
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 27~ Axx And The Birthday!

As the day passes me by, I feel everything slowly knit back together again from my fight last night. "I feel sore but now I do not feel like screaming." I think as I look at my hand to see a big scar from years ago. I sigh sadly as I look at all the scars on my body.

"Years ago, I remember wanting to find a home, but all I found was unrequired love, lots of fighting, and a question Why am I still doing this? Yes, I will always love her, but how much more can I take of this? I am beaten nightly and my magic goes feral, yet I am still here. If I could not love her, I would still not be here. Then again, this is all I have wanted to do with my life." I sigh sadly as I think of all the scars on my body.

"I remember how badly the one I got from my right leg hurt! It hurt like a Dragon!" I think as I look at the big gash scar on my leg. "I remember fighting for my life to stop them. Three of them were behind me and 10 in front of me. I got distracted and I felt so much pain. In my pain, I look down to see a sword in my leg. They left it in with a smirk on their faces. But, that was four years ago. Yet I remember so deeply the pain." I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"I can not think about this right now. They will be coming soon and they will raise hell as night is upon us." I say quietly to myself as I watch the moon come out. It shines so brightly that peace seems to reign in the quiet kingdom. With the moon comes a slightly warmer air than the blistering cold that is nipping at my blue frostbitten body.

"I know something big is going to happen tonight. I can feel the sands of time shifting at my nervousness feeling of what tonight could bring." I sigh, as I know I should not be able to feel time itself shift. "Yet I do? Why is it that I can never be normal?" I mutter frustratedly.

I sigh as I look up to see the moon half way up the sky. "I feel the sands shift the closer the night comes to a close. What is going to happen? I have no clue. All I know is that it could change the future. "Whatever it is, I hope it is not more despair and more joy." I think with hope in my voice.

"Then again, I did wish for a never-ending adventure. I guess next time I could be careful what my big mouth says." I say aloud almost to remind myself to never do that again.

I look up to see the moon almost at its peak for the night. I can feel a tingling sensation as the moon reaches midnight. I scratch my arm as if it feels like there are bugs crawling all over me. I can feel their little legs moving across my body. "Owch" "Owch" Owch" "Why does my body feel like it is burning?" I let out a loud groan as my body feels like it is on fire. I start to sweat as it feels like I have a fever. I shiver as heat pushes into my body with no way to stop it.

I pant as my body burns. I lay down on the cold ground, groaning in pain. "What have I done to deserve this?"I think as I bite my teeth to stop from screaming. As quickly as the pain and heat started I can feel as they slowly go away. In minutes, all I feel is my skin prickling painfully. I sit up slowly as I feel so sick. I cover my left hand with my mouth as I sway. I groan as I feel so bad. I look up to the sky to see the moon at its highest peak.

"I think I will close my eyes for a second." I think as I lay my hot body in the cool ground. With a sigh, I fall deep asleep.

I wake up with a start to see the moon losing its light. "I wonder why I am a wake?" I think with a start. I look to the sky as I hear a noise. I see three sets of wings flying fast through the air as they come towards me. I growl feraly as they come closer. "If they are here for a fight, I am ready!" I say with a growl.

I watch as the magnificent birds land. They drop a package each and fly off before I can do anything. "What the Dragon is going on?" I wonder out loud. "Why am I getting gifts? It is not like anything special is happening." I think in confusion.

I look at the shiny black, red, and greenish blue paper of the three small gifts on my lap. I grab the red gift with a card tapped on the box. I grab the letter and start to read. "Happy 18th Birthday, Alexander.

My prince everything will start to change for you as you are now of age. Take caution, as the sands of time continue to shift with your every action! Have a good birthday. See you soon,


I feel confused," What is a birthday?" I wonder aloud. "Well it does not matter." I think as I open authors gift to see a beautiful red inner locking chain bracelet. I feel the magic flowing through it. I put it on my left wrist with a gasp. Tears go down my face. For the first time, I feel like I am in control of my magic. I open the black gift to see a simple black ring with a red crown on it. I put it on my left hand on my ring finger with a smile at the beautiful ring on my finger. I open up the last gift. To see a beautiful sun necklace. I put it over my head to feel like I finally found my place in the world. With a smile, "This was the best night ever!"

I hear lots of footsteps coming my way. With the moon gone and night over, I see a big black cloud wrap around the men. I watch in shock as they disappear from view. "Well, at least I had a good night and I am of age." Whatever that means. I feel like I am ready to take on the future." I think as I finally go to sleep.