
Chapter 14

I had heard about Demon Spirits before from gramps. Aside from Beast Magic and mythical beasts connected to a weapon, there are also Demon Spirits. They are beasts that you capture and integrate with that give you their specific abilities and the right to summon them in case of need. The summoning is usually used as a last resort since it takes a considerable toll on the user's body, incomparable to the harm that the use of the ability does. I felt terrible for him for releasing his Demon Spirit because that meant he was disqualified. As I said, this was a Martial Art Tournament, so magic, weapons, and any external objects and life forms were prohibited.

"George has been disqualified due to the use of external help. Zephyr is now the winner!" The Host of the Tournament announced. I heard a lot of mixed comments from the crowds, some mentioning how I didn't deserve it because I had such a low cultivation level, and some were happy for me and congratulating me.

After I received the Prize Money, I went over and bought eight Fire-Attribute pills for Calypso. I spent the rest of the money stacking up on food and resources that I would need to reach Mount Peleus since it would still take a bit of time to reach my destination. While I was leaving the village, I spotted some people, around fifteen, spying on me. I tried to ignore them and kept walking, but they started following me. If they kept doing that, I would have had no choice but to slaughter them all, but after I left the village, they stopped following me, so I let it go.

I had two goals in mind. The first one was to reach Mount Peleus and meet Aetos. My second goal was to find a second dagger that suited me aside from Asi. The one I had right now was a normal rusty dagger that could break any second after the training I did with my Martial Art. I decided to go to Mount Peleus first since I had already delayed it a lot.

I walked for over three days straight and finally arrived at the outskirts of Mount Peleus. The ground was barren, and there were no plants or life forms within a three mile radius. Just what was this place, and where did Aetos live?

As I was trying to get my thoughts straight, The voice thundered in my head.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" The voice thundered. It was so loud that my eardrums nearly burst, even though the voice was just in my head.

"I am Zephyr, and Arthur Leywin told me to come to you for something," I announced. He let me in when he heard gramps's name, and before I could say anything, he asked me how gramps was doing. I didn't know how to respond to this, so I gazed at the floor, and Aetos understood what it meant. He took a quarter of an hour to mourn, then tried to keep his composure.

"So, he died protecting you. And he told you to come to me?" Aetos asked. I gave him a Yes as an answer.

"From what I speculate, he wants you to train under me. By any chance, are you a Devil's Path Cultivator?" Aetos asked.

"Yeah, I made a contract with Hades, and the Royal Palace kicked me out because of it." I replied.


"Well, yeah. He said he admired my courage and then offered to make a contract with me." I said. "Anyway, I've always had this question. What happens if the Transcendent you summon doesn't agree to your contract? Can you still cultivate?"