
Chapter 7

I woke up in a cell created using Titanium, a rare material that can suppress any form of magic. Although it doesn't work for me, breaking it with my cultivation level is also impossible. I tried screaming for help, but there was no response to my cries. I'm the kind of guy who gives up pretty soon, so I went into my Erudition Sea to meditate. If I can strengthen my soul by a decent amount, I will be able to use Soul type Attacks when I get my hands on them.

After meditating for three hours, I heard a noise from outside my cell. I glanced over to see that it was gramps and some other people who were probably wardens of this place. Gramps walked over to me and tried to whisper something in my ear, but I pulled away. If my guess was correct, he put me in this cell after I charged at the King.

"Listen here, Zephyr." Gramps insisted. "Don't be mad at me, be mad at yourself for trying to harm the king. Anyway, I came here to tell you that you will be executed tonight instead of tomorrow, so be ready."

He handed me a folded piece of paper and then left. I opened up the paper and was shocked to see what he had written. It was a small map, and beside it, he had written "Meet Aetos at Mount Peleus. Tell him that Arthur sent you."

"Zephyr!" Gramps called out. I thought he had left, but he was standing on two dead bodies. I quickly realized that the bodies were of the wardens. "Run, and do what I told you to!"

I was so mad at gramps, but at the same time, I was grateful. I quickly took the paper, and gramps got me out of the cell. I ran out of the Prison to the Exit of the Palace. Two guards spotted me, but gramps knocked them out in one blow. Just then, I was teleported to a large room. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything, but fortunately, gramps was there too. He used Light Magic to light up the room. What I saw next was utterly terrifying…

The room was filled with heads, human heads.

"U-um, gramps… Why exactly are there human heads in this place? I asked reluctantly. "And where exactly are we?"

"This is the Slaughter Room. It's an entirely different dimension than the Human realm, and it's a pretty small, so we call it the Lower Realm. There are many other dimensions like this one. The people who defy the King are sent here to rot and beheaded." Gramps replied. I could tell that he was scared too. He had defied the King for the sake of a child, and now the King was going to behead him.

"Listen here, Zephyr. I will be using spatial magic to get us out of here. Then you must run away from this place as fast as you can, okay?" Gramps said.

"But gramps… Your life energy!" I protested. "It will be sucked dry with this teleport!"

"It doesn't matter. This old man has already lived too long." Gramps tried to reassure me. "You are the only one who has any chance of stopping Azazel."

As he said that, he used the last bit of life energy he had to create a portal for me to escape through.

"Gramps… I swear to make you proud someday!" I sobbed. I ran through the portal and started running towards the exit. I looked behind to see that the portal had already closed. Gramps had also tried to come through, but he had died in the process, and his lifeless body was on the floor.

"GRAMPS!!" I screamed. I hesitated for a second but kept running. I believe that gramps would want this too. As I neared the doors, Lucas, Jonas, and Zoe stared menacingly in my direction.

"Get outta my way!" I yelled.

"No way! If you want to get through, you gotta kill us first." Zoe smirked. I knew I couldn't take all three of them on simultaneously, so I tried to use my only advantage, speed, to dodge all their attacks and get through. I managed to avoid most of their attacks, but when I got close to the exit, one of their attacks pierced my shoulder. I winced out in pain as three knives flew toward me. I was sure I was going to die here.