

2019-04-07 JoinedIndia

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  • Suja

    Wait according to Roman, he should be thinking that Julie doesn’t remember anything ryt

    'Word has reached to my ears that you broke another rule. Walking outside in the night past the curfew time, you must be eager to go to the detention room. You will be breaking records at this rate compared to the other new students who are being more compliant. What were you doing in the forest last night?
    Letters to Romeo.
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Hmmmmmmmm By his compliment.. I doubt if Anna is a mere earthling

    "As ugly as the underworld is, there are a few women who hold ranks and praises for their appearance, but I doubt they can surpass you. For an earthling, you look flawless."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Like this 😂😂😂😂

    If Anastasia were a dog, one would have seen her ears flop in discouragement at Dante's words. Because his memory being wiped out was something she had been counting upon. Apart from his eyes, his appearance was the same as before, and her brown eyes involuntarily moved to the top of his head, which he took notice of. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Existence in the sense ? As in love existence or the enemy descendant existence Oh Anna !!!! I would run too Mr. Demon king Take it easy on her please Anna was like .. haha good to know 😂

    Anastasia had hoped for it! Amusement filled his eyes before he stated, "I haven't forgotten about your existence."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww holy god I’m starting to love this demon Don’t see it the word but the power it comes with it Remember calhoun He is raw but he has his own character to attract us And I already am 🥰❤️

    Dante leaned back and crossed his legs before remarking, "I will be taking back what belongs to me."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    I have no words .. the guilt killed him .. he understood that he is doing wrong on Mary sister .. oh god .. you shouldn’t have done this Max .. nooo

    As Anastasia approached the king's chamber in the corridor, she could hear voices coming from inside the room. When she came to stand before the doorway, she saw the royal family members gathered around the bed. On the bed lay King Maxwell, covered with a white bedsheet stained red with his blood. His hand, which had turned to metal with his ability, was lodged in his chest as his vacant eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    What the ………..!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

    As Anastasia approached the king's chamber in the corridor, she could hear voices coming from inside the room. When she came to stand before the doorway, she saw the royal family members gathered around the bed. On the bed lay King Maxwell, covered with a white bedsheet stained red with his blood. His hand, which had turned to metal with his ability, was lodged in his chest as his vacant eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Awewwww Just like Cal and Maddie This is so perfect Ash After this chapter I’m going back to my king Calhoun and live in his world one more time ❤️

    Instead, Anastasia watched as he raised the glass to his lips and took a mouthful of the water. Her feeble attempt to distract and change the subject failed, and the butterfly in her stomach returned, anxiously fluttering as he leaned towards her and angled his face in front of hers. Hesitantly, she brought her lips closer to his before parting them. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja
    "I made sure to lock the door," Dante replied against her lips, saying, "You taste too sweet to stop here and now."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Oh god Chapter 100 is really a 100 This is so sweet and hot Dante tell her the fabulous news that she no longer a courtesan and no longer belongs to anyone except you YOU

    "I made sure to lock the door," Dante replied against her lips, saying, "You taste too sweet to stop here and now."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Vizier get ready you bas**** And Dante can you do the same to ‘king’ Maxwell Coz he is having little trouble to be in his place and jumping here there like a child asking for everything he likes to be his And next niyasa pleaseeee .. I want feel her the pain And coming to our beloved Queen Mata .. we want to her her getting tortured everyday to know the pain she caused to all of you Yup I’m evil and I’m happy that way 😂 Anna just sign those papers before Maxwell does smthg to you

    "Feel like speaking yet?" Then without hesitation, he pulled out the heart from the guard's chest. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    DANTE CLAIMED HIS WOMEN Step out you guys DANTE CLAIMED DONT POKE THE DEMON coz you won’t like it Max Trust me 😏😏😏😏

    Dante stared back at Maxwell before he openly laid claim on Anastasia, "I will be taking her as my woman. It would be best for you not to hover over her, or people will wrongfully get the impression that you are looking at her when you have already found your soulmate."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    One more hit on Anna and you will see 800 % dear Welcome the demon with respect

    The Mother Queen took a sharp breath before she whispered, "That's more than eighty…"
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    This is mesmerising Ash we want to see Dante in king attire with his red eyes You gave the best illustration for calhoun darling We want to Dante toooo

    When Dante raised his eyes to meet Aziel's old eyes, the minister froze upon noticing the golden slits in the dark red eyes. He stated, "Have the physician prepared by the time she's ready to be seen."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Dante !!!!!!!!!!! I was never this happy to see you here

    "Prince Dante!" The men and women looked even more worried now than when they were peering at the water, for the cursed prince himself had arrived. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ho god I’m screamingggggg Ash you should write a story with calhoun and Dante Oh god The claiming is epic

    Dante stared back at Maxwell before he openly laid claim on Anastasia, "I will be taking her as my woman. It would be best for you not to hover over her, or people will wrongfully get the impression that you are looking at her when you have already found your soulmate."
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja
    Replied to namelesone

    Perfectly explained U exactly said what I have in my mind What to see who else thinks like us

    She then heard someone breathing behind her, turning her body stiff, and before she could turn to look at who it was, she felt something hard strike the back of her head with force.
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Why do I feel that it’s maybe lady Noor Coz she is being low and just my sense hinting it’s maybe her to create war between these ppl and so will clear a path for his son on throne soon Just a speculation But yeah Who ever played with Dante and are playing with Anna now Hmm I’m waiting for the demon to give us a nice show Hehe😈😈

    She then heard someone breathing behind her, turning her body stiff, and before she could turn to look at who it was, she felt something hard strike the back of her head with force.
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Please give him a hug on my account Anna Soothe him with your presence

    When she parted her lips to reply, Dante said, "Would you like to join me in gazing at the sea?" Anastasia blinked in surprise before nodding in agreement. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Suja

    Anna Maybe just maybe try to sing a song for the lady Your voice has magic ryt Maybe she can come back to life for few more minutes Maybe she can talk to dante for one last time Anna Just try

    "There was nothing. Nothing," he said while shaking his head, as this was supposed to be a secret, and he quickly left the room. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Fantasy · ash_knight17