
Comments of chapter undefined of World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star

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Nice work

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Was a bit hard to tell if the dark god or mc were talking during the fight to be honest but good chapter otherwise

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Thx for the chapter. Seems like the MC inspired Freya and Helya both seems powerfull. But we don't know if this is the end of the war or the end of the first of the old gods (well, semi-end, they can only seal them). There are still the other old Gods? or Y'Shaarj was the last one?

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Wait a second I just realized something if the old gods consider the MC to be their brother and their minions are technically their children spawned from their own flesh and blood does this make the MC the most notorious nepoticide murderer to ever exist?

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Very excited how his interactions with the titans will look like, they should also be quite adapt at arcane magic, beeing creatures of order and light. Bragging rights to be the first dragon is also something the mc can claim. And I was especially satisfied with the way the battle played out. It's a perfect explanation on why the titans intervened and as aalways fascinating aspect to think about, since in wow the old gods do barely anything, closest beeing c'thuns whispers during the raid.

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The part where Y'shaarj called Mc bro felt oddly wholesome for me XD.

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Thanks for the chapter ❤️

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I wonder if the MC plans to pay a visit to Draenor there is actually a fair few interesting sings for him to interact with there like the Spore Mounds those 3 Birds and the corpse of that one super Elemental and eventually 2 Fallen neru and if he plays his timing right he could even nom the native Elementals though that would be difficult I even remember hearing a theory that at one point there might have been an old God there but that's just a theory I heard

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This is completely random and sudden but I found myself wondering how many unawakened Titans there might be but couldn't think of a way to guess until I randomly saw a cosmology chart and then for a while I thought it clicked Aman'Thu the time Titan not on the chart but we'll make an exception Eonar the life Titan Norgannon. The Arcane Titan Khaz'goroth Earth Titan Golganneth The air Titan Argus the death Titan Sargeras the fel Titan Azeroth unknown cosmological Force unnamed World soul the void titan This little theory that the Titans represented one of the 12 cosmological forces was looking pretty nice not without holes but good so maybe there were about twelve Titans so that means they were maybe two or three unawakened World souls but then I remembered aggramar didn't really represent anything in particular neither did sargeras before he broke that demon jail infused with fel so I guess that kind of shot my theory in the foot it was actually looking pretty good there for a minute oh well it was interesting to right?

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good job on the chapter

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Thanks for the hard work and impressive sound effect as always

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seria bueno que el personaje principal ayudará a detener el sangrado de la titan con su magia para demostrar a los titanes que a él le importa el planeta y luego algo canon los titanes haciendo el pozo . y algunas preguntas la titan que duerme en azeroth que piensa del mc por ejemplo una amenaza o su más grande proteror. y mi ultima pregunta si los titanes están informados de la existencia del personaje principal.

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So u can use. Sound of compartions for ex: Sound of granede, sound of litlle bomb or sound of nucler bomb, or sound of tsar bomb

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Y'shaarj: (and now the end is near and so I face the final curtain my brother I'll say it clear I'll State my case of which I'm certain how I've lived a life that's full I've corrupted each and every being oh and much more than this I did it my way regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention I did what I was born to do and saw it through without exception I planned and charted each careful step along the my way but more much more than this I Did It My Way yes there were times I'm sure you know when I bit off more than I could chew but through it all and when there was hope I ate it up and spit out despair the record shows I took the blow and did it . . . .MY WAY!!!) And memory of the mcs brother cell-I mean Y'shaarj

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not to be insulting, but the quality of grammar really dropped in this chapter, I recommend editing it further and this goes for future chapters, even if you are behind schedule and panicking because you haven't given us a chapter make sure the grammar is good because the mismatches between he and she and confusion of whether or not MC or the old God was talking made this chapter strenuous to read rather than enjoyable.

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Question when the MC said there were five old gods remaining was he referring to himself As well? Ps have you decided what the MCS name Shelby watching people still give idea?

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Thank you for the Chapter

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Obrigado pelo capitulo

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thank you for the chapter