
Comments of chapter undefined of MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)


boutta become a true villain when horizon finds out... or not I dunno maybe he took it to heart when they told him that they could die...


all the work nezu put into him will be gone in a moment plus probably nezu will side with horizon on this too soo i think world will have a 1 less island&nation


Lol, Horizon's spark to be a hero is gonna be extinguished sooner than later, it seems.

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Yeah man, I hope you have this planned out really well and is in line with his personality. This could seriously make or break this novel depending on how he reacts. If he doesn’t do anything, this novel will crash and you will lose readers like water flowing through a screen. If he acts in line with his personality it would lead to the deaths of Pantu, her entire family, and Stars and Stripes. Probably in very horrific manner. That’s just the bare minimum of what needs to happen for this plot twist to not destroy your novel. If you want to have Horizon truly shine, he still needs to come out smelling like roses in the end. I think this is an awesome plot twist but truly whatever comes next (as well as how long pantu can get away with tricking him) could propel this novel to new heights or have a bare minimum of half your readers deleting it from their library. Also if pantu can still lie to him after his quirk has awakened that opens a whole bunch of doors I think you’d rather leave closed. If pantu can lie to him then any old quirk can affect him like shinso’s mind control quirk. If pantu can lie to him with her quirk then that either means her quirk is at the same level as his or he is extremely vulnerable to many quirks. I hope this all goes well because I REALLY like this novels and don’t want to have to set it down because of something silly. Anyways tftc.



taking his personality into consideration this is a possible resolution for this: Horizon finds out but holds it in for now, then Japan gets into some huge trouble again just like the gigantomachia, but he won't go, hours pass, no sign of him, pantu gets a message, for him to go and resolve the issue, she should kill her entire family with her own two hands(no weapons), he operates on her so that she will live for a very long time, then he'll save japan, this time, properly unlike gigantomachia, so japan understands what would've been the case without him, another demo of his power, as for the cause of delay, pantu had injuries and had to be treated, thre birds with one stone


so the mc is being manipulated from the start


Anticipating the reveal like...


What I wish to have happened by the time the book ends Is Horizon and Star and Stipes fight, Horizon figuring out his parents are dead and him 'rampaging' across Japan, and then at the end he should move to america with Ryuko, Miruko and Mei lol


oh my God 😟😟I did NOT see that coming.Japan is finished


Pantu signed Japan’s death warrant with the blood of Horizon’s parents.

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This has been my favorite story of MHA so far, I have never been able to watch the anime because of how “kid” like the world is. I love how this author turns it and makes it feel more realistic with human choices that are morally gray. I really enjoyed this plot twist and can’t wait to keep on reading! Kudos to you author!


Having learned his parents died saddens me. Obviously, they weren't good people, but they legitimately cared for Law and raised him to be the best he could be. They didn't care whether he became a hero, a villain, or neither. They wanted him to be happy. I assume that (after more training with his quirk) when he finds out about his parents' death, that is what causes his awakening. I fully expect the death of Pantu and Stars and Stripes in particular, of course, only after having a VERY long discussion with either of them. Also, if the populace learned who Horizon's parents are and found out Pantu broke contract and let them be killed, I wonder how the world would react.


this is going to be a make or break moment what is his definition of a true hero and what will be his reaction to that information


Yeah, Pantu, Star and Stripe as well as Japan itself might not survive when, not if, Law discovers that they've lied and used him. Pantu in particular might have to watch how her entire family gets eviscerated by Horizon.


Pantu and everybody she cares about are about to get massacred




it looks strange. I understand that the decision to execute looks “justified” in terms of the risks, after all, on the one hand, the only hero of the mysterious class, and on the other, just a doctor. But when did it become known that the law was of a mysterious class, and it did not show those signs of cruelty that the pantu had hoped for? his parents are dead, she broke the contract, and he's of a mysterious class, what was she going to do (if horizon hadn't shown his bad side) when the contract came to an end?

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As others have said it this is THE make or break moment of this novel. It could go on to become one of the best novel or it could flop so badly that it will be hard recover. I have been a huge fan of your novel. I have that itching feeling to drop this novel but i won't because i know you are trying to cook something and i can smell it. But please always remember what horizon's true essence is and don't make a blunder of his character.
