


You might only be a speck of dust in this vast universe, but without you, the universe cannot exist.

2020-10-12 JoinedUnited States



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  • Dreyerboys

    Just a thought, but… it’s hard to say whether this is a bad idea or not. I mean, if I was just a normal person, I would not want to live in a city filled with cultivators. The chances of dying randomly seem pretty high. On the other hand, if I was a cultivator, I wouldn’t want normal people making laws and ruling over me and other cultivators. Not necessarily because they’re weak, but can you trust a normal person to know what it feels like to be a cultivator? Can you trust they will work in your best interest, or will they do everything they can to gather as much power as possible to control said cultivators? I feel like combining the two would create a dystopian society, where normal people live a life of pseudo-slavery, under the thumb of the powerful, yet being able to do nothing. They’ll never be able to rise up, creating a vicious downward cycle of poverty and submission.

    Led by some cultivators, they were unwilling to let ordinary people hold power, claiming they wanted to establish a cultivator nation, where everyone would be able to practice cultivation.
    Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast
    Eastern · Encounter Atop The Celestial Mountain
  • Dreyerboys
    That made Cipher stop as he turned around and stared at Malice. "Good. You should learn to take the hand that wants to help you, Malice. If I walked away, you would've probably remained in this hellhole for the rest of your life. I can sense that you fear me. But…"
    Rise Of The Greatest Blade Arcane
    Fantasy · Frost_Bite8
  • Dreyerboys
    Replied to Bokziboi

    Haha, that’s fine. I mostly wrote it for the author, anyways. Reviews on Webnovel are like 99% worthless and I want mine to be something the author can, hopefully, take reference from and maybe learn something. However unlikely that will be 😞. Though, I may have gone a bit overboard here… The gist of it is, give the novel a shot.

    Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking
    Fantasy · Hateful_Fellow
  • Dreyerboys

    I’m also a little confused here. Bro could be their ancestor 100x over. It’s a little awkward to see him acting his way.

    "I promise, I'll protect Xin'er and all of you. I'll become someone you can be proud of, someone worthy of the love and trust you've given me."
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    Uhhh… what? So, what did he regret? That he was a bad judge of character? That he got betrayed? I understand loneliness, but that was purely his own doing. He wanted power under the guise of helping his family. Nothing wrong with that. Also, he had a loving family who would be more than glad to spend time with him plus a vast amount of time. I really don’t buy that he was “lonely”. From where I stand, all his actions kept him safe, powerful, mentally stable, and alive. As soon as he got mixed up with “friends” he literally died. If there’s anything to learn, it’s not “I won’t push people away and will grow with them.” It should be, “I’ll be more cautious of who I grow close to.”

    "You're right, Father. I've learned from my past lives that pushing everyone away only leads to loneliness and regret. This time, I'll cherish the people around me and grow stronger with them."
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    I agree with @Bloo_dReaper. Introspection is good.

    Ch 18 Chapter 18 Truth
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    No POV of his previous parents reacting to his death?

    Ch 11 A New Beginning
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    Imma be blunt. These first 10 chapters could’ve been way better. First, this prologue took way too long, with hardly any information other than the MC learning and getting stronger. You could’ve easily cut this all down to 2-3 chapters and it would’ve been much better. Second, these last few chaps were SUPER forced. Everything seemingly happened for no reason. It’s like this was something that popped out of a Random Betrayal Scene Generator and a Random Death Generator. If you were going to take this long to “flesh-out” the MC a bit, you could’ve taken some time to “flesh-out” the plot/exposition that makes the story meaningful. I’m willing to turn a blind eye to it, for the rest of the plot, but it does ruin a lot of the potential of the novel. It also sets a bad precedent. For example, you’re giving readers the impression that your story will just be a lot of random coincidences happening arbitrarily simply to move the plot along. It wouldn’t even take a lot of editing. Just a few sentence here or a paragraph there. Just doing that, you could improve reader engagement significantly, even with a prologue that’s way too long. I don’t really have any critiques for the specifics, as I’m more than okay with them, but it’s just these broader things that might make the novel look worse than it actually is. (This is what a shorter prologue could fix. It would tell us, “Oh, so he’s just recounting the MCs past life before getting into the story.” A lot less room for error while (hopefully) increasing reader retention.) Third, despite the long prologue, we don’t actually get a feel for the MCs character, other than he’s a recluse. I kind of hoped for a bit more. That’s all for now. I’ll check out the rest, see if the writing style changed and you were just more focused on reaching this point than anything else.

    Ch 10 Desperation
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    I don’t want to be rude, but this is so dumb. Bro literally gave up the treasure first. Why not fight the MC before he got his hands on the cube? I get the ambush, but that also makes no sense. Nothing makes sense. If this dude knew the MC’s power, why bring only “weaklings” to stop him? I find it highly unlikely that he knew the cube would seal peoples powers.

