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  • chance_isaac
    Replied to chance_isaac

    Ah forgot that he doesn’t have full knowledge so he doesn’t know about Danzo. That’s pretty annoying.

    Is that possible?
    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • chance_isaac

    Should be pretty obvious for Akira now that it’s Danzo. Played his hand too openly, too high of a secret for even a Nara elder to have.

    Is that possible?
    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • chance_isaac

    Saying “not all of us will make it out alive” in a hospital is not a great choice of words.

    "I won't lie to you troops, this battle will be tough, not all of us will make it out of here alive. But I can promise you I will tell your loved ones of your bravery on this day, that I can promise you." Ryan said as he marched in front of the six to seventeen year olds that were standing at attention for him.
    Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!
    Movies · Flaming_Lines
  • chance_isaac

    I liked a decent amount of this arc, but It felt pretty drawn out. Also don’t care about faceless at all, really hoping she doesn’t survive and come back, it’s truly not needed. Hate that Nue died, the flying mount is too useful for the random arc to have been its downfall. Should’ve killed the snake or bull. Other than that I like the character progression a lot for all of the characters, tiger funeral was cool I just think it takes to many hits to work for it to be one of the highest level summons.

    Ch 34 A War We Don't Belong In - Finale Part 1
    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • chance_isaac

    Really hate that the flying mount is gone now. Wish it was the snake or bull instead of Nue.

    Just like that... Nue perished.
    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • chance_isaac

    Didn’t have to be that mean about it. I get he needs her to get over it but her nature won’t let her.

    He shook his head, "Nope, could care less about it really. Don't really see a point in that, but I'm not really into the whole cold skin thing."
    Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!
    Movies · Flaming_Lines
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to Pink_Madara

    One of the main reasons I stopped reading

    He had no idea if the sword was a cursed weapon, or one that bonded with its wielder by consuming their energy just like Kisame's Samehada. With his lack of knowledge and lack of his eyes, he limited how much he wielded the blade and cut the flow of energy from his body to the sword just to see how it would react but nothing happened. Not even when he practically left the sword in his sheath for over a month. 
    Crows x Souls
    Anime & Comics · QuackVader
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to TheManUnderTheBed

    Ragnar took a risk because the old raiding spots were bad, if his predictions came true him, his family, and his village would benefit massively. He also didn’t go alone. Thorfinn took a risk for love. Which is fair, but hes 13 and alone with no real way to get back home even if he survives and gets the battle fame. Which he would just have to tell people and hope they believe him back at home cause he has no witnesses. Not saying that you don’t need set up, I just think you have other plot lines more interesting than a heir to Arthur. Maybe later in the story I’d care, but a chosen one son from a slave that hates him does not move me at all. Especially when he still has to deal with Mikael, still has to deal with the aunt and Rebekah having the firstborn. Still have to figure out he’s a demigod and him and the mikaelson’s still have to turn. All more interesting than this Arthur set up to me. But it’s your story so write what you like

    Ch 20 I am a Viking
    Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to TheManUnderTheBed

    I must’ve missed how it said he was escaping. But if it’s like a wagon or something then he should get run down by a bunch gaurds on horses. I don’t think the raiding party can beat the whole castle, but I think if he found a passage and he and the girl pretending to be a servant, memorized the gaurd rotation and planed a route to the treasury, he should get better results then doing it by himself. And the sailing being unreliable makes him seem overly dumb for staying alone. I get he’s a over confident teen but the only plan when he stayed was to wait until you hear rumors of your people to go to them over a unfamiliar land? With a bunch of loot you have to take too? Overall I like the story I just don’t like this arc. The beginning was good with the farm and the werewolves, I just don’t like the castle part. I think the princesses wanting to leave with him after like a week or two is silly, especially the one that knows he’s a killer. I think his kid being Arthur’s heir isn’t needed, we haven’t even gotten to the Mikaleson curse on his daughter yet just hinted at it. The solo journey is just dragging out now Imo.

