
10 Signs Of Summer

Natsu Aoi's summer vacation plan was supposed to be simple. 1. Go fishing with her dad. 2. Help mom at the bakery. 3. Part-time job. 4. Overnight trip with Risa and Rin. 5. Attend Risa's dad's party. but that was until she met Gin Yamamoto who messed up her plan ever since she attended that party. It was one hell of a party which she'll never forget. After all, that night, he turned her world upside down. Literally.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Gin couldn't forget the lady he saw at the bakery yesterday. He couldn't forget how her green eyes reflected under the sunset. It reminded him of nature. It was relaxing. He found her rather seductive with her eyes slightly droopy and squinted and how her lips curved into the most perfect shape.

He flinched as he heard a knock making him focus back on his work. He was busy reviewing the files the scout had sent.

"Come in" He said and the door opened.

El went in and took a distance between the desk and himself. El was a guy in his mid 20s that wore glasses and was hired as his secretary. El was quiet but that didn't make him less competent in his work.

"Your grandfather has requested for your presence. He wishes for your attendance for tonight's dinner" He announced.

He grimaced. Gin knew what his grandfather wants and that'd be to settle down and get married. Gin didn't want to deal anyone annoying like his sister. He thought that all women were the same and that they only wanted one thing. Money and fame.

But if he was interested someone, it was the girl who owned the green pair of eyes. It made him relaxed and awakened something. Like an obsession. But to make things worse, he didn't know her name. He knew nothing at all.

"Did he say why?" Gin asked his trusted secretary.

"Chairman said he'd wanted you to come and meet someone" said El.

"Tell him I'd be late" Gin announced.

El nodded and left him with a throbbing headache. Gin was sure that this 'someone' would be he was arranged to marry. His grandfather had talked about this but he didn't know he was serious and that it'd happen sooner than he had expected. Gin stood up and decided to go the bakery and maybe checked if destiny was on his side.

He got into his car and drove off quickly and arrived not later than 10 minutes. He went inside the store and looked around but the person he was looking for was not there. Defeated, he grabbed 10 pieces of croissant and paid for them.

But he hasn't given up. He waited inside his car for another 10 minutes to see she would come. 10 minutes arrived but she was still not there. 10 minutes turned into an hour and a half and he had already finished munching all the croissant he had bought making his stomach full. Lost of hope, Gin finally left with a sigh and drove off for his family dinner.

By the time he had arrived, everyone was already there. His grandfather was sitting with a glass of wine in his hand. His father stood silent and formal and his mother beside his father and then his sister Kaori. The other side of the table was the Yanai family which surprised him at most. He walked up towards Reiji and gave him a tap on his shoulder.

"Reiji. What brings you here?" Gin asked.

"That's what I'm asking too" Reiji shrugged.

He knew Reiji because Reiji worked under his company and of course Gin didn't miss Reiji's little sister Risa. He gave Risa a small nod and Risa did the same. He sat down beside his sister taking his grandfather's attention.

" You came" His grandfather smiled.

"I don't have a choice" he remarked earning a stare from his father.

"Watch your mouth" his father warned.

He ignored his father and looked at his grandfather with a scowl.

"Anyway I assume you know why you're here" said his grandfather.

" Yes and I have come to refuse your offer" said Gin as he took slice of his steak.

"Why? She'd be a great wife for you. Besides she already agreed to become your fiance" His grandfather announced making him flinch.

He looked at Risa with a scowl and utter distaste earning a look from his family and Risa's family. At this point, he did not care if he would end up disrespecting both families.

"You agreed? You think you're gonna be a great wife? This must be a joke" He laughed sarcastically making Risa red as a tomato.

"Silence!" His grandfather shouted making Gin grin.

Risa's family could do nothing but watch her embarrassed. No matter how powerful the Yanai family was, they were no match for Yamamoto's. The Yamamotos controlled both national and international entertainment industries but that's not all, It was like they were the king of the country for their company was one of the biggest ones in the entire continent.

Gin wanted nothing than to deal with a whore. They didn't know the Risa he knows. The Risa who tried to sleep with him and the Risa who had a nasty personality. All they knew was the Risa who put on a good face in front of the public.

"You said you want me to settle down?" Gin asked.

"Yes. If you want to inherit my company, find someone useful and get married" replied his grandfather.

"Then cancel my engagement to hers. I shall find a suitable wife myself" said Gin.

"I'll give you a week"

"Be my guest. But whether you like her or not, that'll be my problem. Otherwise you can kiss your heir goodbye" Gin replied and with that, he left.

Gin was not upset as he'd thought he'd be. For him, this was quite a big opportunity to find the girl he saw back at the bakery. It was his chance to make her his bride whether she likes it or not. But even if he didn't, he would at least make her fall for him after they get married.

Now what was left for Gin was for him to find her.