
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 5~ A Mother’s Love For Her Family

A proud mother looks at her son as he studies hard. He bits his lip as he works quickly through every problem for his online school work.

As she looks at him, she feels aww coming from deep inside her chest. She knew he is smart even though she did not want him to go to school for her own personal reasons. Yet she feels something squeeze inside her chest, knowing what suffering she must do to her baby. She knows that he has never talked to anyone, as she knows he is silent. She never heard him utter one single word. She knows he can talk; she just never heard him talk to her. Every time she looks at him, something squeezes in her chest. She knows why she kept him from the other kids. Without having magic, he would be a target for everyone, so she hides him away from the cruel world. She sighs.

Her baby boy looks over at her in concern. She smiles and he looks quickly away. A sigh wants to leave her lips, but she does not want to worry her child. She bites her lip to stop it from escaping. "At least he is not abused," she thinks with a smile.

Her son is already nine. Yet it feels just like yesterday when she found her son. She smiles as she remembers how dirty and weak looking he was. Yet looking at him now, she feels something bubble inside her chest at the thought of what he could do in the future. She has a great thought, "What if he could change Magzics as king!" She giggles quietly to herself at what a funny thought it is. She knows he can not be king because he is worthless as a magic user. He has an amazing brain, but that is about it. She smirks as she knows she will never have to let him go.

She may never show it, but she must.If she ever lost him, her life would feel meaningless. Instead, she hurts him to hide the pain, knowing he will leave her one day. As she looks at him, she does not see anything amazing coming from the boy she calls her son. Yet something bubbles in her chest as she looks at him. For some strange reason, she knows what might happen if he does leave. She knows, as a fact, that their world will never be the same should he leave. Even if he would change the world for the best, she knows how the world will feel if it was breaking all around her.

Yet a very small part of her urges her to do anything to make him leave. "It is not like he is your son. It should not hurt if he leaves. " Yet something inside her seems to break at the thought of him leaving her for any reason at all. She lets a few tears go down her face at the thought of never seeing him again. She quickly swipes them away before he can see them.

Even though she has strong feelings, it is like she cannot say the lll… that word. It feels like something is forcing her to never say it. She looks at her husband. The way his eyes glint in the light makes her breath come out. She llll…. She cares for him, yet she can not seem to say it. She sighs.

She feels tired as tomorrow will be a very long day. With the prince's birthday approaching, she knows she will be working like a dog making sure everything will be perfect. Yet another more important birthday is coming. Her baby's birthday is coming in a month.

Her husband walks over to her and kisses her lightly. "Got to go to get ready for tomorrow." He leaves without saying another word.

She smiles sadly as she watches as he leaves to get everything ready for tomorrow. She touches her lips as they sting from where he kissed her lightly. "Too bad we never have enough time together." I can think of many things to do other than watch the brat of a prince. " She thinks as she watches his form leave the door.

She sighs as she looks at her son, surprised to see him shacking slightly. She wishes she could go over there and hold him tight as she smooths his fears away. She sighs as she knows it is impossible to do as he would flinch away from her and scream murder.

She shakes her head as she wishes she had a different prince, one that was not cruel to his people. "Not like his parents seem to care. All they care is that they have a child."

She shakes her head at her naughty thoughts. She was thinking if they found out what she was thinking. She shudders at what would happen to her if they ever found out. She knew she would lose her job and her baby would go hungry. Even though she llll… she cares for her husband, she is the one who brings home the food. Someone had to make some sacrifices for their child. Honestly, since the king and queen favored her, she worked way more than her husband could ever have. Most nights he is supposed to be home, yet she feels he is doing other things. If he were home more, her son would not look so lonely.

An image of the prince and her son standing together, hugging, echoes in her mind. Seeing them so close makes her think how much her son looks like the prince. With the same nose, lips, and even down to the arch of their eyebrows. "They look like they could be twins almost. The only thing she could see different was their coloring. While her son was brown, the prince was a blueish white; they must be brothers. That would be impossible. As the king and queen never had another child. " She thinks.

A blue flash is seen by her and all she can do is blink. "What just happened? Was I thinking of anything important? It does not matter; I have better things to do. One of them includes spending time with my boy. "

As she goes through the rest of her day, she feels almost disoriented, but, she does not think of it.