    "Not only do I know about your cultivation base, but I also know that it is sealed currently and you also got a peerless treasure which might have surpassed the limits of the Divine realm. Now I have all the more reason to kill you off right now before you release the seal on your cultivation; otherwise, I'm afraid you will exterminate my entire clan in the future."
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    I know he nods here, but I’m honestly just confused. How’d those people figure out his power was sealed? All he said was that the cube fused with him. It also never states or shows the MCs power dropping or being limited in any way. Only that he unleashed his cultivation to try and defend himself. Mind you, that in no way means it was sealed.

    Ling Tian nodded his head but even then, everyone was having trouble believing it even then they all decided to trust their brother who they had fought so many battles together with.
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    I must’ve read the beginning of this chapter 10 times, but nowhere does it state his power has been sealed.

    Everyone was scared out of their wits after knowing that the cultivation base of someone at the level of God Emperor had been sealed, rendering him powerless. They asked him just to be sure.
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    If I could, I would highlight this paragraph, but since I can’t, just know that I’ve noted it.

    His voice carried a mixture of camaraderie and jest. "Brother Yuan, why don't you take it? After all, you are the strongest and have the highest status among us. We can rely on you in the future after you become even more powerful."
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys
    Replied to Primordial_Seven

    Ayyy, I know the latter

    Apparently, this expert, known as the Monarch of Eternal Nights, had discovered his wife was having an affair with a member of his enemy sect. Enraged by this news, he coughed up divine blood and collapsed. 
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    I feel like the logic is a bit flawed. I mean, why even give him the scripture if he can’t use it? Second, why not let him study the scripture at the beginning of his cultivation? Sounds a bit counterintuitive to arbitrarily say “Wait until you’re 18 to learn.” When there are techniques that require him to practice at the beginning. (I get that I’m being pedantic, but it’s like telling a kid, you can’t go to preschool until you turn 18.) In fact, thinking about it now, this logic is worse than I thought. There are so many people who find out what they really want to do when they’re children by trying out and experiencing all sorts of things. Then, there’s the fact that, not only is the MC a genius, but with a cultivation realm with “Immortal” in the name, his lifespan can’t be low and will only keep growing. Even if he gets distracted or held back by practicing numerous professions at once, so what? These parents… they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, huh… But let’s see if they have reasons for their actions…

    Ling Tian pondered for a long time before finally deciding, "I really want to cultivate the Heaven Devouring Codex, but it needs to be cultivated from the mortal plane to achieve its maximum potential. It also requires many types of low-tier and high-tier flames to upgrade it to the next level. So, I should cultivate The Eternal Flame Meditation technique. It will improve based on my cultivation. Even though it doesn't have as many uses as the Heaven Devouring Codex, it is still the best option for me."
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    So, Dust Realities are infinite in size, and Globe Worlds are infinitely larger than them…

    "Then comes the Globe Worlds, which are infinitely bigger than Dust Realities and transcend them as well.
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Eastern · Primordial_Seven
  • Dreyerboys

    Doesn’t he have [Arc of Embodiment] though? And infinite mana? Theoretically, rather than modifying evil pieces, he can literally just create his own and/or something better.

    [ By my estimations, it would take around.... 550,000 Soul Points. Nearly half your current amount. ]
    DxD: Soul System
    Anime & Comics · Luigi_Lightning
  • Dreyerboys
    Ch 333 Gathering at the Transfer Gate
    A Chosen's Ascension: The Path To Omniscience
    Fantasy · SwagnosticDaoist
  • Dreyerboys

    Side note: It’s not that the human body can’t use 100% of its potential strength at once, as it can. Our brains prevent our bodies from going all out to protect against injuries. For example, if you were trying to bicep curl 100% of your maximum potential, your bone, tendons, and muscles might very well just snap. That’s worst case scenario, but injuries are almost guaranteed to happen no matter what at that intensity. Still, you could get crazy strong, so definitely a good skill lol

    'What?? That is really strong. He could throw punches with his back even.' thought Midas enviously with a chuckle. The human body can only release a maximum of 40 to 70 percent of it's otential force at a time during fights. If he really has that much control, he could even be able to reach 100 percent, at least ideally. Midas was getting more and more excited.
    A Chosen's Ascension: The Path To Omniscience
    Fantasy · SwagnosticDaoist
  • Dreyerboys

    It seems I have underestimated you, author. lol

    Ch 5 60 Million Years
    A Chosen's Ascension: The Path To Omniscience
    Fantasy · SwagnosticDaoist
  • Dreyerboys
    Replied to SwagnosticDaoist

    We’re all losers, author lol. I bet some of these dudes have gone days, foregoing sleep and maybe even eating, just to keep reading. (Not talking about myself…👀)

    One thing Midas knew, he had his work cut out for him. It had only been almost 24 hours since he entered this challenge and he already felt like giving up. But he also understood something else. This was an opportunity. He was just about to start the Seven Trials which would endanger his life. If he could learn some life preserving methods before tackling the Trials he would be in a better position to handle whatever comes his way.
    A Chosen's Ascension: The Path To Omniscience
    Fantasy · SwagnosticDaoist