
10 Signs Of Summer

Natsu Aoi's summer vacation plan was supposed to be simple. 1. Go fishing with her dad. 2. Help mom at the bakery. 3. Part-time job. 4. Overnight trip with Risa and Rin. 5. Attend Risa's dad's party. but that was until she met Gin Yamamoto who messed up her plan ever since she attended that party. It was one hell of a party which she'll never forget. After all, that night, he turned her world upside down. Literally.

MaffyTaffy · General
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"What do you wanna talk about?" Natsu asked on the stairs as they both walked towards the rooftop.

Natsu was anxious. She didn't want to hurt her friend but at the same time, she couldn't keep herself from grinning.

"Let's talk when we get to the rooftop" Rin replied and walked silently. Natsu followed behind, hiding her both hands behind her back. Her mouth quivered as she desired to speak but stayed silent nonetheless as they arrived.

"So? are you gonna tell me?" Natsu asked as she leaned her both hands in the cemented rail on the rooftop. She looked down and studied each students that come and go in the school gates.

Rin leaned beside her and uttered a sigh. Rin was no longer anxious as he figured out he was going to be rejected and he thought he might as well tell his feelings.

"I think you might have an idea what I have to say" Rin said as he put his hands inside the pocket.

"Kind of" Natsu shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well it's kind of embarrassing to say it but would you go out with me?" Rin confessed.

Natsu sighed.

"Sorry but I'm not interested in dating at the moment" she rejected.

Rin sighed in relief.

"Then what are you interested in?" Rin asked.

"Well...That's a secret" Natsu smiled.

"Nothing bad I hope"

"Well.. More or less" Natsu said before leaving.

Just as Natsu left, Rin took a deep breathe and wiped his tears that he held back. He acted nonchalantly to keep the awkwardness out of the air but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. It hurt him a lot but he was thankful that Natsu didn't give him a false hope and still remained friends with him.

'Damn it. It really hurts' he thought as he clutched his chest.

His heart burned. He wanted to hope for a little chance but there was no chance to begin with. He gave her a lot of hints but she never looked at him the way he looked at her. She never even thought of him.

Natsu left the rooftop with a grin. It was never her intention to hurt her friend Risa but she couldn't helped but be flattered. Natsu loved attention because it was her way of getting what she wants. She hid her grin and made her way to her classroom and found Risa slouching her head on her desk.

"Risa!" she called out enthusiastically.

Risa looked up with her eyes red. Natsu was shocked to see her crying. Her heart suddenly felt guilty of what happened a while ago.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked although she knew why she was crying.

"Nothing" Risa replied and wiped her tears. She coughed to gain back her voice and to keep her breathing in check.

"Well, I knew I never had a chance anyway." Risa said earning a hug from Natsu.

Natsu smiled at Risa's strength. Natsu have always admired how Risa is capable of moving on so fast unlike her. Risa have always moved forward and crushed any obstacles that got in her way. She was a total opposite of Natsu, who have always looked back in th past. Like she wanted to left behind.

"Don't worry Risa-chan! I rejected him because I don't want you to be sad. If you want I can end my friendship with him!" Natsu comforted.

"No. there's no need. There are lots of guys anyway. Furthermore, I still want to be friends with him." Risa shook her head in disagreement. Natsu could only say nothing but nod.

The students have already left by the time the sun had set. Risa have already left the school when her driver went to pick her up because they needed to go to a fine dining restaurant to attend a family dinner. Natsu only walked alone silently and looked around and stopped by at the bakery on her neighborhood.

"Lily's Bakery" She read out loud.

'This is new' she thought.

She thought for a few seconds and decided to check what's inside and she thanked god for a moment the second she went inside. The smell of the bread and pastries filled up her nose which she smelled in ecstasy with a smile. She looked around and found some croissant which she bought without a second thought. Just as she was about to grab the last piece, her hand bumped into someone's hand making her drop the bread.

"It's yours" They both said in unison.

She looked up to see who owned such a deep voice only to make her eyes widen. She was shocked to see someone so tall for she was already tall enough, even taller than most guys at her class. The man was at least 3 inches taller and that's not all what shocked her. The man had interesting pair of eyes. It was silver and had a hint of gold. His hair was also long and was tied in a pony tail but that didnt made him feminine but in fact, more manly and perhaps hot.

'beautiful' she thought.

"No, it's yours. Lady's first" The man said handing the croissant back at her.

"Thanks" she said and gave him a small nod and walked towards the counter and have it paid.

She looked around hoping to see the man but he was already gone by the time she paid for the bread. She wanted to know his name. She wanted to hear his deep voice again.

He was that mysterious to her.