
Comments of chapter undefined of In Danmachi with Plasmids

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well can you just have no romantic relationships with the Goddess that would be great honestly.

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finally joined a familia!!!!! i’m cool w/ hestia. didn’t know she was in the running for familia but you know what they say hestia is bestia

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Well it was a good ride but this is where I cash out. Honestly when he agreed to join Hestia I didn't bother finish reading I came to bid my farewell. Good luck with the rest of the story.


Some may be confused about his skill or that it is op. But think for a moment, if he truly seeks challenges, such as removing his armor to go to the dungeon, that is the same as a death sentence. So it kind of balances it out, super risk for rewards. So like he said, if he was to go to the dungeon in his pajamas without any gear, only his Plasmids, he would certainly gain more Exilia per monster he killed, much less if he took down a monster much stronger than him. But he has to survive first...

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I won't lie and say I'm not disappointed, I didn't feel good about the choice, but I'll try to read a few more chapters to see how it goes, I can't guarantee the same interest as before in the story, but anyway you author made a choice! And that alone is a thousand times better than opening a vote for the public to choose whatever they want, it means that the story still has its essence. Congratulations on that regardless of whether I'm going to read much later or not.

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Tie your own hands, get naked, close your eyes, go unarmed, and grind globins like a son of a bi***.

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I am not mad, just disappointed. After reading so much about not choosing Hestia because she was in Tekai and expecting something a bit different I even got to see him go to Hephaestus Familia just for some 'PLOT' to happen and the MC to join Hestia. I don't hate it or anything nor am I going to drop it, but I am just disappointed since it feels like the Author succumbed to pure pressure and chose what the readers were asking for instead of going for something newer, more exciting, and more fun.

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I’ve always liked Hestia as a character but i really dislike Bell. So I’m perfectly happy with him being in her familia.

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Cool shield 😎

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Ok hear me out, let's genderbend the main character. I know it sounds weird but the way there is no competition for getting girls. Because it would be kind of annoying if Bell has all these girls around him while our mc is alone. Also, Bell gender-bend is not bad.

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he should be alone or all girls MUHAHAHAH

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give me one good reason for to join hestia familia all normal gods are protective of their groups and as for caution didn't he threw it out of window the movement he fought in lower floors

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Ok..... Finding a familia is like looking for a job. He didn't even bother to ask about her familia before joining. I mean most people would rather join a big established familia than a no name one. I just wish he went to the guild for some recommendation.



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A bit of a review for the first volume. Honestly I'm happy he's with Hestia, I was rooting for her or Freya, definitely not loki or Heph. Overall it was very interesting and I like the story alot so far, but I will mention the biggest negative I've seen about it right now. The way you went about the familiar situation, it was very poorly executed in my opinion, maybe due to the nature of you yourself not being sure who you wanted. I felt like I was watching(reading) a Korean drama. You created drama for the sake of drama. What was the point of having him want loki/Heph,, and even with loki, looking for him, but constantly using coincidences so that it wouldn't happen? It was very frustrating to read, with coincidence after coincidence. Also I felt like you did Freya wrong. She was never mentioned even though he was looking through the guild book, and being one of the strongest and richest familiar, she should have been right up there for his choices. The whole thing going back and forth with Syr was weird to, like if Freya really wanted him, she would have came at it aggressively the moment she saw him again. Also the fact that he remembers so many things about the story, even the random things in the timeline, but can't remember Syr just makes it feel like another burn towards Freya so she couldn't get him. It would have been better if he just straight wanted Hestia, or even found the other gods and just didn't like them, rather then constantly using coincidences.

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Ngl disappointed. The author said fanfic is about change but then proceeded to go the same as the original but make the story more au to fit that. Gonna try to read more but excitement is down the drain.

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author from what I remember of danmachi bell cranel it took him 1 month to level from level 1 to 2 with these stats Falna Level 1 Level 2 Force S S 1091 SS 1088 Resistance SS 1019 SS 1029 Dexterity SS 1098 SS 1094 Agility SSS 1337 SSS 1307 Magic SS 1001 A 883 ps. (I got the stats from a site where it said both level 1 and 2) Not a criticism.

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I quite like how things turned out, so props on you man!

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we Can’t wait for volume 2 plz keep up the amazing work and it would be funny if you add a terminator in the next volume but yay hope you have a nice time thinking of plots for volume 2 byeee

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I have mixed feelings, hestia reminds me of an ex, dwarf and busty, super charismatic, well I liked the chapter, the truth is that you could already predict that hestia would be the MC's goddess, I like her interaction, I had many impure thoughts when I was reading.