

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Master and Disciples

November 20...

It was 11 o'clock, and the sky was filled with bright stars. The moonlight hovered above the busy city of Tokyo.

There is a tall building in Tokyo which is owned by the "Warlocks". The Warlocks are the strongest magicians that ever exist on earth, and they are the only known immortals in history. These titles were granted to them when they saved multiple countries, in this case, The Warlocks of Earth and Water saved Japan.

However, their titles do not compare to the Monarchs. The title "Monarch of Magic" used to belong to only one Mage, but soon it was split apart and now there are 10 Monarchs, each having a specific element.

What's the difference between a Warlock and a Monarch when they both already mastered their elements? A Warlock's limits have already been broken, but a Monarch can still transcend their limits, meaning that their growth is faster and quicker than a Warlock's.

The building which belonged to the Warlocks were specifically owned by Terra and Aqua.

A hundred years ago, Terra and Aqua married and became a known couple throughout history. They were even given the title of the strongest couple.

After their trip from Russia, they were tired, and they decided to take some rest. Warlocks always travel around, so they are always tired. They are currently sleeping, not knowing what was coming next.


Someone was knocking at the door. Terra got up from the bed and scratched his green hair as it was itchy.

`It's late, who is calling for us at this time?`

He was approaching the door.

"Who is it?"

He asked the person on the other side of the door.

"You have a package."

His voice sounded a bit childlike. This made Terra suspicious.

"But I didn't order anything?"

"It's from Kronos-sama."

`Kronos? If it's from Kronos, then it must be important.`

Terra thought as he rubbed his chin.

"Ok, just leave the package there."

The person on the other side placed what sounded like a box. Terra looked at the little crack at the bottom of the door and the person was gone.

"Terra? What is it?"

Terra looked over his shoulder and saw that Aqua had woken up.

"It's nothing, we got a package from Kronos."

"It must be something important then."

Terra opened up the door and in front of him was a small box. He took the box inside and closed the door, locking it after.

Aqua opened the lights and walked over to Terra, who was just about to open the box.

"Let's see what's inside?"

Terra slowly began unpacking the box, then they looked inside.


"Is this a joke?"

There was nothing inside the box, it was just empty.

"Did you like my present?"

Someone at the door said. Terra and Aqua ran towards the entrance and readied some magic formations, Terra had green earth formations and Aqua had blue water formations. There was a silhouette in the dark shadow of the entrance.

"Who's there?"

Terra yelled at the figure.

"Ho... is this how you greet your former master?"

The figure slowly began approaching them while emitting a dark aura. Intimidated by this amount of energy this lad was radiating, they slowly began backing up.

"No, you died. 8 centuries ago."

Aqua said as her eyes widened. Terra glanced at her and got in front of her.

Emerging from the dark shadow was a little boy with icy-blue eyes with a gold pupil.

"Where are your manners?"

The boy said in a demanding voice. His voice echoed through the room and into Terra and Aqua's ears. Terra gulped and slowly got down on his knees.

"M-Master Diablo."

Terra said, his voice was trembling as the boy slowly approached them.

"Call me Kenji now, I don't like being called my former name."

Kenji said as he took a chair and sat down. Terra slowly got up and looked at Kenji who humming nonchalantly. Aqua was cowering under a blanket as she watched Kenji doing whatever.

"C-can I get you something to drink?"

Terra asked him. Kenji glared at him and Terra flinched. Kenji smiled and nodded.

"Green tea, please."

As Terra went to get the drink Kenji ordered, Aqua was visibly sweating out of fear.

"Is something the matter, Aqua?"

"N-no, n-nothing at all."

She stuttered as she covered herself more. Kenji inspected her and his eyes stopped at her stomach.

"I just noticed. Congratulations. May I ask how long?"

Aqua was pregnant, it looks as if she was 4-5 months pregnant.

"S-six months."

"Do you have a name for the little one?"

"No, not yet."

Aqua answered as she stroked her belly. Terra entered the room with the tea and placed it on the table. Then he sat beside Aqua and caressed her.

A few minutes flew by, it was complete silence after that, the only thing that was heard was the sipping sound of the tea.

"How about the name Eco? That's a great name for a boy. Who knows, you could even give the name to a girl."

Kenji said as he places the cup on the table. Terra and Aqua had no idea what to say, so all they did was nod in agreement.

"My my, why do you all look so down? Cheer up a bit."

