
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 7~Axx And A Future Worth Fighting For

<b>Physical and mental abuse in this chapter</b>

<i>"I feel like my future will soon be great. I will be at Knights Academy soon!" </i>I think in excitement.

After graduating, I felt terrified as I knew what I need to do. Yet I feel unwilling to do it. I drag my feet for a while before I take a deep breath. "Today is the day," I say in a monotone voice.

I look at myself in my broken mirror one last time as I walk to my bed. I am trying to drag this out as long as I can.<i> "For the first time in my life I will speak to her."</i> I think in fear but excitement.

All I have to do is ask their permission to go to the best school in Magzics. Knights Academy is a college I never thought in a million years I would be able to go. Yet here I am with my letter in my hand. I gaze at it in wonder before I put it in my backpack for safekeeping.

I could go now and not ask them anything. But I felt like I have to. I can almost see what will happen. I already know that something horrible will happen. I need to complete the task for my state of mind. I think of the past, living with them. <i>"I will never know if they love me if I do not do this. If I never ask them, I will forever wonder... It is now or never."</i> I think with a sigh as I make my way towards them in the living room. With the prince's birthday coming up soon, they are at home for the first time together in years.

With my anxiety through the roof, I walk over to them. I see anger on my mother's face.

"I want to be a Knight. I have already finished school, and I want to be a protector like you. " I say as I look at my mother. I look her in the eye as if his glares did not bother me.

My mom looks like she was joyful about something then it is gone in a second. Her eyes become hard as she looks at him. They seem to talk to each other with their eyes. After a pause, my mother says, "Alright, you want to be a knight. Can you handle it? You look almost anorexic. You must train if you seek to attend Knight's Academy." Her sweet voice tells me. My mother's voice sounds concerned about... me. I relish at the sound.

I feel a slight hope that this is what I am supposed to do before I say goodbye!

"I know I do not appear strong, but looks can be deceiving! I could easily take down stronger enemies than me. For years, I have been practicing the drills knights have to do. I can slash and kill dummies in minutes. I know I have to get better. Just tell me you believe in me. All I ask you to do is give me a chance to prove myself! " I beg my mother with everything I have. My eyes widen. I feel desperate to prove myself to be the most influential knight that I could be.

My mom looks at him. They both seemed to try not to look at my eyes, as if they could not deny me. They took a tiny glance at me, and they yield.

<b>"So you want to be a knight brat? Alright, you win! You can go if you can bet on both of us in a fight!"</b> His stern voice yells at me.

His voice cuts the air like steel. The flinch I usually experience does not come. I finally feel stronger than I have in a long time!

I pause as I seem to be thinking over what he says<i>. "No matter what I think, I will still have to do this in the end. If I do not try this, I will never know if I can fight back against the man who made my life hell. In the Sun Kingdom, being a Knight was not just a job. It was a lifestyle. It is the difference between having food and starving to death. If I do not win, all will be lost." </i>I think with a determined grin.

"I accept. When and where are we doing this? " I ask in a calming manner.

<i>"No matter if this fight leads me to life or death, I have to win. If not, then what will I become? I have spent my whole life being weak. No matter what happens, I will show them I am strong. I take a deep breath and let it out. I feel calm. I am ready to slay this fight!"</i> I think furiously.

What I said seems to shock my mother into shock as her mouth hangs wide open. I watch intensely as their hands clench at their sides. With a smirk on their faces, they say, "Alright, you want to fight with the masters, then let us battle." They say to me as they move out of the palace quickly.

I quickly walk swiftly after them. We go through the castle, out of the kingdom, and into an unknown area. We enter a forest, but I pay no mind to it as I focus on the battle before me. With determination setting in, I know I can do this. As soon as I enter the large clearing, they turn on me.

I can not even feel betrayed by my mother. A tornado quickly comes out of nowhere, twirling towards me. I growl as my eyes glow brown. I am beyond angry. <i>"This is against our laws of never creating the three vital disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods!" </i>I think as I grind my teeth together.

