
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 30 Alexander~ The Kingdom Of Lost Souls 

"Ever since I came into my magic I started to notice some changes.... For me to see the changes going on. They have to be noticeable. Then again I remember even before I came into my Magic. I saw flashes of light from the corner of my eye. Now it seems worse as I can almost see every little change that seems to happen. Almost I am looking in a mirror." Which is freaky though I do not even think it.

"Slowly over time I have seen my dark brown hair start to lighten as it grows longer. At times it seems almost like a halo. My once brown eyes start to shine blue. The weirdest thing to me is that my once brown skin is darkening. Most of this I could say it was due to the sun. In my case, it does not apply to me as the Midnight Kingdom did not have a sun. I have noticed the angrier I become the more I see these changes in the corner of my eye. seeing these changes and not knowing what is causing it makes me want to scream." I think as I grind my teeth together to stop from screaming. I take a deep breath as I feel my body calm.

The more I take notice of these changes the more I wonder who the dragon I am. I always wonder why they called me Axx. Did they believe I would protect the dammed? "Ha, I am just your simple knight," I think as I doubt I will do anything life-changing. Even as a protector I feel like this is not where I should be. I am not a royal, I am just a pheasant. Something in the back of my mind keeps telling me " This is not what you should be doing. You definitely should not want the princess." I ignore the voice as I am the silent knight fighting my way to discover who I am.

When I stand united against evil, I reveal something that was not there before. When I use my body to protect, I shine through. I do not know who I am. All I know is i have met my calling no matter what the voice says. Oh, my gosh I am crazy! Oh, well every time I protect my mind seems to snap. But I do it all for her!" I think with a crackle.

"I can not help but be conflicted. With love in my heart yet despair running through me I use my magic that is used to protect... to save I will never be lost. For I am saving lives." I mutter as I know even with the voice saying I am not supposed to be here. I a, doing what I am called to do.

"I do not believe I am the only one who does not feel like myself. As I have seen people look up to the sky looking thoughtful. I see it on their faces The people of Magzics do not know why they feel this way. It is like they are missing something in their life. The only thing the people know is the magic they have. I myself have seen there are 5 types of magic. The people with air magic have light blue hair, white blueish eyes, and are pale as a snowflake. Earth magic has green hair, brown skin, and blue eyes. Powerful magic has ebony hair, black skin, and obsidian eyes. Mind control magic have purple hair, blood eyes, and indigo skin. Everyone sees this true of everyone's magic. What no one realized Is that instead of 5 types of magic there are 8.

I have always stayed in the shadows as I am the protector of the Midnight Kingdom. I protect the princess with everything I have. " I use magic under my control to protect the one I love. I use the fire in my veins as a sword. For Zara, I will protect... harm... and destroy" I think with a fierce look on my face.

As I will do anything for my princess. If you do her no harm I will be a gentle person but if you try to hurt a single hair on her head." I smirk. "I will destroy you without remorse!" I smile evilly that would make anyone shake in their boots.

My magic gets out of my control in one second. It flames around me in my anger. My magic touches the tower and I hear stones fall and hit the ground hard. I take a deep breath and my magic calms. I wince as I see the stones missing from the tower. My face turns red in embracement.

I look around to notice everyone dragging their feet on the ground. Almost like they did not have the will to love. While I had nothing but love to give. As my destiny as a protector. Every day I give my love away as I fight to protect all that I love. I must make the ultimate sacrifice. I must walk through hell for the one I love. I willingly sacrifice my soul to protect the future of the crown.

I fight every night as they come for the crown. I feel every death as it bares on my soul. With no way out I must do this. If not for me, all would be lost. For the darkness would win. I know if I must I will lie down my life so she could live.

"My life is completely normal. What the dragon am I saying! My life is anything but normal. With saving a princess from evil henchmen. How can my life really be normal from always saving a kingdom." I think with a scoff.

"Actually now that I think of it. I would be considered weird if I do not use my magic for every little thing. I has seen people use their magic for the simplest things. It is stupid as they became lazy and started to abuse their magic. I have seen the people take advantage of their magic. While I do everything I can without a shortcut. For I treasure my magic as magic is a gift if you abuse it and it will punish you" I think.

"I wonder if the darkness was not actually created from the people abusing their magic?" I think as

Everyone is different from me as not only sitting leaning against a wall for 22 hours a day. I also take care of my animals and farm. I make sure every day the people have food. I also cook food every day for myself. Even though I get food at the castle.