

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


7 years have passed since my sister was born.

A few months prior, my younger sister, Kimiko, just entered her first day of school. For me, it is my second. Since my sister is in a different room than me, I had given my sister's shadow a shadow knight, a spirit that'll protect my sister from fatal harm.

Now that I think of it, I should start enchanting some accessories. Maybe add invulnerability to it.

I can use enchantment magic, it's not really hard to learn, but at this age, it's considered high tier. So I use enchantment magic in secret.

In elementary school, all we learn is Japanese, which is rather important to me, math, science, etc. There are some lessons on magic too, about magic formations and the basic magic spells.

Magic has advanced a lot, I've seen these tv shows where they show new spells that I've personally never seen before.

School had just ended, and I am currently walking through the halls, walking to the exit. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a boy, a year younger than me, talking with my sister.

As I got closer, the boy bowed to my sister while handing what looked like a love letter to her.

"C-can you go out with me?"

The boy stuttered. Pff, what does he think he's doing? Asking my sister out, you must be out of your mind. Also, who gives a love letter to the person they are asking out at the same time?

"S-sorry, I'm going to have to decline."

Kimiko said as she rubbed her head while giving an uneasy look.

"Oh, well umm, I'm sorry to bother you."

The boy bowed again and exited.

"Very harsh Kimiko."

I walked up to her and patted her head.


Her dark brown eyes sparkled with excitement. Her tone had become a little cheerful.

"How was class?"

"It was good, I learned some math!"

"Hehe, very good. Let's go home, shall we?"


As we walked out of the school, everybody was giving my sister concerned looks.

"It's him."

"The weird eyes."

"Why is an A-rank walking with an F-rank?"

Tch, you people need to settle down. Who cares if I have different looking eyes or my rank is lower than my sisters?

When I was born, my eyes were a little different. The color of my iris was ice blue, almost white, and my pupil was gold. My eyes were... let's say, different.

Well, I had golden eyes in my past life, so I don't know where the blue came from.

When my sister was 6 months old, her potential rank had gotten her A rank. Honestly, I was proud, but I knew that would cause some commotion.

Well anyway, we were walking down the street towards our bus stop. Everything has advanced a lot. These vehicles called buses can move with no wheels, instead, they hover 5 centimeters above the ground. The same goes for cars.

We were taking the bus home. I like the feeling of riding on a bus, it's pretty comfy.


Kimiko let out a long yawn and rubbed her eyes. It was a pretty long day and early today, she woke up early than usual. Slowly, she rested her head on my shoulder. I stroked her soft, long black hair.

She looks cute when she's sleeping.

10 minutes later we finally arrived on our block. I held my sister's hand as she quietly walked down the road with me. Eventually, we arrived in front of our house.

I opened the front door.

"Dad, we're home!"

"Ah. Welcome back you two."

My dad said from the kitchen. Mmm, that smell.

"Are you cooking Omurice by any chance?"

"Yes, can you help me set up the table?"

"After I put Kimiko to sleep. She's pretty tired right now."

"Alright, do it quickly."

I lead Kimiko up the stairs and brought her into her room. Then I laid her in the futon and covered her with her blanket.

As I was about to leave, Kimiko uttered.

"Onii-chan, don't leave."

"It's alright, I'll wake you up when dinner is ready."


I smiled and kissed her on the cheek, then I left the room.

"So when is mom coming back?"

I asked Father as I was setting the table up.

"You know her work brings her home late. After all, being a teacher is hard."

My mother is a teacher at a special high school, a high school for magic and fighting arts. My mother is an A rank.

There is a difference between adult ranks and the ranks you are given when your 6 months old. Adult ranks are given depending on the person's skills. That includes strength, agility, intelligence, mana, and potential. Your potential is the rank you were given before. The rankings are different as the top rank isn't A but S.

Despite my father being unable to use magic, his martial arts skills made him an S rank. He has far exceeded a human's normal body system; he is able to break a tree in half with just a punch. Basically, he has superhuman strength and superhuman agility. He has an S grade in strength, agility, and intelligence. Despite given an F grade for his potential and mana, he is still one of the strongest humans to exist.

"Dad, until Mom comes home, can you train me?"

"Sure, after all, it's important to rely on martial arts if you are unable to use magic."


Well, I can use magic alright. Martial arts are a secondary thing for mages, they could learn it if they want. For someone like me who want's to hide some of his power, I'm going to need to learn some martial arts.

Me and Dad went out to the backyard and started training. My father gave me an exercising routine before he teaches me. Since I was only 7, I have to do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, and 10 miles on the treadmill. He said once I become older, he'll give me a harder training routine.

Anyway, once I finish my routine, he gives me basic lessons which will become harder in the future.

2 hours passed, mom just came back home, and I woke Kimiko up from her nap. After we had our dinner, we watched some tv.

"Hmm, I think I have to go today."

My dad said as he checked his watch.

"Good luck."

Mom said as Dad went to go get a large bag. Before he left the house, he called me over to him.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Here you go."

Dad handed me an envelope. When I opened it up, there were about 50000 yen inside. I asked him why he gave a 7-year-old child this much money.

"So you can buy your sister a gift. You know her birthday is coming up in a week. This is how much you can spend so pick a nice gift."

That's true, Kimiko's birthday is in a week, her birthday is on November 24.

What would a girl want for her 7th birthday?

"Well then, I got to go."

As he opened the door, there was a car waiting for him outside.

Since my dad is a master martial artist, he works as an instructor for the rich. Not only that, he even has his own dojo.

Now, back to what a girl wants.


I heard a yawn from the living room. When I entered, I saw Kimiko lay her head on Mom's shoulder and Mom also looked tired.

"How about you guys go up? I'll clean up."

"Ok, remember, don't stay up too late."


Tomorrow is a Sunday, so I can stay up for as long as I want.

An hour has passed. While I was cleaning up the plates on the table, washing them, drying them, something on the news caught my attention.

[The Warlocks of Earth and Water have just returned from their trip to America.]

Warlock? Earth? Water? Who are they?

I sat on the couch and glanced at the tv. When I saw who was on the news, I chuckled and crossed my hands.

"Ho... so this is where they were."

The two that were just mentioned were two of my former prodigies. Terra, the "Warlock of Earth" magic, and Aqua, the "Warlock of Water" magic.

To think they are still alive.

Well, of course, they are, I granted all my prodigies immortality before I died. I don't regret a thing, though. Well, maybe except giving it to Rem. Glad I sent that worthless being to the edge of the universe.

Though it will be a problem for him to come back, after all, he is the only one besides me to possess Reality magic. I've checked the history of the earth and all traces of reality magic have been erased.

"Maybe I should pay those two a quick visit."

I checked the hallway just in case those two were wandering around or sleepwalking. I need to take precautions.

Ok, it's clear.

I whistled and snapped my fingers. Rising from my shadow were 10 shadow ninjas that kneeled as soon as they saw me.

"Find me Terra and Aqua, once you've found them, report to me immediately."

They all nodded and immediately vanished.


Now, I could've just used detection magic and found them myself. But my shadow creatures have been lying dormant for 800 years, so I might as well let them stretch.

Now you may be asking, how do I have shadow ninjas when they appeared during the 15th century and I died during the 14th?

The answer is that I can alter the appearance of my shadow creatures and what they are capable of.

After a few minutes, one of my shadow creatures returned to me and I got their location.

"Thank you, you may all return to me now."

As the shadow creatures returned into my shadow. I got up and uttered a teleportation spell.



