

Far beyond the colonial ship ever set sand at one of the islands of the Philippines.

Three large chunks of landmass from the country we know today as the Philippines. It was small compared, and yet we have colossal kings to governed their own territory.

The sky king

The sea king

The crab king

The 5 headed king

The river king

Arranged by descending size, the two kings were considered the kings of the kings.

The sky king, Minokawa, the suneater; a large bird with eyes that shines like diamonds when gazed at the sun, wings hardened to withstand the atmosphere descend leaving a red shooting star at the sky everytime the creature flew the outer space, and claws that can pick up mountains.

The sea king, Bakunawa, the mooneater; a large sea serpent that roam around the Pacific Ocean and slept at the large trench that was considered the largest under the ocean at current time. Its body mass and length can lung itself to the distant of the moon. Recorded to have eaten 6 moons that caused global trespassed of spiritual beasts; hence, the stories of monsters and beasts from early bedtime stories and lores of any land. With its massive gazing mouth can engulp several villages with darkness of the void.

The four kings stopped the sea king from eating the last of the moon as it flew up in the air like a dragon flying from the clueless ocean.

As fellow kings of the land, he was forgiven by his brothers and sister Minokawa.

Took his leave into the ocean trench to dwell his hunger by the salt and ocean.

The hunger for the moon remained...

A few decades, beings came down from the sky and expressed their power of the elements and creation. The colossal kings and the king of the elementals joined arms for peace and prosperty setting aside their differences of appearance and sizes.

With their potential for creation, they smiled destruction and ruling of this land. Bakunawa caught this feeling and formed an alliance for the king's hunger for the last moon. Without anything in return, they each brought chaos upon the lands of the kings.

Prior to any clue of whom had cause such cruelty, the sound of an explosion heard from the land coming from the Pacific.

It was the sea king, again, launching himself to the sky aiming at the moon with a great resolve for hunger.

He got out of the atmospheres of the earth without any struggle.

As the king smiled with the distance from his mouth to its meal, a roaring thunder flew from the mountain soaring into the snake at flight.

It was Minokawa. She revealed her judgement to be correct of one's betrayal to one's kin. Bakunawa did not show any sign of backing off and continued his quest for its meal.

The only sister amongst the kings got a breaking sensation to what she was seeing, she knew what has to done.

She grabbed her own brother at the back and derailed his flight to the moon. Like an eagle grabbing a snake, she soared away from the country, away from the planet and the moon, and flew gracefully into the sun.

The sea king struggled backkkk gazing away his place of rule and preciousssss meal and started attacking his sister.

The biting and tightening of the grip caused the sky king into flewing faster and faster.

Her full body emitted a radiant astray of flames shining at the darkness of space.

The sky king and the sea king never returned since then.

After that, history of the country filled with colonization, years of corruption and belittlement of the people that once ruled the place.

A little short history from the beast kings and the elemental kings.

After the disappearance of the kings, the other kings began rampaging and caused thousands of lives and appearance of the rifts that can brought malignos, spiritual creatures from bedtime storiess...

The elemental beings stepped in and aided the country to seal away the rampaging kings.