

Author: 飞天小麻花
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What is 三国之我带了个百度


本书历史人物大体参照演义,慢热型…… 曹操明知必死为何会去刺杀董卓? 周瑜为何英年早逝? 尔虞我诈,勾心斗角, 这乱世里每个人都只是为了活命罢了…… ………… 且看张羽带着一个不算金手指的百度兄,究竟能走到什么地步?

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My life could be an interesting journey to embark on, while it could be a disturbing one to read at all. Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying no one could actually fit in my shoes or do the things I have done. I’m just saying nobody can… Yeah, you heard me right. It’s like I don’t know you anymore. You’ve changed since this past week, and I don’t know what is wrong with you. I’m just— Esther kept in with the nagging and nagging; her voice felt like it was scratching the veins inside my head until— Well, in that case, to hell with the relationship, to hell with school, and to hell with every other person who thinks I’m going through a phase… except my mum… I love my mummy so much. I raised my voice back at her. As everyone around the school block stopped and watched me perform my madness, just like my mum would have said if she was here, and I could notice the shock of my outburst in Esther’s expression as she took steps away from me. Yeah! Just go! Just walk away just like every other person in my life. I don’t care!!! Not anymore!! I let out my mind loudly this time, and I felt satisfied in a way and a little weary from all the screaming. Letting out a deep breath, I fell back into the school fountain. I just didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought anymore… including me. Well, I have had a lot on my mind, okay? I just lost fifty thousand to a twelve-year-old. My dog was hurt, and my uncle just completed one whole month on the couch. Now, so yeah, I have got responsibilities in my hands. I poured out my mind to the old man as he stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “For a month”? How? And how can your d- “Don’t bother asking trust me you don’t wanna know you don’t wanna know”

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The Hall of Valor

----Completed---- ----Synopsis---- There are several Death Reapers in the world, and each of them is assigned souls who die a certain way. One day a mortal man named Haalfrin catches the eye of 2 Reapers – Freyya the death god of mortals fallen in battle, and Das, the reaper of souls who are killed by time – by old age. For reasons unknown yet, Das and Freyya each want to claim Haalfrin’s mortal soul. Being a warrior craving excitement and a life worth living, Haalfrin makes an easy target for Freyya (or so she thinks), as she creatively tries to think of ways to make sure Haalfrin doesn’t come back from his adventures alive, while her counterpart Das is trying to keep the mortal alive just long enough to expire naturally. …The only catch is that Haalfrin himself has recently lost his entire clan, and his only desire left to him is to die a cool death. Maybe this way, he can make one final story he can tell his brothers when he meets them on the other side. ----Author Notes---- 1. I don't plan on Contracting Webnovel for this Book, since it's just a hobby right now and this is my first book. SO, THIS BOOK IS COMPLETELY FREE. It's copyrighted though, so don't take this book and sell it - obviously. 2. When I showed some siblings the synopsis, they thought this was going to be a comedy. This story does have a few funny parts (particularly in Volume 4), but that's it. As a whole, this story is NOT a comedy. It's a story about a man who wants to die.

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Volume 2


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