Kenji tried to make them talk but still silence.

"Are you guys that frightened to see me return?"

Terra looked down, Aqua gulped and nodded slightly.

"Y-you didn't come here just to drink tea, did you?"

Terra asked Kenji. Kenji's smile suddenly turned upside down. Terra gulped as he looked at Kenji's stern face. Then Kenji opened his mouth.

"You must have a good reason for betraying me."

Terra and Aqua were breathing heavily, Kenji stared at both of them and he could see guilt in their eyes.

"Rem forced us. We were forced to help him kill you."

Terra talked first.

"And why is that?"

"Because he wanted to take your fortune and the affection you received from the king."

Aqua answered.

"So the mission from the king was fake?"

"No, it was real. Not only that, but the future that Kronos saw was also true. You brought ruin to France."

"And it looks like I did, but I wasn't the one that brought you to ruin, it was all Rem's fault."

"W-we realize that now."

Terra was shuffling around. Kenji narrowed his eyes. He was still mad about what happened 8 centuries ago.

"I have a question."

Kenji said. Terra raised his head up and listened.

"How much loyalty do you have left for me?"

Terra gulped.

"I-it's the same as always."



"If so, prove it to me."

Terra tilted his head.


Kenji rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling, thinking of what Terra should do to prove his loyalty.

While on the other hand, Terra was thinking.

`He's going to do something harsh. I know. For us to prove loyalty, he'll definitely come up with something crazy.`

Then a grim smile appeared on Kenji's face.

"Kill her."

Kenji said. Terra looked at where Kenji was pointing at his mark was Aqua.

"Y-your joking, right?"

"Are you defying me?"

There was a small flash in Kenji's eyes. The room was filled with a dark mood.

"Prove your loyalty, or you die right here."

Kenji crossed his legs and hands. Giving the two a deadly glare.

Aqua was sweating and trembling while Terra was gripping onto the blanket. He turned his head towards Aqua, then at her stomach.


"Do it, I'm waiting."

Terra held his head. He couldn't do it, Aqua is his wife, and not only that, she's pregnant with his child. Sadly, he has no choice. Terra looked Aqua in the eyes. She looked back and nodded. Her eyes were watery.

Terra clenched his fist. A high-tier magic formation appeared in front of him and he slowly aimed it at Aqua.


Kenji said. Terra turned his head towards him.

"Take off the ring I gave you, Aqua."

Kenji said as he pointed to the ring on her index finger, it was made out of gold and silver. Aqua hesitantly took it off, and the ring floated towards Kenji.

"I enchanted this ring with immortality, I almost forgot to tell you to give it to me. No protection now. Continue."

Terra swallowed his dry saliva. He looked at the ring on his index finger, then he looked at the ring on his ring finger. A tear went down his cheek.


Terra's heart was banging, Terra shook his head and started tearing up.

"I'm sorry."

Then Terra closed his eyes, and he fired the spell.


There was a loud impact. When Terra opened his eyes, there was a golden reptilian beast-like humanoid creature which had gotten in front of Aqua. It was emitting a cold, icy-blue aura. The spell that Terra had cast was Earth missile. Before the spell was going to hit Aqua, this creature had gotten in front and broke the attack with its arm-mounted blades.


Kenji was clapping as he witnessed this. Then he spoke to the creature.

"Was he holding anything back?"

The creature got up and kneeled down to Kenji. It grunted. Its voice was noticeably distorted and deep.


Kenji got up, and the creature faded into tiny specks of stardust.

"It seems your loyalty is still intact."

He patted Terra on the shoulder and gave the ring back to Aqua.

"I will take my leave now."

Terra watched Kenji approached the exit.


"Hmm? What is it?"

Kenji turned around and looked at Terra.

"This was a test?"

"Of course, what else would it be?"

"But why?"

"Since you guys are Warlocks now, I've lost my precious prodigies. I just want to know if you all still have any loyalty for me. Now, I will take my leave."

"W-what are you going to do?"

Terra said in a worried tone.

"No need to be worried. I have changed, I just want to live a peaceful life...with Alice again."

"Lady Alice was also reincarnated with you?"

"You can say that, just that she doesn't have her memories. Not that I want her to remember."

Kenji placed his hand on the doorknob.

"Oh yeah, I have one more thing to ask you."

Terra tilted his head, and Kenji looked at him.

"What does a girl want on her 7th birthday?"


