
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

~Chapter 4~Axx And TheThe Sad Prodigy~

<b> Some Physical And Mental Abuse In </b><i><b>Chapter</b></i>

<i>"I once overheard from my mother that they discovered me abandoned at three years old and adopted me with no problems. I have no recollection of what transpired during those days, but I wish I did. Maybe then I would recall how a hug feels."</i> I sigh and shake my head, feeling sad for myself.

"Other than him, I have a pretty good life. I do like to talk or think about him. To me, he is nothing but a bad memory."

"My mum does an incredible job as a Knight of Magzics. She and the other one protect the kingdom like no one else." I think, as my hero-worship shows. I think excitedly about how cool knights are, especially my mom.

While they save everyone, I am all alone. "I wish my mother could be with me more." I think as I shake my head to shake the selfish thoughts away. "I know she is off saving the world, and it makes me happy to think of all she does."

"Sometimes I wish I was not always alone!" I whisper as I feel a few tears escape from my eyes. I quickly brush them away as I look at the large and empty penthouse I live in at the castle of the Sun Kingdom.

"I know they are like the books of the Great Knights where they protect and save everyone. They are just incredible, and I know it! " I declare it out loud.

I think I would be called intelligent. As soon as I can read or learn anything, I get my hands-on. I started reading a college text about "The Great Protectors of Magzics Through History." I am so engrossed with the book that I never hear the door open up.

"What the dragon are you doing, Axx?" He asks as pure hate and disgust shine in his eyes at me.

I flinched at the loud tone. "IIii wasss jusssst reeeaddding." I manage to stutter out as I feel terrified. I feel my eyes shine with tears that have yet to fall.

His eyes appear to have flames inside them. He advances towards me. I feel terrified of what he will do to me. I shiver in fear, but I can do nothing about it as the punishment would be worse if I did.

Inches away from me, I can smell the nasty scent on his breath. I quiver as he raises his hand. Wham. He hit me roughly on the check.

My tiny body goes flying through the air. I hit the arm of a chair hard. I hiss as pain shoots through my body. I want to scream, but I can not! I knew if a single sound escaped my mouth, it could be my last. Big fat tears fall on my face as I bite my lip hard. I can taste the metallic taste of the blood filling my mouth as I bite my bottom lip.

He takes a few steps towards me. "You will not tell that dragon of a woman! Got it? If I find you reading again, I'll punish you much more severely..." He trails off as he leaves the threat hanging in the air as I can see his crazy eyes in the light of the chandelier above us.

I nod my head hurriedly. He walks away, and I finally let out a breath, I did not know I was holding. I gasp for air as I quietly limp to my room as if nothing transpired.

"I feel like I am invisible. No one else sees the pain I am in." I sigh darkly. "I know, I am nothing but a forgotten child that no one cares about." I think as I quickly and quietly shut the door.

"Sometimes I like being alone more. Alone, I never have to walk around like an explosion will go off at any second!" I think. I hear the devil screaming, and things crash hard against my door.

I open the drawer with my inventions in my basic room. I quickly grab and open up the red power as I look into the mirror and wince. My face stands out in black and purple from a hand slamming me so hard. I touch my black eyes and split lip. I wince as I slowly and gently rub the powder all over until it looks like it never happened.

My arm throbs in pain, but I can do nothing about it. I ignore the pain as my thoughts take over.

"This was not the first time it happened. It definitely will not be the last," I whisper, as I know this is not what I should be dealing with. "Maybe the future will be different." I think as a few tears go down my face. "I feel almost broken."

Soon they realized I needed to be put into schooling. I am put into an online school as if they are afraid of something. The work is easy enough that I am constantly bored.

With my studies done and them constantly gone, I read the many college books around the house. I did this in secret as my will to learn something not so childish beat out my being scared of what he would do to me.

One day, I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror for the first time. I am dissatisfied with what I observe. I run my hand down my uninteresting body. I have a young and terrible appearance.

I am not a charming person as I have brown-lackluster hair, dirty brown skin, and brown eyes. Unlike the rest of me, my eyes seemed to shine with an intelligent glint. I feel disgusted as I walk away from the mirror and sit on my bed as I think,

"If I could stick out, I would be a lot happier, even though I am different from everyone else... they never notice me. I could be standing next to someone waving my arms around, yet nothing. Everyone always looks past me. It is almost like they are under a spell. That was impossible. Right?" I wonder aloud.

"It is almost like my plain-looking body made me blend in. I could sneak out of the house with no problem. Instead of feeling excited at the thought of never getting into trouble..." I sigh sadly, deep in my thoughts.

"Instead, I feel my heartbreak at the thought that no one cares about me. My mom is the only person who really cares for me. Even she does not care much about me now that I am older. She is never home, and I am always alone. Sometimes I wish... I had someone to care for me." I say out loud as I feel lost in this world of magic.

Even here, I feel like I do not belong. My parents do not look like me. They have sky blue hair, blue skin, and white eyes. My parents always say, "That I am not a freak, I am unique!" I know their words are not genuine. I scoff softly.

"Being in a world of magic without a single glint of magic is a punishment that I thought I did not deserve. Instead of screaming, wanting a change, I did something about it. I invented things in secret." I think with a smirk.

"While my parents are at work, everyone else has it easy. I had to learn how to fend for myself without magic. I had to teach myself everything since I would become lost in this extraordinary world without these powers. Without magic, I was forced to learn how to cook, clean, and write by myself. I had to build intentions that acted like magic." I say sadly.

"I feel like I will never fit in with everyone."

"I am stuck in a world of magic. Yet here I am, a freak, unable to use even a drop of magic." I say out loud, with a broken voice,

"I can only watch as children employ the skills bestowed upon them.

While I am locked away in my ivory tower like a monster. I can not stop this any more than they can.

No matter how much I wish it could be different, I must take my punishment.

I live every day in a fantasy world where I am a freak because I am normal.

The sad truth is that I wish to change the world, yet I cannot stop the darkness in their hearts without magic.

I am nothing!"

I sing quietly to myself.

I sigh, as no matter how much they say I am unique, I can not believe their words. They say, "It is best to stay inside." "I do not believe their words as their eyes would shift away as if they were lying to me. For dragon's sake, I can do nothing about it. I am only a kid."

"Without magic, I am defenseless against anyone. I rub my broken leg as I shake as I remember what happened. I shake my head as I do not want to think about it."

I hop to my bathroom and approach the mirror. "Every time I wake up, nothing has changed." I sigh as I feel normal, but something keeps telling me, "This is not who you are!" It screams at me, "Find who you are!"

With the voice screaming at me, I ask my parents, "Who am I?" I ask as I point down at my body.

They snap at me, "You are like everyone else quit asking if you are different!" They scream at me. My mother would not even look at me. While he promised pain that night, he broke my leg, and I never asked them again about it.

No matter the pain he gives me, I could not help wondering, "If perhaps I am different..." I think as I look deeply in the mirror. I was alone in my thoughts. I know a big part of me is not being true to who I am.

"It is as if I am trapped, without a voice, with no way to scream!" I scream as I smash the mirror.

"This is not the real me." I think as the glass shatters all around me. Blood falls from the bloody cuts, but I do not care. I can not stand the false me any longer.

"Who am I?" I question brokenly with no one to answer. The question echoes in the air, making me want to scream.

"Without knowing who I am, I will have to act like everything is peachy. As if my life is not breaking down around me. Until the day I can find out who I am. Maybe in the future, my life will be different." I say. I wish it were true in my heart. My voice is full of hope that it will make anyone cry.