
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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Chapter 14~The Darkness In The Midnight Kingdom~ Seer

The Midnight Kingdom is very different from the rest of Magzis. With a darkness that hides in the shadows, waiting for us to destroy our planet. We do not have much hope!

I have seen the darkness turn everything good about the Midnight Kingdom into something bad. Our dragon symbol now is twisted into something almost evil.

The darkness poisoned everything in the Midnight Kingdom. The once-bright purple and white colors have faded to dark purple and black as the darkness takes over as time goes by. The once luscious ground is now rocky ground with poisonous plants. We used to have food in plenty, but we are surprised if anything grows.

The air used to smell earthy. Now it smells like rotten fish. Now daytime only has a hint of sun. It is almost like we did not feel happy as the darkness took everything from us!

All of us live in a darkness that no matter the lights we use, no light seems to shine through.

We feel no warmth as the Midnight Kingdom has the roughest weather ever. If there is not a sandstorm, it is freezing. The only good thing about the Midnight Kingdom is that when the sun disappears, the moon shines so brightly that the whole kingdom shines. When the moon is out, we do not have to fear what could come out of the darkness.

To make matters worse, we are starving. The kingdom is so poor that the only people who have food are the royals. The rest of us get scraps to fight over. Sometimes we would kill over just one bite.

The poorer the midnight kingdom becomes, the more we become feral. Even just talking to someone can lead to a full brawl. Blood flies everywhere. We must be careful what we say. If not, we could lose our lives or a limb. It is better to just keep your head down.

Many people call us unfeeling and arrogant. The royals did not name us vicious for nothing, but most of the royals think they are better than us. It does not matter what they think anyway.

We're not bad people; we are just desperate, and even if we tried, we couldn't control our actions. The darkness overtook us all, except for a few lucky ones who can fight it. It is uncertain how long we can keep up the fight. With only a few jobs, we fight over who gets the best job.

The jobs are ranked as follows:

1. The few remaining dragons hoard as much money as they can find. It was the dragon code to steal jewels, money, or anything shiny. They loved attacking every kingdom's castle, to steal all the shiny items. They did not help the situation at all.

2. The King or the Queen. They are very much like dragons. They have an enormous vault of anything shiny and worth something. Never let anyone touch it or even look at it. The royals are very greedy.

3. Knights. Make a lot of money. It matters in the kingdom. Most knights make $1,000 a week.

4. The King's Guards made half of what a knight did. They made $500 a week.

5. Cooks make a lot more than usual as most people in the kingdom did not know how to cook or do anything for themselves. They can make about $300 a week.

Farmers are even more important than most other things.People did not know how to grow food. They make about $200 a week.

8. Builders Which is what most people are. They make about $100 a week. Anyone can be a builder. With building things in such high demand, the pay rate was limited.

9. Children usually get $20 a week for chores and good behavior.

10 Bad Guys. Get paid the least. They are fortunate if they make $5 a week. They would have to be desperate to be an evil henchman. Being an evil henchman is the most dangerous job in the world. They are also treated the worst by the head of Evil Corp. All in all, you should not apply for this job.

Even if being a bad guy is sometimes the only way to get food on the table. Even if we only make $5, it is better than nothing. With nothing, we will starve to death with hungry bellies. To get food, we must do something.

One of the lucky ones who will never have to work a day in her life. She is a royal. She has no idea what is happening in her kingdom. While everyone knew what the pheasants were going through, she thought people are good. She is very wrong. Her family steals from their people. While they all have full bellies, we are starving in the streets.

She is going to be the future queen, and yet she knows nothing of the real world. It is no fault of her own. She was trapped in the castle 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and was unaware of her people's plight. If she did, she would change it for the better. I've witnessed it.

At only 11 years old, I know she will be the perfect queen someday. She cared for her people, and she would do anything for them. No matter the sacrifice, she would do anything in her power to protect her people.

Zara is the princess of the Midnight Kingdom. She did not feel like a regular child as she could see the darkness. The princess is different from her kingdom. She has water magic, and unlike everyone in her kingdom, she did not feel pretty. She was chubby while everyone else was skinny. Her eyes were also ocean blue. She did not feel like she was standing out. She felt self-conscious because of this.

The unfortunate thing is that she is incorrect. I have seen her, and she is very gorgeous with azure-colored skin, thin sea-blue eyebrows, full lips, sea-green eyes, blue-green, and white layers in her hair. She looked magical when she walked. It makes her hair look like an ocean wave. She could almost be seen as the definition of beauty. While she sees herself as worthless in the future, a man will see her as his everything. Because of his love for her, this man will shield everyone from the darkness.

I know all of this as I am a seer. I see it all. Only the ever-changing future will tell if we can be saved or destroyed.