
Comments of chapter undefined of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


We are the same adui I really hate side chap and I like authors to focus more on the mc but when it comes to this novel where side chap is rarely written I feel like I would love it and I feel like I miss side chap now lol but if ur just realising 2 chap a day maybe u could do that when u can do 5 chap or 4 chaps

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I feel like side stories can be good. But with short chapters and only so much releases(don'tget me wrong, you're doing an amazing job by publishing 2 chaps a day), i find myself only wanting to read about Noah getting stronger. Maybe if you're able to mix both in one chapter and make it a bit longer. Or keep the side stories at just 2 chapters at a time. I really like the pace at witch the story is progressing now. But i suppose anything you write about this amazing world would be interesting to read.

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I like side stories, but with the current rate of release I think it would be risky to publish quite a few of them, you mentioned weeks ago that over the summer we might be seeing some more 3/4 chapter sundays and I think that would be a great way to cover all of the happenings when Noah isnt around 2 chapters of Noah getting more powerful and 1-2 of side characters growing as we eventually see the two sides come together for important events in the future


Heck, with the death of millions of high level fiends, he could have enough skill points to make a skill to help comprehend another dao or maYbe make all of his summons prismatic

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Side stories good imo, its not filler if it adds to story


I'm all for the side stories, especially the stuff with forgotten skill trees


Love the side stories! I also really enjoy where the main story is going, but make sure you strengthen the characters from early on too. Its kinda disheartening when old characters that we really liked just get forgotten. Rather than adding more new characters, strengthen the old ones properly like you are now. Thanks for the chapter!!! Can’t wait for tomorrows.



I wouldn't mind reading a few chapters around the sides characters since I kinda like everything about this novel. But just be sure to write at the right moment, we have been like someone addicted waiting for the daily chapters, so it would be kinda frustrating to see a chapter about his homeland in the middle of something exciting.


I think for this novel side stories should only be released as a bonus chapter and not replacing the main 2 daily chapters. That way the story doesn't lose its pacing and the readers that want some of thoes stories can still get them.


Wrote a bit about the author note in the disc. Simply, have the side chars actually progress the power of either Noah and/or the whole galaxy as a group. Penguin help Noah with space laws? Inuit find a new treasure with fate? A smol girl gains insight into the death law?


Yes! Its time to bring the vampire lord and fate trees to black hole/quasaar! The skill points are there!


i would love if u work something out with the shelved skills lich and vampire... OR U CAN MAYBE DO SOMETHING LIKE THE LICH INTERACTING WITH THE ANCIENTS OR ANIMUS i think it would be pretty cool hope people like this comment and i get author's attention


I think a few side stories done here and there say like 2-4 chaps a week on the big topics Wouod be a great balance of staying on the main story but building the world a bit. The arrogant birds HAVE to meet. And an update on the leading females. This isnt a romance novel but Id be intereted in seeing that area progress a bIt further. Work it into a training session of noah building everyone elses strengths

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I agree with some of the first few comments that readers do like this novel because of the lack of side stories and just staying with Noah’s journey to power. There are many examples where important character arcs felt like fillers, even with popular stories like Bleach or Naruto. On the other hand, I did like how the series “A Song of Ice and Fire” was written (the series where the book Game of Thrones is a part of for those that only watched the show). It switches between main characters very well, all driven to eventually arrive at the intersection at some point. The problem is that is started that format at the very beginning so it may be difficult to switch formats. Maybe some possibilities that could be done are: - Noah tasks a character or group of characters with a critical mission that the readers can follow or get updates on every now and then - since Noah was sexually intimate with some of the characters, the concept of heir makes sense especially since some of these females are royalty; add some conflict where the pregnant character is being hunted down could allow a side story to be followed - a flashback or backstory, similar to The Beginning After The End, that might reveal something deeper about the main character; for Noah, it could be something about his parents or expand more on what exactly happened on Earth (maybe some unknown facts) that eventually relates to Noah, or what really made Noah special enough to be chosen instead of randomly chosen


why dont he upgrade those vampire bloodline to his current power, maybe additional clone will appear?


I really enjoy side stories however I can also agree that they can be disruptive if it's in the middle of a fight so perhaps doing like 1 to 4 chapters at the end of a volume and maybe 1 or sometimes none after every arc?


I think at this point you Shouldnt do side stories, but incorporate the other characters in to the main story. I would like to see the emporer penguin and Khazuko go to One Of the new galaxies with Noah, or help Him in battle. Or Barbatos with her Dead army. Or any of the forgotten Op skill trees. It would of been awesome to see thE Lich Emporer lay waste to the fiends like it did in the infernal realm. I guess im what im saying is keep using all the great story lines and plot points that got Noah to where he is today. I would especially like to see the Vampire porginator skill tree again, as it is the sole reason how Noah is able to do half of the things he is able to now thanks to the blood clones. I also Agree that instead of writing more chapters, make the current two a tad bit longer so you can include some of these things without taking away from the main story and your pacing


Would they really be just side stories or fillers though. I dont want these people to just get shelved, especially people like barbatos, adelaide, athena, and Anna. i feel like you need to have some stories that focus on them and their thoughts to enrich the experience


make the side stories a separate book... and not have that one go premium... make them when you feel like it


honestly I love Noah/Alexs pov but I think that chapters that focus on the side characters are needed a bit, they keep the story fresh and honestly I love Nights journal entries a lot more then I'd like to admit. I think it would help the story and world building to have a few more side chapters.