
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 16~Axx And The Fight For survival

I feel disoriented when I wake up. "Ahhh, right I almost forgot I was in my land. I could say that a million times my land." I say in disbelief. "So much too do in such little time" think as I scout the land. I take a walk around the property and am pleased.

A waterfall flows into a stream.A large clearing where a house could be built. There are even plenty of wild plants growing around me, none of which I have ever seen before.

"I know I am going to do well here. When they were gone, I read as many surviving in the wild books as I could when I was young." I think as I think of a time before all this happened.

"These plants look like they are from the book on Earth plants. The book was banned, but I managed to find a copy. Now I am glad I did." I think as I am shocked by everything.

They do not look poisonous, so I grab as many plants as I can in my shirt. Some of the plants I put in the shade for later. I saved what I could not eat to plant later. I sigh in relief at feeling stuffed for the first time in a long time. My eyes widen at the sight of all the food I have yet to eat. In small trips, I put the food into the shade with the rest.

By the stream, in the harsh sun, I dig out the ground for plots. It is harsh and exhausting work. I quickly get covered in dirt and sweat. Yet when I am finished, I feel satisfied with what I have done. I grab some seeds from the plants. I plant them in little rows.

I construct a hut in the big clearing to keep the rain off of me. "It is not very big, but it should keep the rain off of me." I think as I look around at the progress I have made. With a pleased smile, I eat a few berries. I rest for a few moments as I feel mentally exhausted.

I walk back to where I left the pile of debris. I look at the slightly burnt edges, and I smirk. "I am ready for more of an explosion," I say out loud.

I grab some more debris and make the pile bigger. With a smirk, "I am ready to begin!" I get excited about what might happen.

I look at the pile. "Maybe it...could work." I think as I am unsure of what is about to happen.

Blue fire stones ascend with concentration and, they remain. I sigh in relief as sweat pours from my eyebrow.

When I examine them closely, I notice that the fire stones are of poor quality."I hope this holds." I pray to whatever is out there that it does.

I take a step forward on one of them. I am not sure if the stones will hold up.I hold my breath as I slowly walk upwards into the sky. When I am 7 feet in the air and I do not fall to my death. I grin at what I have found I can do so far.

I recreate my red bow and blue arrow. I look at them with a smile as I see that the bow looks like it has a swirl pattern to it. "They look so much better than the ones from yesterday. I can now see the colors." I say with a stupid grin on my face.

The stone steps seem to lose their color as they shake under my weight. I quickly aim before I fall to my death. I shot and I watch as it hits the target hard. It explodes into a million pieces. "A big piece comes straight at me... it will kill me!" I think in desperation.

I feel fear as I start to fall to my doom. "Fire blanket, save me from this fall!" I reason.

A white and blue flamed blanket appears. With only seconds left, I quickly wrap myself in it. I can feel myself tumbling through the air. "Am I going to die?" I wonder, in fear.

I feel like I hit the ground hard. I hiss in pain as I land on my left arm. I grit my teeth together and hold back my scream. I grab the blanket with my right arm and slid it off. I stand up to see the tiny pile of debris.

"Yes, now that is how you do it," I say. I become happy at my progress, even as my voice sounds rough from my possibility broken arm.

I walk to my shack, where my backpack is. I grab my red power and run it over my arm. I watch as the big purple bruises vanish. I hiss in pain as I feel the bone knit back together. With my arm healed, I go and look at my plants.

I got on my hands and knees and gasp in shock. "Yea, I can see little baby sprouts. I wonder why they are growing so fast?" I wonder aloud, "ooooo!" I scream in my excitement.

"It takes us months to get this little bit of progress and that is for a master farmer. Which I am not. If this is the case. Does this mean this is the soil of another planet? But, that is impossible, right?" I think in shock.

I shake my head as I can not believe how well I am doing."I have plants growing. All I need to do is find some animals. Then everything will go wonderfully." I think with a big smile on my face.

In the next days, I clear out more land to make a path to the other kingdoms. It is hard and exhausting work as I have to break everything with my hands. All the wood and food I put into piles in the shade for now. After a week of doing the path, it is finally done. "I am so happy now. If I need anything, I can go and get it," I say as I wince from all the scratches on my body.

I take a small break before I decide to test out an experiment. With my heat magic and a small section of plants.

"I remember reading about plants loving the heat. Maybe it could make a heat source from my plants with my magic."With this thought, I am excited at the thought of my experiment. I slowly use my magic to give the plants heat.

Every time I do this, the plants burn to a crisp. "How can I fix this?" I wonder out loud. I look at the stream. Maybe if I dig it out where it can hit the plants. Perhaps the plants will not die then?"

I dig out more around the river and the plants more. I watch over the next few days as the plants grow crazily. What takes years to grow only takes about a week. I smirk at my progress. "Least now, I will never go hungry!" I think with happy tears going down my face.

I look at my tiny shack. I know I need way more room if I want to build a house. "Tomorrow will be the start of building my dream home." I think as I fall asleep underneath the stars.