
Comments of chapter undefined of Caspian the Great


I don't get why people assume MC has to go for the throne. He literally has no positive experiences tied to the position, he spent his whole life as a second son, who would not get to sit on it anyway, and suddenly people think he would just refuse a good position, go with his 4 infant dragons and a small boy, and conquer Westeros all alone with his might sword and vague powers. And who knows, maybe he'll even survive long enough on his own to have his dragons grow up, but guess what ? Daenerys will still have bigger dragons, bigger army, more allies, and nicer booty, so quit whining about how you don't like the progression and go write your own OP wish fullfillment SI fanfic, where you get all the dragons and everything goes your way. As for the author, Good Job, the story is fine, and I hope you will not drop it because of some insignificant critique from anonymous smartasses.


sigh it's really turned out to be a sh itty I had hope the if it's same author he would understand his lapse of judgement due to his fascination with danery and would try to come back to the right track but guess I hoped for too much or that the person who wrote the first 14 chapters is the same who wrote the one which followed 100% sure the writer is different thou account may be the same guess this dropped then


Yeah won't be reading any further held out hope that this chapter wouldn't be him agreeing to be her hand. All the build up with saving the starks the visions he had about the storm lords of old getting stormbreaker even hatching his own dragons just to have him bend the knee and want to put someone else on his throne.


could've been one of the best fanfics, too bad u made ur MC a passive beta character. Its a "game of thrones" world, how does he not have one ounce of ambition when he was raised in kings landing while being the sole prince? smh


Many are dissatisfied with him serving under Daenerys but I will continue to read because the story is just beginning. Many things can happen by the time they go to Westeros. Daenerys might even willingly make him king and marry him or she might die who knows. Also the MC's great grandmother was a Targaryen in case if the author forgot to explain his connection with dragons.


WelL this was intetesting till he bent the knee


this author is a good writer that wrote a bad mc he is meek and has no motivation at every corner he doubts himself and would rather be a follower than a leader


i think a great man knows who to bow to... i find the fact that he choose to be a hand and not a king extremely smart in such a situation... Dany will be a good queen and you may very well end up as king anyways if you stark liking each other or at least he will become a hand, which in my opinion is way better: huge power, without really having to put your face on it for the public. In that situation i would have done the same, so yea i can only say good hob author Cant wait for more my dudu

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I'm scared. Just out of curiosity I started reading the latest chapter comments. Just to get a general idea of the fic. Didn't think it would be this bad but still I will read this. As some of the comment praised author till chapter 14.


Thank you for work, fanfic is very good, please do not listen any haters 😁 I think Caspian make right choice, I mean : who said that been king is a success, he can have power much more than any other king, and this gshow that Caspian can choice. So Do not listen people that said: why Caspian kneels to Deni and etc. English is not my first language so if I have any mistakes please excuse me for this


everyone being such noobs im still reading cus this is amazing i just hope his dragons wont be hers we want him to have his own connection like his children dont mind if they like daenarys like drogon is fond of caspian anyways cant wait for next chap



Bro you could reach Top 5 if you updated more :/




Dunno why so much complaining, since he is playing the game strategically. Playing to your strengths and not overestimating himself a good tactic to be honest.


I thank you for the chapter


I'm kinda vary about mc letting Orin be the main caretaker of the dragons.




oh come on. He should tell her about his dragons. Otherwise it would be disastorus later if she finds out on her ow.

