
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 18 Axx Finishes The Foundation

I wake up. "I feel like I never went to sleep. My head feels like it's filled with cotton." I think. As my eyes seem to have a hard time focusing on anything.

I shake my head and everything comes into focus a bit more. I slowly stand up as I have things to do. I quickly eat something as the sun slowly heats up the day.

"Today I will be doing the floors. I will need a lot of wood. But, it should not take too long." I think as I look at how much wood I have left. "Wow, there is quite a bit here." I think

I grab a pile of small stinks and carry them over to the middle of the 4 logs. I quickly sanded all the sticks down. "I am starting to get good at this." I think. It only takes me about 30 minutes to do about 100 of them.

I laid down each of the sticks. "It does not even cover a row." I think as I groan.

"Maybe I should cut them in half. It would be more work, but I believe it would take less wood." I think as I levitate all the sticks. In one second's flash, a massive flame cuts them in half. I hear the sound of "woash" still in the air as the smell of hickory overwhelms my senses. It smells so good. I place the sticks down. I feel teary-eyed as it looks so perfect.

"Still, there is so much left to do with finishing the first floor." I sigh as I grab all the little sticks. It takes many trips to carry them all the short distance. I look at the large pile. "Least I should be done with this before lunch." I think as I sand all the sticks down. As each small pile of sticks is done, I feel weak as sweat pours down my face. When all the sticks are sanded down, I sway, as I can not take much more of this. I pant as exhaustion takes over.

"I need to stop doing so much!" I think as my eyes roll in the back of my head. I breathe slowly in and out as my body relaxes. I feel my body slowly cooling down. I sigh in relief.

"At least I did not overexert myself. I still have a bump on my head from the last time. " I grumble as I touch the painful bump on my head. "I tried everything to get it to heal, but I guess I will have to let it heal naturally." I think as I "hiss" in pain as I touch a tender spot.

"Better go eat something and take a small break. Maybe then I will not pass out." I think as I remove my hand from my head.

I quickly grab food from the barn. As I walk over, I see stones hidden underneath sticks. I levitate the stones to where the house will be. I put the food down. I stack the stones in a circle 5 feet wide. I stack the stones with a bit of fire magic.

When I step back, the fireplace is 3 feet high. I gather some small pieces of wood as well as larger sticks. With nothing on top of the fire pit, I am going to have to think of a way for it to cook. "For now, I will cook the food in the fire pit. I hope this works." I think as I throw a small flame into the fire pit.

I watch as the tiny little flame catches all the wood on the fire. "Perfect!" I think as I throw all the vegetables into the fire. "While that is cooking, I will finish the first floor," I say as I eat a few berries on my way.

I look at what needs to be done. "I think I know what to do," I say this to create a massive flame. It fits over the first floor. I fan the flames on the stench. Sweat pours down my face as I watch as the stink burns shrink and a hard coating covers the sticks. The flame loses its heat as I move it over the hardened floor. It smooths it out.

I take a step back. "It looks so beautiful." I think. "One floor is done and two more to go." I think with a groan.

I go and make boards out of the massive logs. I levitate them over.

I concentrate hard as the fire rocks go up in the air. I take a small step as I feel confident, and I do not fall. I levitate 30 feet in the air, I make quick cuts in each of the four logs that form the foundation. I cut them once at 10 feet and again at 20 feet. When I levitate the boards one by one, they click into place with fire.

"I feel great knowing that the second floor is done." I think.

I start on the third floor, and I was quickly done. At 35 feet, I finished the top of the house. I walk across it, one board at a time, and I am done in no time. I sigh as my stomach is trying to eat itself.

I slowly levitate down to the ground, I feel like kissing the ground, but I stop before I do.

I go and check on my food. I take it out and it smells good. My mouth waters at the scent. I eat the food whole. I eat all of it. I was that hungry. It looks like it will be a late dinner, I think, as the sun will be setting soon. After I finish eating, I will still need to put the rest of the boards up around the floors.

I put the boards up using my fire magic as glue. On the first floor, I saved room for a door. I saved room for many windows for the rest of the floors. It does not take me long before I know it.

I ate a late dinner, and the sun went down many hours ago.

After I eat, I take down the shed. I put my bag in the almost finished house and I went to bed on the soft ground for the first time in a while. My head hit the ground and I am out.