
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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Chapter 29~ Zara~Wishing For Light In The Darkness

"Only two years before I turn of age, and sadly I still look ugly. I feel I am the bottom of the dirt on people's shoes that they scoff at. Yet I am constantly in their sight. Lately, that is a good thing as the closer I am to becoming of age the more I see respect in my people's eyes." I think with a smile smile as I walk towards my mirror and I can see why. I gasp at the sight of my whole reflection. "I can almost see the hint of the queen I could be in the future." With bright shining jewelry, makeup, and beautiful gowns. I tear up as I finally look like I could belong. More than that I look like I just popped out of the painting of a loved queen.

"Even now I can see my people could tell I would be loved if they really looked at me. But, I know they will never look at me." I sigh sadly. "As I know they believe me to be the downfall of the kingdom." I think with a grimace. "I know I can be better than what they think me as. You, know what I will show them I will be the best queen ever!" I say with passion in my voice

"Only one year has passed and everything has seemed to have changed, "I say as I think back on the past. "The past year was difficult for me to say the least. The older I get the more I fear. As I know I will have to marry him...Yet I know all will be lost if I do." I think with a grimace.

"The only good thing about the past year is that I have met the most precious and amazing 5-year-old. Her name is Lilian if I did not have so many responsibilities I would have adopted her. I do not care that I am only 11. She feels like she is a part of me and it kills me when I can not see her." I think as a few ice tears go down my face. Knowing she may never be mine. " All I can do is make sure she has money for food," I think as I feel despair course through my heart. I shake my head hard.

"Let's think of something else." Red flashes inside my head. "The deep color fascinates me. As there is nothing natural about the color of red. "Maybe I love red as I can see it is from the corner of my eye before I go to sleep."

"The weird thing to me is it calms me. With having out-of-control magic I came to love red. What is in the back so deep in my memories is when I was little a man came falling down, in red flames. Ever since that day, I waited to see what other ways red would change my life." I think as I want to marry the flamming God.

" I know in my heart red will stop the feeling that something is missing," I think with a smirk on my face. The way my magic sang gave me an indication of this. With magic so out of control almost like it is searching for something. I believe in my heart it will be true love but the sad thing is love could never exist in Magzics. No love was more of an afterthought. With being the next to be queen I could never choose love. For I would be married off to the prince for my kingdom. When I am of age I will be married off, just like that." A sigh of sadness leaves my lips.

"Being married off is my duty as the future queen. I have to do everything in my power to protect the kingdom. For money and power, I will be married off to the prince with not a single thing I can do. Love is not a thing in the Midnight Kingdom but...love is in my heart." I think as despair clutches at my heart.

"With living in the Midnight Kingdom the castle was on the front cover of evilcastles.com I shudder as I think of the castle I have been forced to live in my whole life. The big creepy castle is the thing of nightmares. With a big spiky black and dark purple castle. To me, it is rather big and imitating. With shadows that never go away, the darkness will not let them feel the light of day.

Most of the people did not mind as they loved the castle. They felt this was their history and home. They would do anything for the darkness surrounding the castle. You can call the people crazy. For they would rather run to the castle than away." I think with a scoff.

"While the people love the castle I hate I have always felt like the castle is, lonely, dark, and it was searching for something" I think. Every time i think this i shake my head "For a castle can not be alive or can it? I think as I rub my chin with a thoughtful expression on my face.

"I always dream of a small home with a feeling of coming home too. That would be bright and filled with love. Maybe with some animals or even a waterfall. To me, that would be the ultimate dream. Instead, I am stuck with an unfeeling massive castle that the darkness hovered over." I think with a sad smile.

"In my family, the darkness feels even worse. There was my unemotional mother who acts like I am a bug to be squashed. Even my own, mother hates me so deeply. I will never know why she hates me... With my mother having mind control powers I have never felt safe. My mother has ruby eyes and deep black hair with red highlights and green skin. Just makes me want to run in terror. My mother loved to use her powers to cause everyone pain. She is a truly wicked villain." I think with a growl as I wish I could show her who the true villain is.

"While my father has power magic with dark purple hair and pure black eyes and with charcoal skin. He is a very imitating type of man. A man that darkness flows off of him in waves. Where nothing could ever touch him. A man not to be messed with. He seems to dissect you and look into your soul. Everything was bare for him to see." I think with a shiver.

"Then there were the twins. A boy and a girl who got anything they wanted. With magic pouring off of them in waves. They are true pranksters who raced to cause havoc everywhere they went. Their magic has not come into play as they were too young. No one knows what type of magic they would have. As they were only 5 years old. They need to be 8 to have their magic shine through. For now, they have black hair, black skin, and black eyes. The older they get the more it will change into the magic they will have in the future." I think with a small smile.

"It does not help that i feel like everything is on my shoulders. For I must save the kingdom from the darkness. The bad thing is I am falling to protect the kingdom. I have tried everything, there was just nothing I can do. Maybe with a loving king next to me, the darkness would be gone. Until then I will try my best to heal the darkness out of their bodies" I think with hope shining in my voice.