
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto : The Wind Calamity


Mi amigo no se preocupe por los demás que dicen que te saltes el arco o no lo agregues porque son los primeros que después quieren saber como se fundo la organización si nunca antes lo mencionaste y hagas un arco de ello, no hay como darles en el gusto jajsj ,no se preocupe y haga su historia como tenía contemplado hacerla ud es el creador así que mucho ánimo y siga sorprendiendonos como siempre. Gracias por el capítulo.


Thanks for the chapter. About the organization set up. The thing is, people wouldn't mind it so much if the chapters were already there. But instead, they need to wait to read something they're not AS enthusiastic about. Either way, don't get too upset over it. People like to eat, but they don't like cooking, and doing dishes. We still all like your story. :)

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Great chapter senpai! Fujin is spreading himself too thin though. A third identity is a bit too much for him at this stage. If a rank S suddenly attacked, one of his other identities might get leaked. It'll be fun to see how Fujin handles that 😆


first of all thank you for the chapter. regarding the introduction, ignoring the comments on the short chapters, I wouldn't count them, it's not that people count the words, it was probably just an impression they had based on the content of the chapter or on expectations. as regards the comments on the organisation, I think the point is different. It bothers some that Fujin's motivations are very little concrete, especially if you think about the work and the risks he runs. In short, it seems like it's more of a choice made to make the plot go a certain way, and not a choice that a real person in Fujin's place would make. After all, if the problem were information there would be no need to create an organization of the magnitude it seems to want to become. take mine not as a criticism of your work, but as advice for improvement in the future. If the protagonist has to make a drastic choice he must have a more concrete motivation, or, in his absence, the opportunity must happen to him without having planned it beforehand (so that the risk - effort - benefits ratio makes sense again)

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I love your stories and appreciate All the work you put into this, also I know you probably hear it all the time from supportive fans but I'll have my go at it... haters gonna hate nothin that can be done about it, and that sucks. But even if people heavily criticize you than their loss. I for one can't wait for the organization building, it's this sort of stuff that I live for. And truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for keeping with this amazing story. And I'm sorry that as someone who's still in highschool that I'm not able to support you on patreon.

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To be honest, I want the organization set-up, because Fujin, no matter how strong he gets, will still be limited in certain aspects in terms of gathering information, research, and etc. Even with knowledge about the future, our MC shouldn't be 100% reliant on it considering the butterfly effect of his actions. We should be seeing more diversity and change in the OG story at this juncture since we're nearing the 500 chapter mark. It'll be interesting how the author plans to go on forward with the story. (side note: I kind of want Fujin's organization to be a haven for the oppressed.)

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Fujin could try to have his Shiden identity focus his battle style around taking control of the battlefield through various traps with Fuinjutsu. For example in his bases or during battles he could create heavy & light gravity zones with seals in certain areas, trapped storage seals that will release their contents if a ninja or chakra touches them (like large amounts of weapons, water, rocks, etc...), paralysis seals, and many more options. If he adds poison to the mix it would be even more effective.

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Thanks for the chapter and even though some people dislike the organization, if its a important part of your story go for it. I dont find it bad at all and I can also see the logic in having one.


Author, I'll be honest with you. People are probably using organization to not complain about what really bothers them, which is the pacing of the story and plot. To be honest, I believe the story should be faster with the current plot. For all we currently have are Fujin's trainings and a few smaller arcs, it may not seem like it, but this is exhausting for some readers. I don't know if you're dragging the plot to meet the goal of chapters or because you may be out of ideas, if it's some of these options and want to keep the current pace, then I advise you to put the content of the movies and extras in place of the training sections, make Fujin interact more with the original characters. Well, believe me, all this can get worse if the plot doesn't suffer a major setback in Canon, because the longer the delay, the greater the expectation. Good luck brother 👍🏾

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I think third identity is a bit too much for him at this point. He can handle Jonins but anything would be a bit of pain to fight. Anyway Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter🫶


Nice chapter, about the organization just make sure to the motivation of Fujin is good enough, otherwise this entire decision will look a great mistake.

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Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter, hope you will keep up with the good work 🙂 My thoughts about the organization set up are.. not really matters! What is important is the plot, and if you have one that is already well thought and you believe to be good, then don't change it for just a few people complaining.

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actually having an organization would be better than taking control of a ninja village in the long term. Even if he became the Hokage and makes a private force, he’d still need to answer to other people the cause if his doings. And he would have to contend with mostly hidden leaf shinobis. But imagine if he had an organization comprised of shinobi from all villages and had kekkei genkais too. Furthermore by playing with oppressed peoples feelings he can recruit a lot of loyal to the core shinobis from everywhere. If he becomes hokage then other villages would never work with konoha because it has most of the time been the strongest village in the history. By creating an organization he can have dominance over other villages as well. His organization can slowly squeeze in small shinobi nations into it by hook or by crook. The rest you can imagine yourself. It’s a great and farsighted ideal plan for our mc. Also about word count we don’t dare about it. But after reading other works, your novel might be normal in character length or it might also be in lower side. But that doesn’t matter at all as long as you’re healthy in both body and mind. So keep up the good work.

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I've really enjoyed your novel! I like your writing style, and am here for the journey. I think building an organization is a natural part of any story where the protagonist grows in power. Don't let the negativity influence you, and tell the story that you wan't to tell.

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Thanks for the Chapter

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Ty for chap!


He won't be able to start an organization since he was born way too late. The 4th ninja war would start in 3-4 yrs, even before that he'd be extremely busy from Konoha missions and the freaking non-stop training. He might as well become an Anbu commander or Root if you really insist of him having an organization. A bunch of ragtags of rouge ninjas would just be fodder.