I do not think of myself as I quickly run towards the tornado heading out of the forest. I did something no sane person would do. I jumped into the tornado going 50mph. I calculate what I would have to do to stop the tornado. I quickly come up with an idea as it spins me around and around. I feel almost sick at the dizzying speed at which it is going. <i>"I must stop it before it is too late!"</i> I think as fear runs through my body.

<i>"I should probably be terrified of everything going on around me. All I can feel is calmness. Being a future knight, you must always stay calm."</i> I can hear them faintly "<b>ahhhh</b>" scream in fear, but I do not pay any attention. I close my eyes as I meditate. I feel something breaking inside me as my eyes snap open. I could almost see my eyes flashing bright blue. With this unknown power, the tornado fades away as if nothing happened.

With the tornado gone, that was holding me up 50 feet in the air. I dropped like a piece of lead with pointy branches out to kill me. I calculate what I need to do. I move my body through the trees, almost like I am flying. I see a thick branch coming up. I grab the magical rope out of my pocket and throw it. Thankfully, it hit the tree. I feel myself slowing down as I glide down the tree. I feel so much happiness that it builds up until I "<b>eeeee</b>." I squeal down the rest of the way. For the first time in my life, I feel almost free. When my feet touch the ground, I feel a sense of appreciation for the floor. I feel sick as I groan, "Thank goodness, I am back on solid ground."

I look at them and I always thought they were the greatest knights of the Sun Kingdom, and I feel disappointed at what I saw. I thought they were great heroes, but now I know the truth. I sensed my heartbreak, knowing that everything I thought of them was wrong.

I glare at them hard, and I watch as my parents shake.

"What the dragon were you thinking?" I say this with a sneer. "You two would both get fired if I were your boss. You know our laws. Yet you try something like this! " I say, shaking my head at them.

"Well, it is a good thing you are not. You are nothing but a spoiled brat. We are glad you will not be a knight. You do not deserve to be! You will never swear at us again! " "<b>Slap</b>!" "<b>Slap</b>!" They both struck me hard.

My heart breaks at the abuse of my mother. <i>"I have always been a victim of verbal abuse by her, but she has never hit me before."</i> I think as I feel my heartbreak.

I looked at them and saw that they would never change. With a resolution<i>, "I will become stronger away from this abuse. I will be better than them. I am not weak anymore, and I will show the world who I am!"</i> I think fiercely.

I feel sick at what they have done to me throughout my life. <b>"I will never forgive you for this!"</b> I yell out.

"Well, it is good you have no say in the matter. I have already applied to Knight's Academy. Do you want to know the sad part? I would have done anything for you to see me as strong. Well, I guess I will have the last laugh. I say this while I hysterically giggle.

"We Dragon gave you a good life! You will not leave us now! " Her sweet voice snaps at me, grasping my arm tightly.

"I have already accepted to go to Knight's Academy! I have already aced the exams and received a perfect score on the evaluation! Even without any magic, I am accepted. I thought you would be pleased with me, but I guess I was wrong! The funny thing is that you have no control over me. By our laws, I am a legal adult! " I say as I break free. I say this in a quiet voice. The pain in my voice almost destroys me.

I walk off to go pack for Knight's Academy. I go quickly to the palace as I do not want to see them. My arm is already throbbing in pain from where she grabbed me. I growl as I pack everything. I finish packing as I reach for the magical cream. I gently rub the red liquid on my face and arms. I watch as the purple marks slowly disappear from my arms. I finish and place everything in my bag that could fit everything I own. I tie my rope around my waist and put my knife in my pocket. "Now it will just be me on my own like it has always been," I whisper as I look around the empty room, just like how my heart feels.

I finished packing. I am going to leave before I see them. With no luck on my side, I see them as I exit. I look at the people who used to be my parents. All I can manage to say to them is, "Goodbye" with no emotion in my voice. I sound almost hollow. I look into their eyes and see that they know I will never be seen again. Yet they say nothing.

As a kid, I walked away from my old, miserable life. Without looking back, I hope the future will be a lot better.