    Ch 20 I am a Viking
    Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to chance_isaac

    He could also just learn a bunch in the library while waiting to hear rumors of attacks the try finding the raiding party.

    Ch 20 I am a Viking
    Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to TheManUnderTheBed

    No he said he knew that Ragnar was coming back soon. So retrace his steps to near where they landed before and wait. Him trying to solo rob a whole castle is stupid af. If he wants all the books and silver he needs a raiding party, if he hits it now then when he comes with the party there will be way more defenders. Plus the most he can carry without being too obvious is a couple of sacks of silver. If he waits he can get 10X easily if he finds a secret passage that he can lead men through or something.

    Ch 20 I am a Viking
    Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • chance_isaac

    Personally don’t care about the Arthur/Druid plot at all. Wish we would just get back to Vikings plot already. It also just feels so silly that he’s going for treasure by himself, how is he gonna get away with anything substantial? He can only take what he and the girls can carry. If he got a cart or something he would be chased down. Should leave and send word to Ragnar with the ships so they can sneak in and sack it and get more than what one man can carry. Have his bonded or the princess show him a hidden way inside the castle or something.

    Ch 20 I am a Viking
    Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to EchoingDusk

    I’ll accept plot armor but there wasn’t anything gradual about her change. You said it was literally a 10 minute process. She should’ve asked the system if it would’ve changed her looks when she thought it wouldn’t to confirm, or at least before she started the process. And probably too far for the third to make her be disected but she should be in T&I. She made contact with foreign ninja for the first time, changed a lot in personality and skill, then “awakened” a bloodline. Bare minimum suspend her anbu duties, so she’s not around the villages most important asset while she’s under suspension.

    Ch 15 Chapter: 15
    ANBU: Card System In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
  • chance_isaac

    This is such a dumb excuse. Why change her hair after you said it wasn’t going too out her as a Uzumaki, just for the excuse to be “well she awoke her ability because she was threatened ”. Yeah over two weeks ago! She was in a coma where she couldn’t have used transformation jutsu, so they know she didn’t awaken her bloodline then. She should be taken to Orochimaru for study, or at least treated like a spy because this excuse is weak af.

    Ch 15 Chapter: 15
    ANBU: Card System In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
  • chance_isaac

    But it would’ve happened 2 weeks ago then, when/after she was attacked. She was in a coma for a week then had a week of rest why would it happen now.

    "Genuine. It seems she had some Uzumaki blood in her veins. The gene strain probably awakened due to her life being threatened."
    ANBU: Card System In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
  • chance_isaac

    I thought she said her hair would still be black if she used it?

    Kaori took a glance into the small mirror sticking to the shower door and, much to her surprise, was greeted by a tall, red-headed beauty. The woman had slightly more well-defined features, that were hidden well under the ANBU uniform, with a crimson wave of hair instead of Kaori's usual jet-black locks and a pair of crimson eyes instead of the usual dark green ones.
    ANBU: Card System In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
  • chance_isaac

    Why waste chakra regen on a subordinate? If she wants to get used to her body just save the card for later. There’s not a timer right?

    Ch 2 Chapter: 2
    ANBU: Card System In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
  • chance_isaac

    Don’t really get all the Sokka hate. The kiyoshi warriors I get cause he was still sexist back then, but I thought him and Yue were perfectly fine.

    Ch 64 Red Moon Rises
    Madara in the Avatar World
    Anime & Comics · KojiSan
  • chance_isaac
    Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

    No he’s canonically a bad teacher. All of his students accomplishments were taught by other people. Except Chidori and tree walking. Completely abandons Sakura, ignores Naruto in the chunin exams too. He has reasons for focusing on sasuke but that didn’t stop him from defecting anyway. Love him as a character but one of the worst teachers in anime.

    "If you decided to stay out of it initially, be consistent." I rudely interrupted Kakashi's interference.
    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • chance_isaac

    Kind of anticlimactic imo. Obvious it was gonna happen especially if you read the auxiliary ch. Off screen death is kind of lame to me. Also wish it was a different monster than another rehash of a Percy fight.

    This book has been deleted.