
Comments of chapter undefined of Letters to Romeo.




1. Glad that Connor is still alive and Dante came to stop things for now. 2. Sooooo disapointed that the Corvin didn’t choke Griffin’s head off his body lol 3. I just wanna know who’s gonna be killed 😅 The suspense!!!


It’s sad that he is learning what really happened to his gf. But… Is Conner going to believe that Julie is a real witch or will he think that Luciano just used that word as a derogatory term? Will Conner want to kill Julie? Will he think that Donovan still wants Julie killed and try to warn her? How far will he take his duty to the hunters? Will he wallow in denial of all this info?


Simon will get the information… I am not sure how Conner will get out of the dungeon though. Side note: I wish all our love for Griffin could save him from Ash’s wrath…. 🙏😇


What is Connor going to do. Can’t wait to find out. Thank you Ash for another cliffhanger. ❤️ I have to say I do love them. Oh boy I sound like Simon now, a little twisted 😂


well now Connor knows the truth....will he go against Julie because he feels some type of way because it was suppose to be her? if he makes it out alive I can also see him just completely leaving the group.... maybe not tell his parents and the rest of the groups buy not Want anything to do with the vampires and Julie and possibly Mel since she knew about them. Simon is starting to show he actually cares for Mel! I love it! he really tried to comfort her when he said that she could tell him anything if she was that upset 💞


I was looking forward to Griffin getting a stake through the heart by Julie. A girl can dream…


I doubt Simon was talking about himself when he mentioned vampires are deceiving. He is such a cunning vampire. Somehow he's paving Melanie's path to him through hook or crook. Luciano is such a blunt and straight forward person to narrate everything without amiss to poor little Connor. Now now what's fate has kept for Connor in it's storage? I hope somebody can explain and make him understand so that he won't blindly follow the path of hunters, instead will follow the path of Mel. I can't wait to see how Rome is gonna deal with Griffin once he'll get to know what transpired in the forest ground. Excited Excited for some nice action. Make him regret that he were ever born on this earth Rome.


It's finally happening the moment we've been waiting for to see where the friendship btwn Mel, Julie, and Conner plus Roman would be put into test this time due to the shocking reveal "blabbered" by Lucy which shouldn't have been but had said more than what should be. Since his imprisonment should be vetoed thru voting by the majority, he won't be let go that easily by the Elders as he belongs to a hunter's family (as they'd known it); even if he won't be locked in the dungeon. And looks like the time of the hunters' attack is just looming over the horizon. We know that Mel is already aware on whose side she will take; as enlightened by Grandpa Magnus' advice for her. Worst comes to worst, Conner would feel betrayed by her and even by Julie and Rome. Let see what comes next and how will this pan out...(waiting for lots of action here). 👀👀👀


I wish that Julie would have let Cillian finish Griffin. It's good to see Simon and Mel getting along. I hope Mel realizes that Simon really likes her and is good. Where did Donovan and Roman go? Now Conner knows that Donovan wanted to kill Julie instead of his girlfriend, but doesn't know why other than Donovan didn't want Julie with Roman. Which when Conner puts two and two together he will know that Roman is a vampire too and then think Julie was compelled to be with Roman. Conner will freak out when he finds out Julie is actually a witch and Simon is a vampire that helped his dad. I can't hardly wait to see what happens next! Ash you are the queen of suspense! Thank you for the great chapters!


So, Simon is going to get whatever information Crayon has!!! We all know he doesn’t give a lick what happens to Connor, but he is doing this for Mel!!! Simon being the bigger person here to help ease Mel’s mind and hey, he may even earn a few brownie points in the process!!! 😏😉😏 Luci is a complete idiot to utter all that incriminating evidence in front of Connor!!! He really believes Connor will be killed so he does not care one way or another!!! Connor will not be killed by the Veteris staff, but I believe he will wind up being their biggest enemy!!! 😬😳😬 Great update Ash!!! Loved it!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work!!! I’ll just sit here with my anxiety level at a 20 out of 10 until the next update!!! 😉😏😉


I can’t wait to read how Connor escapes Veteris, and what will happen to Mel and Simon!


conner knows now!!! will he go against julie


So much is going on without Roman present, showing that Julie is feeling confident and stronger as she trusts her powers. Mel is falling for Simon little by little like Julie fell for Rome. Both asked them to become friends. It's as if vampire's romantic relationships start that way. It's as if asking permission to get into your life in a formal way. Before we know it, Mel and Simon will be a couple. It will protect the human hunter for sure.


i hope Crayon is one of the brighter colors out of the box....😂


that elder ...why would he tell Connor the truth...I feel that bad intention from his part😓😓😓😓


Thank you for the great chapters!! I so wish that Cillian would have popped Griffens stupid head off. Coming soon I hope! I hope Connor doesnt hold this info against Julie. Pretty sure he wont be getting out of the dungeon any way


Connors found out the truth and I can't see anything good coming out of it. Will he be able to piece together that Julie is involved with the vampires. Did he even catch on to Luciano mentioning that shes a witch? Hopefully Connir doesn't spiral but I'm seeing some terrible things for the future. I'm more than confident in Simon's ability to get the information Melanie is looking for, I just dont think its going to be obtained peacefully.


Where did our dear roman go ...????!!!!! 😔😔


Simon is about to go ham on that dude, lol. I love Mel is depending on So right now. Thank God Eloise saved that idiot Connor. I hope he can eventually be compelled again so he can be saved.


Ash, your ability for cliffhangers is unparalleled. Waiting to read what happens next. Thank you for this update.