
1,000,000 Mods after being reincarnated

Jack Yang worked on this project for years until, in 2050, he did it, he finally added 1 million mods in Skyrim...

TachyonicCha · Others
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Merle is back and better

"HEY!! COME BACK AND GET ME YOU F*CKERS!! ONCE I GET OUT! I WILL FIND ALL OF YOU!!" yelled Merle as he tried to yank the handcuffs. "Anyone, I don't want to die, please."

Looking around, Merle saw a hacksaw, then he heard footsteps, looking to his left, he saw the masked man with a clown mask. "Your that...can you get me out, please, I will do anything, anything, just help me escape," said Merle desperately.

The masked man with a clown mask slowly took off his mask, and Merle was horrified. "Are you willing to serve our lord?"

Merle contemplated until he heard the walkers walking up the stairs and banging on the door that leads to the roof. T-Dog had fortified it before he left with the group, "I, will your lord be able to help me survive?!" wondered Merle looking at the banging door and back at the...

"Of course, my lord is accepting of anybody."

Hearing the door creaking, and a few seconds later. The door breaks as a lot of walkers walk onto the roof, seeing this, Merle didn't hesitate, "I accept your Lord!" accepted Merle.

The walkers who were walking towards Merle suddenly stopped and walked back down the stairs, "Good, my lord would love you, hahaha!" said the masked man who suddenly had his clown mask back on. Snapping his fingers, a lightning bolt shot the handcuffs releasing them.

"What..." said Merle shocked.

The masked man walked up to Merle and touched him on the forehead, "Imperius." A ball of black light entered Merle forcing him to change. "Good, now you can really serve our Lord." Taking out an injection, the masked man gave it to Merle, injecting it into his veins directly.

Feeling a change happening, Merle began to change physically, his muscles grew larger, his brain grew smarter, and he grew a clown mask as well. Just kidding, Merle just got stronger, faster, and smarter than any other human. "I feel, amazing."

"Our Lord expects good things from you, go back to your group and try to convert them one by one, once you do, our Lord will give you a gift like this," said the masked man who began raising walkers from the roof.

Seeing this, Merle smiled and kneeled down, "Yes, I will complete your task, do not worry."

In the van, T-Dog said, "Man, don't worry about Merle, nobody would even care if he died, well there is his brother Daryl."

Rick listened in silence, arriving at the camp, everybody came out of their tents to greet the survivors. Everybody was reunited with their loved ones, "How did you guys escape?" wondered Shane to Glenn.

"We had help from a new guy," said Glenn.

"Yeah, he is a police officer also," said T-Dog as Rick got out of the van scratching his neck until he saw.

"Rick..." said Shane as Lori and Carl ran up to Rick and hugged him tightly.

Lori turned to Shane and was conflicted, Rick looked at Shane and smiled, sighing heavily, and Shane smiled back. "I missed you guys so much," said Rick as he kissed Lori making Shane turn his head.

"You know this guy?" asked Glenn to Shane.

Shane was a bit hesitant but answered anyways, "He was my friend, we go way back as police officers."

"Oh, wow, must be great to see him alive then?" said Dale patting Shane's back.

Daryl came out of his tent and saw that his brother wasn't with them, "Where is my brother?" asked Daryl looking at Glenn and T-Dog.

"Man, he is, um, he didn't make it..." said Glenn glancing at T-Dog and Rick.

Looking into the sky after finding out his brother had not made it, Daryl went into the woods by himself, everyone watched him having conflicted emotions.

At night, everyone was around the campfire, "I was in the hospital and woke up, I was so disoriented and felt a bit weird since I was alone in the entire hospital," said Rick sighing.

"Shane told me you died," said Carl which made Rick chuckle.

"He probably had every reason to, but thanks Shane, for taking care of my family for me," said Rick looking at Shane who was staring into the campfire.

Turning his head, Shane looks at Rick and smiled, "Yeah man, no problem, your my friend aren't you?" Glancing at each other, Lori and Shane looked at each other awkwardly.

Bidding everyone goodnight, Lori and Rick went into their tent to enjoy some family time while Shane sat at the RV and stared at the tent in jealousy/envy.

