

Every awakening can be seen from a distant. A shining being from the crowd. A mark will soon change your way of living the normal life.

To have an elemental mark ( fire, water, rock, air) leads to prosperity and a road to legacy.

To have a beastal mark leads to glass ceiling and discrimination between your peers.

Normal life was a dream for Mino. He was crippled since misscarriage from birth.His life was in a wheelchair. He wanted to live a normal life. He crawls and climbs his way into the wheelchair the hospital provided. An eyesore to the prestige family of elemental powerholders.

One night. A shiny bright filled the room of the beds. Mino was being awakened into a powerholder. People informed the parents and watched as the light fades and awaited the mark.

Will he be an elemental like his brothers? They whispered and hope for the young to have a better life.

Fate frowned at the boy and gave him a beastal

He was moved into the house for the caretakers, the cooks, and the butlers.

He has the surname of the family, but never the love of the family.

They throwed the money for education and books at him.

His siblings born with the marks isolated him more and more. His younger sister without the mark was the only visitor to his life.

He learned compassion and the love from his neighbors at the home estate.

He lived by watching people from the distance and leaned away when the parents will stroll the path.

His legs gain volume and the sense of footing. Even though, the appearance was not normal. He gazed at the feeling that he can walk. Gulping his breath and strength as he remembered how to stand and step. His vision and perspective changed when rise from where he thought was his prison for a lifetime. He can see the garden of the estate just the edge of the bed. He slowly took his steps. Each step was like fireworks into him. His heart pounds harder with uncertainty and joy. The sound of talons from his three fingered legs awakened some helpers. the caretaker that lived with the boy hold a small knife under her bed for she thought it was monster.

As she dropped the knife into the ground, tears into her eyes seeing a miracle under the curse.

The boy who lived in a wheelchair and abandoned more because of the beastal mark stood up and stand at the window.