
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 12~Axx And The Awakening

I wake up with a moan as my head seems to throb to the beat of my heart. I sit up gently as I hold my head in pain. I look down into the water; my brown skin glows brightly in the reflection of the water. "Dragon!" I swear loudly. "This can not be happening!" I yell in frustration.

"Did I have red skin yesterday? "What the hell is happening to me?" I think in fear.

I am in an unknown land that seems to have day and night. It has an earthy smell, and nothing is going right for me! "What happened to my simple life?" I think as I look up to see many trees above me. "At least no one will know I am alive!" I think in relief, as I know, they tried to murder me. "Grrrr" I growl out in anger.

I pull my hair not too gently as I scream. I wince as my head throbs severely in pain. I take my bag from behind me and reach into it for a bright blue powder. I open the tiny container and dip my fingers into it. I run the liquid substance over the aches in my brain. The headache goes away, and I put the powder away. I sigh in relief as I stare into the water.

"This must be a dream, right?" I question out loud, almost screaming with an edge of disbelief in my voice. I shake my head at my crazy reflection. I slap myself hard in the face.

"Ohwwwch! I cry out in pain. "Dragon, that hurt like hell!" I mutter aloud.

"Ok, so this is not a dream. What the dragon is going on around me? It is almost like I am in a dream world. This is not real! This can not be real." I think in disbelief. I feel like laughing as if I am crazy. I shake my head as I take a deep breath in and out.

"I feel like I am going crazy!" I howl out loud as I pound my fists on the hard ground. I watch as my knuckles bleed in the dirt. The pain makes me feel better. It makes me feel like everything will be alright.

I take a deep breath. I try with all my might to get everything under control.

I see something dancing in my mind from every little thing going on. I grind my teeth from the stress of it all. I take a deep breath and let it out. Strangely, I feel warm as if I am standing next to a fireplace.

I sigh "I feel almost like everything will be OK." I think before I can stop, red flames dance around my body. I jump up in shock as my body is on fire! "Ahhhhhh" I scream as I jump into the river. With the flames still moving around my body, I take a deep breath as I think, "They are not painful. They feel almost soothing. I should be screaming, but I feel this is what was supposed to be since I was a child..."

"Wait, a darn minute! This fire magic can not be mine, right?" I think in confusion as I walk out of the river. I am soaking wet. When I shake my hair, it seems to tumble around me in waves.

"This is impossible! I have never been able to use magic before. Why now, when I am at my lowest? Why did I have to lose everything I had ever worked for?" I scream in disparity as tears run down my face.

"Everyone I know tried to kill me. Even my parents! Why me? Why must the fates hate me!" I scream out in my pain. Finally, I realized that everything I had worked so hard for was gone in a second.

"How am I ever going to trust anyone again? No one even tried to save me!" I growl as I think.

"I am without a place to stay, with magic! That makes me want to scream!" I think as every emotion wants to fly out of me.

I look around the land. I think, "What can I do now?" The land is big and spacious, but I feel all alone.

I do not know how to use this magic underneath my skin. I take a deep breath, wishing for something to help me. Not knowing what could happen. "I know something has to happen soon." I think with a wince of what could happen without control of this.

The magic is swirling out of control all around me. I can barely breathe with flames flickering near the trees. Seeing it makes me panic more.

Seconds later, a letter flashes in flames in the air before me. I gasp out, barely breathing. "What the Dragon is going to happen now? Will this letter help me or will it be my downfall?" My mind races with too many questions for me to focus on just one.

I shake my head as I wave my hand below the letter. When I feel no heat, I gently grab the letter in my hands. I feel like it is meant to be mine. I hurry up and rip open the letter. I read aloud:

"Dear Alexander

You may not know me, but I know you. This may sound confusing to you. I ask you to hear my warning. Your future depends on it. I know this must be scary for you.

You are probably wondering why you have fire magic. Even I, from the future, can not answer that. All I know is that your magic will be the key to the survival of your world.

To get control of your magic. All you have to do is think of it, then your magic will react. It will take a lot of time and practice, but I have seen that you will become a great knight. I have seen you change the world.

You will become a great leader and everyone will follow your every command. You have it in you.

Be careful who you trust, for the darkness is in their hearts! Through you, the Magzics will survive.


Aqua Midnight."

After I read the letter, I feel confused but calmer. The flames disappear near the trees. All I can see now is smoke waving towards me. I wrinkle my nose as I cough. When the smoke disappears from the forest, my lungs become clear and I can breathe easily.

"Why did I get the letter when my name is Axx, not Alexander? Why would they send it to me? As I know, I am not special enough to save myself from pain, let alone a whole world." I scoff at the thought. I shake my head as I think. My life has changed so much in one day.

I read the letter twenty more times as I struggle to figure it out. "Who is this person? Why would they send the letter to me? Why did they tell me to think of it? Like they believed I knew what it meant?" I think as I grab my hair in frustration.

I groan loudly in my anger. "What did Aqua mean? Think of it and, my magic will react? What the Dragon does that even mean!" I yell out loud that no one can answer the question. It echos throughout the forest, as if to torment me.