
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 6~ Axx And The Big Break

<span><i>"My future is not that different. It has only been a year, but it feels longer! I feel alone as each day passes me by slowly. I could do nothing about it. I feel like I am a failure without magic. I feel like I am missing something deep inside myself. Sometimes I feel like I am drifting as each day goes by as I feel lost." </i></span>I think as I sit on my bed.

I let out a <b>sigh</b> as my dream of becoming a knight feels so far out of my grasp<i>. "No matter how much I train, I still feel like I am missing something. Maybe if I find the key to becoming a knight, I can finally gain weight. Once I find the key, I will be on my way to becoming a great protector like my mother." I think with a smile on my face at the thought of the woman who does so much for me, yet I can do nothing back for her."</i> I <b>sigh</b> as I leave the palace to search for the information I need.

I find what I am looking for months later, and it is a training ground for me to practice becoming a knight. My breath catches in my chest at the sight of the massive course.

<i>"I am not sure who the course is for, but I do not care. I know I have to do this! My future depends on it!" </i>I think as I feel excited for the first time."

"Even without magic, I can do this. I know it will be challenging, but this is for my survival." I say, with my heart pounding hard.

<i>"I am not terrified. I am beyond excited. Finally, something challenging!"</i> I think as I jump right into the course.

I ran into the course without thinking.

I run past the boulders that try to crush me to death. I pant as I climb up a brick wall. I sway at the top of the wall. I hold my feet against the wall. I grab the rope and I swing across. "<b>Ahhhhhhhhh</b>!" I scream as I land harshly.<i> "I think I broke something," </i>I think as I feel like screaming in pain.

I gasp in fear as flames hit me from all sides. I slid to the floor hard. I bite my lip to stop screaming. The flames above me hit me with a full blast of heat. The flames flicker on and off. The smell of burning hair and skin makes me gag. I grind my teeth hard as the feeling passes.

I scrape my body across the ground, inch by painful inch. I stand up carefully and slam my body into the wall before me. I look at the tall wall. <i>"I know this is going to be painful as hell."</i> I think.

I start to climb up the wall as I feel the flames burning my back with each step. I climb faster as I feel my skin boiling from the flames hitting my back. Halfway up, I look down and feel sick at the sight of blood. I look away and look up as I climb.

At the top, I gasp, and I use my strength to pull my frail-looking body up. I pant as I land harshly on the ground. "<b>aaaa</b>" I groan in pain as I slowly pull myself to my feet. I look to see the final step of the course. A zip line down 50 feet. I feel my hands are already starting to sweat.

"<i>I can not think of my fear of heights. I have to do this or I will never make it down."</i> I think as I feel a calming effect wash over me.

I grab the handle while standing on the platform. With a push, I feel the wind through my hair. I hiss as my ears pop. I scream on the way down as I feel my hands start to slip.<i> "Am I going to die?"</i> I think with my eyes shut tightly.

My hands slip, "<b>ahhhhhhhh</b>" I scream in fear. I open my eyes wide. A warm presence guides me to the ground.I softly land on the ground with a gasp. The presence wraps around my body as I feel the pain leaving my body. I stand up as I feel I am reborn.

With a smile on my face, I am happy from doing the death-defying course as I finally feel like I am doing something I am excellent at, other than the last part.<i> "I will get better and finish if it is the last thing I do,</i>" I think with determination.

I look up to see I got 5th on the board. I feel an emotion choke me as the feeling that I did this.

I go home with a big satisfied smile on my face. He was not home, which was good as I did not have to answer questions I did not want to. The course is always at the back of my mind, calling me to it.

"<i>Most people would call me crazy, wanting to go back time after time, the course tries to kill me. I can not stop myself going back as it calls my soul."</i> I think I am always there as soon as I finish my studies. I feel compelled by an unknown power to go there every day.

Soon, I surpass all of the numbers on the board with my time. I always feel like someone is watching me. I get goosebumps all over my body as their creepy eyes follow me. They did nothing but watch, so I did nothing to them.

I run the course for the final time. It was getting boring, and the excitement was gone. As I finish quickly, I grin as the board makes a loud sound. I shout as I finish, knowing that no one will be as fast as I am! I smirk as I go to leave.

A creepy man comes running towards me. "Hey, wait!" He calls to me.

<i>"This could be interesting."</i> I think as the man quickly approaches me<i>. "I am not worried that he could do something.Even if he does, I am a fast runner. "</i> I think with an amused smile.

"How would you like to go to Knights' Academy?" The man says, looking excited.

Knights' Academy is a well-known institution. It is Magzics' most famous college. It is said, "Only the greatest future knights are allowed to go."

"I am sorry, but I can not go. I do not have the money, and I have no magic." I say as I sense despair running through my body.

The man smirks at me. "You bypassed all the numbers on the board!" He says in excitement. "You could be a full Knight now, as no adult can pass the course. Anyone who does can have a full knighthood. With you being so young, I can only give you a full scholarship to the best college in the world! As soon as you graduate, you will be going to Knight's Academy." I can hear the excitement in his voice.

At the news, my mouth hangs wide open in shock. "Arree youuu serioussss?" I stammer out.

"I graduate at the end of this semester," I say, feeling excited as I jump up and down. I am acting like the kid I never got to be.

"Yes, I am serious." He says. I see him take some papers out of his pocket.

Before I know it, I am enrolled in classes for the following semester.

"See you soon, at Knight's Academy!" He says as he walks away.

I walk home, dazed at what happened. I think, <i>"I... cannot believe this is my life."</i>

With the thought of going to Knights Academy very soon, I feel awe at the idea of being the youngest to graduate. For the next few days all I can focus on is my studies. The months quickly pass me by. I do not have to be concerned because I graduated high school as the valedictorian.

<i>"With my mom gone all the time, they will never know unless I tell them..." </i>I think as I smirk in victory.

"My dreams are finally coming true!" I think as I feel dazed.