
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 26~ Axx And The Protector In The Darkness

The next morning, I feel as if everything is broken. I groan as I sit up, and it saps what little energy that I have left. "It has been so easy to beat them. I figured it would always be easy, but I knew deep down that would not happen. I worry for the kingdom if they continue in strength." I think with a frown.

"I now realize how much stronger I am going to have to be. I am going to have to train and get a new weapon, all the while protecting everyone in the kingdom. If it was just me, I would let my flames die out. Instead, I have to fight with every single fiber of my being to protect everyone in the kingdom from harm." I think as I mutter out loud, "What the Dragon have I got myself into?"

"Ever since I got into this job, I have never felt like I should have gotten it. Yes, I can beat the bad guys and protect the princess, but where does this leave me with out of control Magic? Every second of the day, I fight for control of magic that appears uncontrollable to me. My magic desires something that I am unable to provide. It wips around in anger, yet I can not do anything. Every day, the castle wall appears to be crumbling, and I have no control over it. I have to find a way. With one single thought, I can either heal the world or wipe it out. I have no clue what to do. Everything in my body seems to fight for control, yet nothing wins."

Yet every time I walk into town, I hear the Midnight Kingdom's people praising the name of their hero. The people have never seen their hero before, yet they see him as a savior as he is the one who gave them light and hope. Before, they never felt this way. Now, as the years pass, I can see true smiles on their faces. Well, it is a grimace, but I can tell they are happy.

"Seeing the people happy, I know I will have to get control of my Magic." I sigh as I shake in fear. "I fear what could happen to the world if I can not control this." I shake my thoughts away as I do not want to destroy the world. With the way my thoughts are going, I can see the ground beneath me turning black from flames licking at the rocky ground. I quickly wave my hand and the flames disappear. I sigh in relief.

With my flames getting brighter each night, the people in town know I am seconds away from losing control. I can always hear the people say to each other, "How will he control the magic as it gets brighter and brighter? A magic that seems so powerful?" They ask each other.

They have a right to have a slight fear. Even I question, "Can I stop my flames from taking over the world? Could I really stop it or will Magzics be destroyed?" I sigh, knowing that with the kind of power I possess, I require an anchor to control my magic. Even if I slip up a little, it would be dangerous for all around me.

The only thing I can do is take a deep breath in and out. Then I have some control back. With no social life, no one sees my anguish every time I need to use my magic. The sad thing is that no one can understand what it is like for me. To have to use all of my strength just to protect someone. To me, no one understands what it is like to scream in frustration at holding back.

"Everyday I must control a magic that seems uncontrollable. No one knows how alone I am. I may be the hero, but I feel like no one is there for me" I think as I shake my head trying to clear my brain of such negative thoughts. I take a deep breath and my shoulders rise in tension. With a release of air, I let out a sigh as calmness enters my body.

Zara is the only one I am willing to protect the kingdom from the darkness. When I feel a soft gaze, I feel almost brave. With someone watching out for me, I feel like I can take on the whole world and win.

After what happened in the Sun Kingdom, I never wanted to be a knight, but for the princess, I would do anything in my power to be a perfect knight. For my love shines deeply inside my heart. As my love grows deeper, my powers seem to shine brighter.

Falling from grace by The Sun Kingdom I was welcomed to the darkness with open arms by the Midnight Kingdom. I promised myself I was never going back. For, they already destroyed me once.

For the midnight kingdom, I happily hide in the shadows of my princess tower, calling myself "The Silent Knight! Only a silent knight will allow myself to never care for the scars all over my body to protect the one I give my heart to over and over again.

To me, it can be hard to be her silent protector. That hiddenita behind a tower that not even the princess's family knowabout me. I can be the silent knight if anyone knew who actually protected the princess. But, to everyone else, I am just invisible…

With a song in my voice, I know I am fighting for more than myself. I must sing a song to stop the darkness and give hope to the people. To my dying day, I will fight for the song inside my soul.

"If anyone finds out about what I do for the princess. They will call me a stalker, crazy, and a freak! " They will ridicule me for doing what must be done. No matter what, I would do anything for the one I love!" I believe strongly.

"As I know, without her, everything I have done will be for nothing! My princess's beauty and smile saved me. I was a lost soul that could not find my purpose. As the love I hold in my heart makes me stronger than I ever could be!" I think as I look up to the tower to see nothing. With a sigh of disappointment, I close my eyes as I lean my head back against the wall.

"With everything that I am, I see her as the most gorgeous person that I have ever seen. Her beauty compares to none. Yet I could not talk to her!" I whisper.

I think back on the last time I tried. It was a bright Derry day. The sun was behind the clouds as usual. I felt the desire to talk to her. I could not stop myself. "Prrincesss, Hellllooo iiii aamm yooour protectorrrrr!" I say so quietly that I was afraid she did not hear me.

"Hello, is anyone there?" The most beautiful melody, voice inquiries

I quickly put on my cloak and crept into the shadows. I feel myself blushing as my heart thumps so loudly. I feel myself warming up as I start to sweat. I feel fear so deeply I gasp for air, hoping she would not see me. I wanted her to see I haveno clue why I was hiding. I take deep breaths in and out as I try to calm down.

"Ok, so no one is there? Alrighty then. Great now Zara, you are talking to yourself."

I watch as she quickly walks away from the window. I feel myself finally calm down. I shake to clear my thoughts on the past.

"There is no use thinking about the past. I can not change it anyhow. I must look towards the future." I say with a small smile on my face.

I am in love with her. Yet, I know I am not destined to be her love. If I was the prince, would not take credit for what I do. I can see why everyone wants her to be his. While he had a body that most women goes crazy over, I have more of a thin and agile body. They claim his name while I hide in the shadows. "No more, will I hide...I can feel the evil ruling over him. It almost makes me sick from it. I was not a knight for the game or glory, I was a knight to protect the one I love!" I say with passion in my voice.

If anyone heard what I thought of her, they would call me "Crazy!" For I will do anything for the love of my life, even if it means my death. " I am not crazy. She is the other half of my soul. Without her, my life would mean nothing. For her, I am a powerful protector. Without her in my life, I would be nothing. Her beauty and smile saved me. Before her, I was just a lost soul.

My love for her is breathtaking, even though I see her as beautiful. I can never talk to her. Every time that I do, I stutter and blush scarlet in the shadows at the thought of talking to her. I am shy unless I am protecting the kingdom.

My voice rings out true. Even though I am in love, I can not do anything about it. I am a knight first. Keeping Zara safe is my priority. I think with a sigh, "Life is cruel, she is so close yet I can do nothing about it."

Especially since the prince always takes credit for my work. After all I do, he comes sweeping in. The prince is starting to feel off to me, almost like he knows something about the darkness. All I really care about is that the beautiful princess is safe.

"My life is anything but dull. Saving a princess from thieves, dragons, and other things trying to kidnap, steal, or kill her is a full-time job. But I am loving every second of it! As I get to be close to the beautiful princess. I will say one thing, though. My life is never boring." I think with a happy smile.