
Comments of chapter undefined of The Marvelous Superman

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The funny thing is everyone complaining about Superman's strength, while for me the most disconcerting thing was Spider-Man there. How did he get there in time? Why is his spider-sense so developed that he can sense danger in another city? There was a lack of logic in these aspects for me, Spider-Man shouldn't have spider-sense at that level and shouldn't even be able to get to the place in time.



Passerby_Venne:shhhh, do not use your brain, it's not good for your health!

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Anyway, I am out. Author, you either lack certain basic understanding of the heroes, their power levels, abilities you write about or manipulate reality for plot, just to bring the heroes together, like there aren't other villains to do that for you. If you don't want OP, don't make him OP, but choosing an OP class\power, then nerfing it... why bother? Hulk would need to be 20 times stronger than his base (100 tons, I am being nice) and Superman ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND times weaker (100,000) than his adult "max" (not really max but it depends your source, and unlike Hulk he doesn't have on and off button or anger, he either is strong or not) for this fight to happen as you wrote it. Even if you consider his age as a factor, remove maybe one 0 from that. If you wrote it like the MC is hiding his strength, or playing around I could get it, actually smart to not tell others how strong he is, but you wrote it as if he is struggling, he was. Anyway, hope you don't take this as a rant and more consideration in the future when you choose powers, etc. I am sure some would still like the novel and wont mind the details, its good.


lol, this is funny. Superman could lift 2 billion ton on a decent day. Nowhere near his max. Hulk can left 100 tons easily when calm (none MCU). Hulk was knocked out once by Iron Man. You can see how I think this fight was a joke.

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He has Superman’s and Deadpool’s abilities this should be super easy for him.

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It's a good fight scene, don't let the people crying discourage you, they just don't like to see the mc losing. Though one thing that doesn't make sense it's why is superman fighthing hulk on the ground? Throw him around in the air and he candy find a footing do throw strong punches or anything else.

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I’m guessing this is the real hulk and not the honestly pathetic mcu version? Comic Hulk has a good chance at beating some superman variants, so this fight would make sense

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People forget Superman grows in power over time. You don’t notice it in the comics because he’s already an adult and mega op, so it doesn’t look like his powerlevel is changing.


dude... where's his deadpool power? where did you see deadpool getting tired? he can fight for days and not feel fatigue much less with superman's body that has gigantic resistance

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To the guys who are complaining I just want to say that it is clear the author is using the comics not the Mcu so just forget MCU and wait until he is an adult if you want a powerful MC.


The Hulk shouldn't have won this battle. He acts like he didn't know about the hulk getting stronger the madder he gets. Why hasn't he investigated his ship? Author, your losing me. I love fan fictions but they should be somewhat accurate power wise.

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Don’t listen to the haters author, I love how strong you made hulk and it really puts into perspective how powerful these beings are.

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Reading the comments I've noticed how little the readers actually think. 1) Its been only a few years since he unlocked his powers, he is nowhere near the level of Superman at his prime. Not to mention with school, he doesn't have a lot of time to spend sunbathing. 2) This isn't MCU, a lot of DC fans just take MCU Hulk as Hulk at his strongest when MCU Hulk has been so nerfed its not even a joke. Comic Hulk grows infinitely stronger with his rage and at one point lifted 2 octillion tons, much stronger than Superman's 2 billion tons y'all are quoting. Comparing Comic Hulk to MCU Hulk is like comparing God to Captain America. 3) MC was arrogant and didn't end the fight quickly which made Hulk get very angry, a few hours of a onesided beatdown would do that to you. Which of course due to the reasons above let him just go off the roof in power.

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Hulk is newly made rn, like he said 2 months ago. The power scaling is too op, no? I thought it would be a gradual change


Come on man. Just throw him into space and be done with it.

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Nope,I'm out.



From what I remember correctly, Kryptonians are shown to have unlimited stamina if they are consistently exposed to an yellow sun's sunlight, so fighting in a daylight should be his advantage cause he will never run of stamina and he will also gain additional power up by breaking through his limits just like the original Superman (in his fight against Faora-Ul, Nak-em, General Zod and Doomsday.) And couple with Deadpool regeneration and unlimited stamina so why TF his body is shaking from exhaustion and become unconscious? (Movie: Dawn of Justice and Man of Steel)


stop saying superman many time and say MC name instead Karl punch the hulk ,while the hulk feel only inch ..it's still show that hulk feel the pain


Bueno autor te me cuidas , no sabes nada de los niveles de poder y solo espectaculaste con lo que sabías o con lo que leíste superficialmente y escribiste lo que se te antojo ( a como debe ser) pero recuerda que si quieres que alguien lea tus historias al menos trata de que sea coherente y que no te haga quedar como un tonto que no sabe nada pero escribe de manera errónea Suerte espero que mejores ,regresaré en unos meses o años espero que hayas mejorado 🙋🏼‍♀️👋🏻


iron man would be more of a burden than a help at this point in history, he would be too weak