
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 11~Axx And I Am Broken!!!

I have made a pretty good life for myself. "Everything is going smoothly. I finally have a place to sleep. It is a small place, but it is somewhere to live. It is more like a shack, but it is nice." I think as I look at my nice small place. I smile as I look outside to see yet another sunny day. I sigh as I feel like my life is finally changing, unsure if it was for the better or worse.

"I'm a Knight, but I'm not happy about it.Everything was going great until I saw a glimpse of them. Seeing them so happy made me feel a depression that I never thought I would feel again. They see me and growl with hate shining in their eyes. They walk away. They leave me standing in the middle of the road feeling broken." I shake my head as I do not want to think of that.

"I can not think of these things, but I know the future is grim." I think as I walk outside and look up at the bright sky. I feel a sense of dread that does not feel like mine.

I have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen. I keep everything I own in my bookbag on my back. Even when I sleep, I keep it on. The weight makes me sleep better, knowing no one can touch my things.

I can feel the air change around me, almost like the future is changing before me. "I feel like the future is changing into something unrecognizable." I have a horrible thought that I will be at the front of it all. I think with terror.

I look at the grey buildings as I know I am scared, yet I feel like something good is about to happen soon. "Maybe soon I will be out of this prison of a Kingdom!" I yell with a smile.

Stuck in my thoughts, I hear a loud chime. "Dragon!" I yell out loudly. People look at me as if I have sinned. I do not care as I quickly run to work.

I arrive a second before I am late. I let out a sigh of relief. The day quickly passes by as nothing happens. Except everyone keeps glaring at me, as if I was the reason for their horrible life. Yet I pay no mind to them.

The bell chimes loudly. I walk into my small place and realize I can finally go to sleep.

I lay on the floor on my side as I clench my backpack protectively. I quickly fall asleep in exhaustion.

That night, like magic, I slept the whole night. Not a sound could wake me up as they break my body with smirks on their faces.

My world changes as I feel myself on the hard, cold ground. I know I should not move as everything hurts. My eyes widened as I realized I have been left for dead..."What have I done to deserve this?" I scream out, tears streaming down my face.

I twitch my fingers, "Aaaaaaaaaaawwww'' an unearthly scream erupts from my throat.

With the loud howl in the background, I can hear, "craassssshh" as windows break far off in the distance.

I hear the windows of all the people who jumped me while I slept breaking."I will never forgive anyone of them, ever again!" I howl out in my pain. I feel this deeply that something hums around me. It was almost as if magic was sending a signal, "A signal for what? I wonder aloud, "Only the future can tell it all." I whisper into the wind.

My future looks bleak. One thing I know for sure is I will never want to be a knight ever again! "I will be a poet, a farmer, or even a leader as long as I am not a knight. I do not care what I become." I think as I imagine a life where I could be happy for once.

For the first time in my life, I feel something underneath my skin. I sense it hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes close in pain as "aooooow" I howl out in agony. I scream. After what feels like hours of screaming, I pass out.

When I open my eyes, I feel a warmth I have never felt before. I did not think much about it. With the day I am having, I feel like I am walking in someone else's body.

When I feel more alert, I shrug my shoulders and wince before the pain hits. My expressive eyes go blank. I scratch my head in my confusion.

"What is going on?" I can not help but wonder aloud.

I realize I can move. I slowly sit up with a groan in pain. I gently get off the ground. My body tingles with awareness.

My eyes scan to look all around me, and I can see nothing but miles of empty land. The land is green, and I appear to be in a forest. The forest is chaotic, with plants going every which way.

With no path, I feel that no one has ever been here before. Yet I believe I am meant to be here.

My mouth feels so dry that it feels like I was eating sand. My lips want to stick together in dryness.

"I could use a drink." I think as I look around for any bodies of water. "Thank the Dragon," I say as I see a body of water not that far from me. I slowly walk over to the water.

At the rippling river, I crouch down as I stick my whole head in I take big gulps of water. I feel better as my mouth feels damp, and I sigh in relief. I take my head out of the water as my water hair hits my shoulder hard. I watch in fascination as the water drops hit the ground.

I stand up and look down at the bounty of the water. "Ahhhhhh!" I scream, unable to control the sound that erupts from my throat.

I am not the weak, dull, freaky boy everyone always saw me as being. In the reflection is an unrecognizable man. I now have a slender build with muscles. I looked delicious for the first time in my life. I looked down at my body and noticethat I am finally starting to look healthy.

Looking more deeply into the water, I study my hair. What used to be brown, greasy, lackluster hair is now caramel that flows down my shoulders. My brown skin is now a bright red that seems to glow.

What I notice the most is that I do not look sickly anymore. In awe, I trace my fingertips down from my head to the end of my stomach.

Everything about me has changed. I feel like I am stuck in someone else's body. My legs give out from beneath me as a result of the stressful day I had. I hit the ground with a loud thump.