
Chapter 17

"Since you're boasting about the ability to destroy a Seventh-Layer Cultivator, spar with me, and I'll even reduce my cultivation level to the fourth level." Master insisted.

"You got it, geezer!" I said proudly. Both of us left the cave and flew over to the training ground. I forgot to mention, but yeah, I can fly now. I inherited Calypso's wings, which I can use to fly around and disintegrate when I don't need them. They'll be reborn after that. Calypso flew with us, cheering me on. I kept him summoned at all times so I don't have to put a toll on my body whenever I summon him.

We descended to the training ground. It was basically a chunk of barren land, which was a bit above the other. Master reduced his cultivation to The Dark Realm Stage Fourth Layer, and we bowed to each other. I decided to try to get the first blow in.

"You're going down today, geezer." I joked. I flew at him with immense killing intent, hoping he would lower his guard. I covered my first in phoenix flames and then used Twin Dragon's Fist, but Master blocked it with one of his fingers. I was stunned, and Master took advantage of that and pounded me in the stomach. It hurt so much that I subconsciously unleashed fire all over the training ground. That fire would have burned anyone or anything between it, but Master came out of it unscathed. Before I could blink, he appeared behind me and punched me on my spine. An average person would have been paralyzed instantly, but I recovered quickly since I had the phoenix's inheritance and the bone-strengthening from my magic.

I jumped and did a spin hook kick at his face, but he pushed me away with two fingers. He was monstrous, even at such a low Cultivation Level.

"Since you're so weak, I'm going to reduce my Cultivation to Basic Demon Body Layer twelve." Master laughed. I gritted my teeth and started shooting fireballs at him, which he dodged easily.

"You think something like that would work on me?" Master asked, annoyed that I was underestimating him.

Little did he know, that wasn't my plan.

I descended onto the ground and motioned to him for a ground fight. He raised an eyebrow in doubt but agreed. While he was descending, I started shooting fireballs at him again, which were all avoided by him again. As soon as he landed, I enacted my plan. I was going to form a combo.

"So, shall we st-" Master was interrupted by me when I used dark magic to appear behind him using his shadow. I kicked him on the back, and he flew forward. I appeared in front of him using his shadow again and uppercut him using Twin Dragon's Fist. He was too stunned to react, so I took advantage of that and shot fireballs at him at close range, which gave him some burns and made him fall back. I charged at him and was going to hit him with a Hit of Wrath, but he regained his consciousness and punched me as hard as he could. Everything after that is a blur.

When I gained consciousness, I was greeted by Calypso's annoying voice.

"Master, you're finally awake!" Calypso said, rejoicing.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Where's master?"

"He's fighting someone right now and told me to take care of you," Calypso explained.

"That geezer. Take me to where he is, right now." I ordered.

"Yes, Master." Calypso led me outside the cave to where Master was. You won't believe what I saw.