

Rifts in the form of giant trees gave a path for monsters to cross into the lands and cause harm into the human world.

Military personnels had harm time from the range and uncertainty of the intruders within the country. To the point that they appoint civilians into their fighting force.

A blessing came in to aid the humans. Marks begun forming to those who crossed paths inside the rifts. Marks that indicate a specific element or beast.

Power that limits between the person's stamina and willpower. They are called powerholders. Together with this power came knowledge of another world - their language, wisdom of their power, and their hatred against beastal holders.

These hatred turned into common knowledge from rumors that beastal holders are menacing and should be treated unequally to humans.

The story goes on...

Elemental holders are seen as saviors

Beastal holders are seen as pest even though they are ordinary humans removing their powers.

The marks became their identity.