Waking up after an amazing time, Rick put on his clothes and heard some screams. Grabbing his gun, Rick and the group walked to the scream to see a walker feasting on a deer. "What the actual f*ck?" wondered Shane looking around.

Jumping on the walker, they all began to stomp on it, until Dale decapitates it. Hearing a noise coming from the forest, they all watched as Daryl came out of the woods full of blood and with a crossbow. "I chased that deer for hours, goddammit," said Daryl. Seeing that the walker was still gnashing its teeth, Daryl stabs the walker in the head with a crossbow bolt. "A walker only dies when you destroy its brains."

"Look, man, I think you need a bath," said Glenn holding his nose.

Smelling himself, Daryl nodded and went to the river to clean up. Eventually cleaning up, Daryl went to Glenn and asked him, "What happened with my brother?"

"Um," looking at Rick and T-Dog, Glenn didn't know how to answer.

Rick went beside Glenn and said, "Look man, I might have handcuffed him on a roof. Listen, before you attack me, your brother was shooting at a man or walker and wasted all of his bullets. He attracted a lot of noise."

"So you decided to lock him on a roof and you didn't even free him after you left?"

Before Rick could answer, everyone heard footsteps. Looking in the direction, everybody was shocked to find that it was Merle...

"Brother, how..." asked Daryl flabbergasted.

Merle smiled, "Hahaha! I knew my lock-picking skills would come in handy." Daryl finally smiled and ran to hug Merle, but Merle backed away. "Woah, I don't do hugs little brother, you remember?"

Sighing, Daryl saw a bag behind Merle, "What is that bag?"

"This? Well, this is a bag of weapons I found, oh, I also found this hat, it must've belonged to the...police officer," said Merle with disdain and he throws the hat towards Rick who caught it.

"Thanks, and, um, I'm sorry for leaving you there," apologized Rick putting on the hat.

Without a word, Merle rubbed his stomach, "I am famished, anything to eat?"

"We caught some fish this morning," said Shane as they all gather around the campfire once again to enjoy some fish.

"So, where is Ed?" asked Merle enjoying a fish.

"He is, injured," said Shane cryptically.

Before anyone could comment, a scream rang out. Getting up, Rick saw the masked man with a clown mask in the corner of his eye. Turning around quickly, nobody was there, "What the hell?" said Rick until he realized he had bigger problems.

Rushing towards the scream, they all saw walkers coming into the camp, taking out their weapons. They dealt with the walkers quite easily until Amy who was Andrea's sister was bitten, as well as Jim. "God, please, no!" yelled Andrea holding Amy in her arms.

"Andrea, you have to put her out of her mercy, she is a time bomb just waiting to become one of them," said Shane as Lori slaps him.

"Give her time, will you? She is grieving," said Lori as Shane walks away angered.

"Jim, why is there blood on your shirt?" asked T-Dog to Jim who was digging.

Jim stopped digging and smiled, "Nothing, it was probably just a scratch from a rock or something."

Tackling Jim, T-Dog revealed his stomach to find a bite wound, "HE IS BIT!" yelled T-Dog who got the attention of the entire town of Atlanta.

Just kidding, the group all circled around Jim as they contemplate what to do. "I forgot to mention to you guys earlier but, there was this one masked man with a clown mask who dodged Merle's bullets and was able to summon the walkers from the ground," said Glenn.

Everyone was quiet for a bit until Shane came out laughing, "HAHAHA!! That is a funny joke, Glenn."

"No, it was true," said Rick.


"Yeah, it is true," said T-Dog.

Morales chimed in also, everyone that saw the masked man chimed in and made the story more believable. "I don't know if you all are on drugs or something, but something like that is not possible even if the dead are rising," said Shane.

"It is true, I shot that f*cker and he dodged like some sort of god," said Merle agreeing.

"F*ck, if that is true then, what do we do about him?!" asked Shane getting mind-boggled.

"I know," said Merle smiling.

"What?" asked Lori.

Looking at everyone with a smile, Merle revealed, "Join him, if we have him as a friend, we can survive longer."

Everyone looked at Merle and had different opinions, "What makes you think he would help us anyways?" asked Shane logically.

"Well, because, I joined him and his Lord..."

*Gasp* "What? You..."