
10 Signs Of Summer

Natsu Aoi's summer vacation plan was supposed to be simple. 1. Go fishing with her dad. 2. Help mom at the bakery. 3. Part-time job. 4. Overnight trip with Risa and Rin. 5. Attend Risa's dad's party. but that was until she met Gin Yamamoto who messed up her plan ever since she attended that party. It was one hell of a party which she'll never forget. After all, that night, he turned her world upside down. Literally.

MaffyTaffy · General
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

It was the last day of school for Natsu when she woke up late for the closing ceremony. She grabbed a pair of toasted bread as she hurried her way meeting up with her friend Risa who was also running late.

"Geez, why didn't you wake me up Risa-chan!" Natsu whined as she held her breath.

"I overslept too! Now hurry up or we'll be late" Risa yawned as she ran quickly to get to the school gates. Following behind was Natsu who was taking her time running for she was always a slow runner. Sometime later, they finally caught up and made it in time for the closing ceremony.

The closing ceremony was no big deal for the two best friends. However, they still needed to attend for their attendance and usually all of them were supposed to attend for further instructions for their summer vacation tomorrow. Furthermore, this was a chance for confessions and she needed to attend to a certain graduation ceremony for their seniors in their Literature Club, which of course, they'll surely miss.

The assembly went on for an hour making all of the students yawn. Natsu looked around to look at their sleepy expressions making her chuckle. Just as she looked around, her eyes stopped at a certain blonde guy who was clearly eyeing at her.

"Senpai*" she mouthed.

(Senpai* = Upperclassman/Senior)

"Idiot. Listen to the principal" the senior mouthed as he chuckled.

Senior Rin has been her closest friend aside from Risa ever since she joined the club. The three of them were inseparable even though Rin was older than them by a year. Rin was also popular due to his easy going personality and for his high grades which remained on top.

After the assembly, the students excitedly exit the school gymnasium and went their ways to their respective classroom. Some stayed behind to attend the seniors graduation ceremony. Risa and Natsu went hurriedly to their class and gave Rin a small goodbye after telling their plan to meet up after their ceremony to plan how they're gonna spend their summer vacation.

Everyone was busy in their classroom by the time the two arrived. Natsu and Risa sat down and immediately discussed their plans for tomorrow.

"So what are you doing for tomorrow?" Risa asked.

Natsu shrugged and thought for a few seconds.

"Probably gonna stay at home and do my homework first before I relax" Natsu said earning a scornful look from Risa.

"Yuck. don't talk about homework in front of me. I barely passed the test and thank god for no supplementary lessons this year!" Risa cheered making Natsu laugh.

"Good for you. I did say studying a little before the exam can help" Natsu smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, are you free this Saturday?" Risa asked.

"Probably. Why?" Natsu questioned.

"Well, you better make it free. My dad's company is having a party and he asked me to go with him. I asked him if I could bring you along and he said yes" Risa answered irritatedly.

"You hate parties that much huh?" Natsu giggled.

"Well not really. It's just that the boys are annoying" Risa pouted.

"That's because you're pretty Risa-chan" Natsu complemented.

This was true. Risa was also popular due to her family lineage that controls the entertainment industry. Risa's dad, Natsuo Yanai was a popular actor back in his teens, now he was an outstanding director. His grandfather also owned the GSY Entertainment and her mom was and still is a veteran actress. Even including her brother Reiji, who's a famous model in Japan. Only Risa didn't like to indulge much in entertainment but she was still popular because of her good looks.

"You're way prettier Natsu! Even though you have a guy's name, your look's definitely a girl!" she teased.

"Geez! What does that mean?" Natsu pouted.

"It means what I've said. You have a great figure, you're tall and you have this mature look. You should be a model! I can get you to a modeling job if you want!" Risa said.

"Thanks but I'm not cut out for modeling. I'm shy around the camera. Anyway Rin's graduated. What are your plans?" Natsu asked.

It had been obvious for Natsu that Risa liked Rin although Rin was quite oblivious about it. It had been the start of the semester since Natsu often caught Risa stealing glances at Rin. A few weeks later she confronted Risa and asked if she harboured any feelings for Rin which confirmed her suspicions.

"Nothing" Risa sulked.

"You should confess. Isn't this the best chance for you?" Natsu asked.

Risa pouted and stayed silent for a while. Natsu only waited patiently for her answer.

"It's no use. I have no chance anyway so I'd rather preserve our friendship" Risa answered and looked at the window.

"I'm sure that's not true. I'd caught him stealing glances at you" Natsu comforted.

"I'm sure that means something" Natsu added.

Risa gave her an annoyed look.

"Geez, You're so oblivious" Risa said irritatedly.

"He wasn't stealing glances at me. He was looking at you" Risa added.

Just as she was about to answer, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up only to see Chidori, her classmate asking for her attention.

"Yes?" Natsu asked.

"Rin-senpai asked for you. He said he wants to talk to you" said Chidori before she left.

On the doorstep, there stood rin with his face red as a tomato. When she looked at him, she smelled trouble. She walked towards him and she could see nervousness in his eyes.

"Can we talk about something? Just the two of us?" Rin asked in all seriousness.

She didn't know what to do. She smelled confession