
Chapter 18

Master was fighting Royal Guards. They were here on the orders of the King. Damn that guy, he even sent guards, a lot of them, to chase me down. I went to greet the master and also ask him what the situation was.

"Brat, why are you here?! You gotta recover first. Anyway, since you're here, you can do some training." Master said.

"Training?" I asked. I didn't know what kind of training I could do here.

"Wipe all of these guys out," Master ordered.

"But there are like ten thousand of them!" I protested. "And most of them have higher cultivation levels than me!"

"This is an order," Master said.

"Male Hag," I muttered.

"What did you say?" Master said menacingly. I just flew off.

I started thinking about how to wipe these guys out efficiently. Master did a great job of keeping those guys off the Mountain and me. Even if I used the flames that I used against master, it would still take too long, and I wouldn't be able to maintain my magic power until then. An idea popped up in my head. What if I summon Hades again? Could he help me take these guys out and not drain all of my mana? It was worth a try, at least.

I entered my Erudition Sea and started meditating. Ten minutes passed, twenty, thirty, an hour, two hours, but I couldn't summon him. Since that wasn't working, I exited my Erudition Sea and started thinking of other ways. I decided to ask master about this after all this was over.

I went over to Calypso to ask for help since I wasn't the intelligent type.

"You could try combining dark magic and inheritance fire magic and see what that gets you," Calypso answered. I hadn't even thought of that. Instead, I didn't even know you could combine attributes.

"Could you hurry it up? I'm trying not to kill these guys to make it a challenge for you, so don't let my efforts go to waste." Master telepathically told me. I couldn't use telepathy to give him a message, so I just took that as a warning to hurry up.

I did some experiments with dark and fire magic. Thankfully, I could synergize them with each other to create hellish flames. I named it "Hell-Fire." I tested it out on the guards and warriors trying to kill me, and the result was better than expected. Hell-Fire was almost twice as strong as usual flame magic and covered more area. The only downside was that it took twice as much mana to create because it's made by combining two attributes.

I started using my Hell-Fire to wipe the whole army out. All of them were knights and had no experience using long-range magic, so it was a breeze.

It still took me longer than expected to wipe out all of them. By the time I was done, all of my mana had been depleted, and I fainted.