfics if done well and I thoroughly appreciate your work. so Thank you!


it's kinda normal to hate Apollo I too hate him despite knowing that it's was necessary move from his pov so I understand the hate on Apollo but this just shows how good you written that part so the hate on you is completely unreasonable


I live your story. Though I may not agree with some of the Choices Apollo has made recently that doesn't mean I hate what you've written. Thanks for the chapter, can't wait for the next


Please revise his decision to not grant himself the healing domain. If you’re so insistent on Leto getting another domain, why not also grant her the domain? Why do you have to lose to make someone else win? Very foolish.


Don't listen to those haters, pls continue ur fanfic is good and this can't be compared to so many worse fic on webnovel


bro dont listen to those people they are just narrow minded people who want to read fairytails filled with shounnen protagonist . ... continue with your story i love this story please release next chapter as soon as possible


I dont know i like you stories because of how you write them everyone else always does the same thing although i might feel some type of way by the actions of the mc i also see how you make your mc unique plus hes not that emotionless


thanks for the chapter man and most people can't handle realistic Mc's, like aplool helped humanity as much as he could, anything more and he would be in a huge problem. ignore them, those people are stupid anyway, and keep up with your amazing work.