
Chapter 6

When I opened my eyes, I saw a great ocean. So this was my Erudition Sea, my subconsciousness. I started meditating and thinking about all the good things I did in my life. In about three minutes, I began to see some results. My Erudition Sea was growing, so my soul was expanding, and I could summon a Transcendent to make a contract with soon.

Seven more minutes passed by, and I heard a voice.

"Why have you summoned me, lowly creature." The voice barked. "I am Hades, The most powerful Devil of all."

I was shocked at the sight of him. He had dark brown hair and a black beard representing the abyss. He was wearing a fancy red-golden robe and holding a humongous two-pronged fork, which I believe was called a Bident. His eyes looked empty, and he had an expressionless face.

"I-I have summoned you to form a contract with me, sir." I stuttered. Whatever I did, I did not want to mess with this guy. I mean, he was huge!

"Ha-Ha-ha-ha!!" Hades laughed. "A pest wants to form a contract with me? Dream on, kid."

His words somehow made me lose my temper, I don't know what it was, but it might have been his aura. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to kill him.

"Listen here, old fart, I wanna form a contract with you, and you will agree. I don't care about your reputation or anything. I need to keep cultivating, so help me, alright?" I yelled.

Hades laughed, but not in an evil way.

";Your courage amuses me. I shall form a contract with you today. You are the only one who has ever formed a contract with me, so you will experience the full extent of the powers I bestow upon you. Although it is a great power, it also comes with a backlash. Your power will grow tenfold temporarily whenever you are angered greatly, but in that amount of time, you will have no control over your body. You can also call it the Beserk Mode. Although it is a backlash, it will be your greatest strength if you can learn how to control your body in Berserk Mode." Hades explained. "That is all. You may return to your consciousness now."

As he said that, my Erudition Sea faded, and I felt pain in my hands and feet. I looked to see that I was cuffed!! I was in the Royal Palace, and everyone was there, even the King.

"Seems you have finally awakened, demon!" The King barked at me. "I had always suspected you. I knew that you would eventually fall to the hands of the devils."

I didn't know what he was talking about, so I nudged gramps to tell me what happened.

"Child, it seems you have fallen at the hands of the Devils. You have made a contract with a devil. We sensed the Demonic Qi flowing through your veins." Gramps explained. "Tell me, which devil did you give the pleasure of making them your contractor?"

"It was… It was Hades!" I said. This was unfair, I thought to myself. How was I supposed to choose which transcendent I summon? Although, I knew that if I said something, they would slice my throat in half. They wouldn't even give it a second thought.

"Hades!" The King thundered. "We had heard that he hadn't made a contract with anyone. How did a brat like you get Hades to like you?"

"I do not know, your majesty," I replied. "He said he liked my courage and then contracted with me."

"Anyway, I have decided. You shall be executed before dawn tomorrow for daring to follow the Devil's Path in your cultivation. Furthermore, we have no use for you since you do not possess a magic attribute. You are just dead weight." The King yelled. I felt devastated. I was… dead weight…? I started to feel lightheaded and was back in my Erudition Sea after a few seconds. Only this time, I could see the outside world without actually returning. I noticed that I was screaming. It sounded like a monster. Wait… is this what Hades talked about? The Berserk Mode, had I activated it already?

The answer was a yes. I had activated Berserk Mode, and my appearance had changed as well. I looked pale with blood-red tattoos all over my arms. My hair had grown longer than it was in my base form. I also had two red horns and claws. I wish I could control myself at that moment because my body charged toward the King with the intent to kill. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, but everything after that was a blur.