
Chapter 19

To think I would pass out twice with such short intervals is bizarre. When I woke up, I was greeted again by Calypso. I asked him about master, and he said that Master was meditating.

I didn't want to disturb him, so I just went to the training ground to test some stuff out. I was trying to test if submerging my body in Hellfire would make it sturdier and more physically domineering. Hellfire was an extremely destructive force that could annihilate anything in its path, but it also didn't harm its user, which could be used to the user's advantage. I also applied Hellfire on my organs, as it would not hurt but help them.

As I thought, covering my body in Hellfire does help make it stronger. I also tried applying it to Asi, which made the dagger much more dangerous. I called Calypso out to make him spar with me. He was a couple of Cultivation levels above me since he consumed those Fire-Attribute pills back then.

When the fight started, I tried to dodge his every move and close the distance so that I could test out Asi. When I slashed him with the dagger, I realized that it was an illusion and that he was behind me. Before I could even blink, he burned my whole body down, and I died. This was my first time dying, so it felt weird. I was walking through emptiness to a door of light. When I exited the door, I emerged through Calypso's horn.

"How was it, master?" Calypso asked. "Your first time dying."

"It felt…. Weird." I replied since I had nothing else to say about it.

"I see, but be careful from now on," Calypso warned. "You cannot come back to life if there isn't a flame in a fifty-meter radius."

"I never knew that thanks," I said. Although it came with immortality, there were some downsides to this power.

Next, I went to meet master to ask if there was anything I could do for training.

"Master–" I started, but he interrupted me.

"I know what you're going to ask, and we'll act as mercenaries for the Soaring Heaven Sect in a week," Master said.

"Battle experience, cool," I replied and sat beside him. Since he had been meditating, I offered him water, and he chugged it all down in one gulp. Although I was pretty strong now, I still had no battle experience whatsoever. All I had done was spar with master and Calypso these days, and that wasn't anywhere near the experience I needed if I was going to go against Azazel.

"Before that, I have another job for you. I need you to wipe out all the Martial Beasts in this area." Master ordered.

"But this area is entirely barren. There are no Martial Beasts here." I protested.

"In a one hundred kilometer radius…." Master added.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. A hundred-kilometer radius meant an area of three hundred and fourteen kilometers. It would take me days to wipe out a fraction of all that.

"Are you being disrespectful?" Master raised his eyebrow.

"Old geezer," I muttered. "No, sir."

"Then go!" Master bellowed.

"Right now?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes–" Master ordered.