
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 28~ Zara And The Hidden Self

My whole life, my kingdom has wanted me to be this grand, evil mastermind. They want me to be wicked. They want me to fight, harm, and kill people. Yet here I am, a plain and boring future queen. I have a goodness in me that they wish to destroy. They attack me as if I amsomething weak. But, I will prove them all wrong! That I am a force to be reckoned with! " I cackle with a determined glint in my eyes.

The trueness of my words sounds false to my ears. I sigh, as no matter how much I change. I could never know if I was light or dark. Being a healer was not my plan, but now it is because I am one. I have to hide who I am. If I did not hide myself, I would be hanged. Not even my family would help me from being put to death!" I think with a sneer.

I look around my room. "This is the only place I feel safe where I can truly be myself." Whoever that is." I think with a frown. My family does not know who I am under all the masks I wear, but... neither do I." I shake my head with a small sigh.

"Maybe I do not want them to know the real me. I have seen the hunger look in their eyes for more power. I know in my heart they would use me if they know I am powerful. They are family, but with no love in their jaded eyes, I just know they are not that powerful."I think with a sneer.

"I know I am powerful with water magic. I could do anything with it. All I have to do is think of something and it happens. My magic is a part of me and not using it burns with every step. Yet I must hide the pain under my hard, unfeeling eyes." I say out loud.

Even with my family, we have little power. If they found out my secrets, I would be dead before I knew it! " I think worriedly.

For now, I am hidden from everyone knowing my secrets. I do not want to hide away, but it is the only way I know how to stay alive. "All I want to do is shout to the whole kingdom who I really am!" I whisper, with tears running down my cheeks in despair.

I shake my head. "One day I will be the real Zara! Until then, I will wait as the years pass. The future will be different. I will make sure of it!" I say with hope in my voice.

"In the future, I will be with the one I love. My great protector. I may not know who he really is, but his soul melts my heart every time he fights to protect me. He puts him in danger to protect me..."I swoon at the thought.

"Even though I know it is not possible to be without it. I will try my hardest to be with the one I love,"I say out loud as my eyes flash white in anger at the thought of them making me marry the prince.

Everyone thinks they know I am protected by the prince, but I know better. The real prince has a soul as black as night." I think, as I scoff at the crazy notation, that he was protecting me.

"The people do not know the prince as I do." He has a slimy personality. He will kill, harm, and even destroy lives if given the chance. He will do anything to get me in any way." I think with a shudder of what he could do to me.

"He is a light-haired, greasy, evil creep that wants me! "Just NO!" I shudder and gag at the possibility of kissing him. I will never ever want him in a million years. I "hiss" at the thought of him. Why would I want him when he makes my blood and magic boil?

"Being an independent woman, I know the prince will change me to make himself happy. The prince is not the one I wanted. No, I wanted someone who appeared to be so far away from me. Yet with a caring heart, a voice like an angel, and love for an unknown woman, my heart beats rapidly at the thought. I could not think of it. It is not proper for a princess to think such things. But oh, sometimes as I gaze out the window into the bright blinding moon, I wish I could." I think as I shake my head, as I cannot love him no matter how much I may wish it to be so.

"As in the Midnight Kingdom, women are seen as less than men." We are not even allowed to be educated. We are only allowed to do simple tasks. As men think, we are incapable of harder tasks." I scoff at their backwards thinking.

"I am only different as even though I am a woman, I will be the future queen." To be so, I must learn how to rule, how to fight, and how to marry well. Yet it was improper to learn, read, or do art. Sometimes I just want to scream! Yet I could not be as that is improper." I think with a sneer.

"When I am queen, I will do anything in my power to have equal rights for all. No one will be slaves under my watch!" I say passionately. Magic swirls around me binding me to my promise.