
1,000,000 Mods after being reincarnated

Jack Yang worked on this project for years until, in 2050, he did it, he finally added 1 million mods in Skyrim...

TachyonicCha · Others
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The Lord and the Opps

"You!? Brother, you joined him!?" yelled Daryl shocked.

Merle stood up and walked to a tree, "Watch," said Merle as he kicks the tree which was 4x thicker than Merle's body in width. *Bang* Almost like a bullet, the kick decapitated the tree in half, "Timber!"

"Wow!" said Carl.

"How the hell..." wondered Shane.

Rick gulped, "Damn."

"Impossible, this must be a dream, there is no way you just did that," said Glenn pinching himself and finding out he was in fact, in reality right now.

"Not impossible," said a voice on top of the RV.

Looking up, everyone got on guard until Merle ran in front of the RV and knelt. "Captain, I am beginning to turn the group, I just need you to convince them," said Merle which made most of them shocked.

"What, he was trying to convert us?" asked Shane taking out his gun and pointing at the masked man on top of the RV. *BANG* Everyone in astonishment, saw that the masked man dodged the bullet, "WHAT?!" *BANG BANG BANG* Emptying the entire clip, none of the bullets managed to touch the masked man.

Dropping the gun, Shane knelt, "How, is that..."

"Now, I will give you a proposition, join us and our Lord, or I will end all of you right here and now," said the masked man with a clown mask.

Silence permeated for a bit, "I," before anyone could answer, a crossbow bolt shot into the masked man's head penetrating it.

Daryl saw that Merle had stolen his crossbow and killed the masked man, but how. "How, did you kill him?" asked Daryl to Merle.

"I, think, I finally, escape the mind control just for a bit, but, I think, I am, gonna, die, soon..."

"What do you mean?!"

"My body is decaying at a rapid pace because of my strength, I don't have long, I think," said Merle as his body turned into ash blowing into the wind.

"NOOOO!!!" yelled Daryl as he tried to catch his brother's ashes.

Shane got up and ignored Daryl, he got up the RV and unmasked the...

"What does he look like?" asked Rick.

"He is, a walker, impossible," said Shane as he threw the surprisingly light body of the masked man onto the ground where everyone saw that he was indeed a rotting walker.

Jumping down from the RV, Shane searched for the masked man and found a journal named: Experimental Log. Reading through it, Shane was horrified, these masked people were injecting humans with an experimental drug of some sort and the side effects were not that eye-catching.

"These sick bastards, they've been experimenting on people and injected them with a serum that gives them super strength, super speed, and super durability but each test ends with the same failure. Death" said Shane throwing the book down.

There were 500+ logs, meaning there were more than 500 people who died due to the side effects of these drugs. "What should we do now?" asked Lori.

Shane searched the masked man again and found a map as well as a kit that was full of injections. 4 in total, the 5th one was used for Merle. "We have to keep it just in case we need to use it against these masked people," justified Shane taking one syringe.

Rick took one, Glenn took one, and T-Dog took one. "We have to get to CDC to get a cure for the virus, as well as get a cure for this injection or whatever it is," said Rick.

"Yeah, that is a good idea," said Glenn.

"Fine, we need all of the information that we can gather, if we can do that at the CDC and combat these masked people, then count me in," said Shane.

Nodding, they made their plan and made their way to the CDC after killing Amy and burying the bodies. Little did they know, they were being watched by a masked man with a plain white mask. "These little birdies are gonna get their wings clipped, hehe!"

Morales departs with his family just before they left, Shane tried to convince them otherwise but they insisted they had family in Birmingham. They had a tearful goodbye, the masked man rolled his eyes.

Driving to the CDC in an RV, Rick starts to wonder why Shane and Lori are acting weird toward each other. Five hours later...

"God, I need to pee," said Lori as she gets out of the car.

"Alright, everyone can take a break while I and T-Dog can scope the area for walkers," said Shane nodding to T-Dog as they began to scope out the area near the CDC building.

"Just leave me, please, the pain is too unbearable," said Jim to Rick.

"Look, it's just the delirium setting in, don't worry, we are at the CDC, we can get you fixed up," said Rick trying to comfort Jim.

"I think we should adhere to his last request," said Dale solemnly.

Closing his eyes, Rick nods reluctantly, he and Dale lay Jim down near a tree, "I hope you find your family in the afterlife," said Rick walking away with Dale.

Seeing that Shane and T-Dog came back, the entire group slowly walk towards the CDC building as a person was unknowingly watching them from the inside. "I feel someone watching me," said Rick looking around.

"Stop being paranoid, nothing is watching us," said Dale.

Shane looked behind at Rick and Dale, "Being paranoid is what keeps us alive, remember that Dale."

Shutting up, the group finds a window that was cracked open, Shane walks up to it and tries to crack it open but it wouldn't budge, "Dammit, come and help me, Glenn," said Shane.

Walking over, Glenn tried to help Shane and eventually opened the window slightly, "That is the best we can do," said Glenn breathing hard.

"Carl, can you fit?" asked Shane which made Lori a bit angered.

Walking in front of Shane, Lori says, "Don't you dare to think about sending my son into that window, we don't know what is on the other side of the wall."

"We don't have anyone small as Carl, so he either has to do it or we don't get in at all," said Shane gritting his teeth. "What do you think Rick?"

"Um, we can find another way in, this must not be the only way in right?" said Rick logically.

"Fine, find the other way in, then," said Shane annoyed.

Looking around, Rick found an open vent, "A vent, it's open."

"Hm, good thinking, but I don't think we can fit in there, only Carl can," said Dale scratching his beard.

"I can help," said a voice from behind them.

Taking out their guns and turning around, they all were met with a masked man with a black mask. "You're with the masked people right?!" questioned Shane.

"Yes and no, I am a branch of the Light Organization called the."

"Wait, are you called the Dark Organization?" asked Glenn.

Looking at Glenn as if he was an idiot, the masked man said, "No, we are called the Life Organization, or LIFE for short."

"What does LIFE stand for?"

"It stands for, L for Love, I for Integrity, F for Family, and E for Equality. LIFE."

In the woods where the masked man with the white mask was previously. There were only body parts strewn about as well as the white mask being cracked in half...

"And why should we trust you?" asked Daryl readying his crossbow.

"Because you want the cure to being a walker right?"