

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


7 years later, November 19...

"Onii-chan, I'll be going now."

Kimiko yelled from the front door. Kenji was sitting in the living room, reading a novel. When Kimiko left the house to go play with her friends, Kenji closed the book and got up from his seat while fidgeting with the silver earring which looked like an ouroboros on his left ear.

"Well, I have no idea what to get her this year."

Kenji checked his wallet and found 2000 yen and a credit card. The credit card had 400000 yen in it.

In this age, when a child reaches 13 years old, they can get a credit card with the help of a parent. Kenji was 14, so he got it last year.

"What would a girl want from her older brother...? Can't get her another plush or stuff animal cause that's the only gift I've been giving her."

He said as he paced around the room. Next week was Kimiko's birthday. For all of Kimiko's other birthdays, she has only received plushies and stuff animals from Kenji.

Then he thought of an idea.

"Of course, what girl wouldn't want that."

He ran up to his room and grabbed his jacket. Then he ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Where are you going?"

That was his father, who spoke from the kitchen.

"Just going out to buy a gift."

"I see, it's almost Kimiko's birthday, huh? I almost forgot. All that work made me lose track of time. Anyway, come home before dinner."



And then he left the house.

* * *

In 5 days, it was going to be Kimiko's birthday. Right now she's going to the mall with her friends, Sakura and Misha. They were both the same age as her. Sakura met Kimiko when she was 8. They were friends ever since. Misha met Kimiko when she was 10, she was a half Japanese, half Russian descent.

"Hey Kimiko, is it true that your brother's an F-rank?"

Sakura asked her.

"Huh? Well... yes."

"How does it feel to be a higher rank than your brother?"

"Well, umm..."

Kimiko hesitated. Even though she was an A rank and her brother was an F rank, she knew that when they reach the age of 15, Kenji would easily surpass her on the physical exams and the knowledge exam when they become high schoolers. Whenever Kimiko comes home, she always sees Kenji reading some books which look like it's for college students, and he was only 14 and in the 9th grade while Kimiko was in the 8th.

"It's... alright, I guess. But in terms of strength, I think he has the upper hand."

"Of course he does, he's a boy."

Sakura said as if that was obvious.

"Obviously that's not what she meant."

Misha uttered as she twirled her blonde hair.

"Kenji-senpai trains with your dad, am I correct?"

Misha said as she looked at Kimiko.

"How do you know that?"

Kimiko asked.

"We live right next to each other, I see your brother train with your dad every day."

"And also, he's the only physically active boy in our school. Did you see that 6-pack of his?"

Sakura and Misha kept on talking. On the other hand, Kimiko had one thought going through her mind.

`It's almost my birthday, I wonder what Onii-chan will give me. I wouldn't mind if it's another stuffed animal.`

"Kimiko? Kimiko?"

Sakura tapped her on the shoulder.

"Huh? Y-yes?"

"You were absorbed in your thought again."

"Oh umm, sorry."

"We're you thinking about a boy? Maybe perhaps... your brother?"


Kimiko's face suddenly went beat red.

"N-n-n-n-no, w-w-what are you saying?!"

"Hehehe, you little bro-con."

Sakura teased her.

"No, I'm not!"

"It's useless resisting. You always talk about him during school and how cool he is."

Misha said as she took out a water bottle and took a few sips.

Well, Kimiko can't deny that. Every day at school, she always talks about her brother. Well actually, everybody in the school talks about Kenji, but not as serious as Kimiko.

"Hey, we arrived."

They finally arrived at the front of the mall, Phoenix Square.

Phoenix Square was one of the biggest malls in Tokyo. Even foreigners from other countries come to shop. They have the most famous brands and advanced pieces of equipment for high-school students. The reason why high-school students buy these pieces of equipment is so they can use it against the magic beast when they are sent on a mission. Since high-school students are nearing the age of 18, where they will become full-fledge adults, they must prepare for what comes next. In other words, any magic beast attacks or invasions.

Kimiko and her friends came to buy some clothes and have some fun at the arcade. Casual stuff.

While they were having fun, 4 hours had passed.

"Whew, that was fun."


The trio was walking down the street towards the train station. After having so much fun, they were already tired. Since they all live on the same street, they would all get off at the same stop.

As usual, the trains were crowded with people returning from work and from shopping. Kimiko was shifting around, uncomfortable with the surrounding people. Kimiko was standing because there were no seats left, Sakura and Misha were sitting in front of her.

Lately, there have been cases of molesting on the bus and most of them were underaged girls. The culprit hasn't been found.

10 minutes passed...

They were only halfway to their destination. So far, it was a quiet ride.

That is until someone starts breathing on her Kimiko's neck. The man sounded as if he was panting like a dog in heat.

"Hee... hee... hee~"

Kimiko gulped. Sakura and Misha were distracted as they were on their phones. Everybody was quiet and minding their own business. Kimiko waved her hands in front of Sakura and Misha. They looked up and tilted their heads. Kimiko pointed to whoever was behind her, but then she suddenly felt the man trace his finger down her back. She yelped. Sakura and Misha looked at each other, then back at her. Then she heard the sound of something zipping. Just as Kimiko was at the verge of yelling until that person suddenly took his finger off.

"Ack! What the hell?!"

When Kimiko turned around to see what happened, a familiar face walked by.


Kenji had gripped the man's face, crushing it with his intense strength.


A cracking sound was heard. The man was screaming, but it was muffled by Kenji.

When the train stopped, Kenji walked out while holding the man in the air. Then he threw him onto the ground and start punching him in the face.


As Kenji kept on punching, the man was bleeding. His nose was now deformed and his teeth were all broken.

Everybody who got off the train, including Kimiko, Sakura, and Misha, was watching. When Kenji stopped, a murderous aura was oozing out of him.

Kenji stomped on the man's face, not enough to crush it but enough to make him feel pain.

"So, you wanna tell me what you just tried to do?"

"W-w-what are you talking about? I didn't do shi-"



Kenji had a hold of the man's left arm and he snapped one of the man's fingers in half. Blood splattered everywhere.

"I don't like it when someone lies. Now, tell everyone how you were going to use that non-existing thing of yours to touch my sister."

He quickly snapped another one of his fingers off. The man yelled in agony.

"Ugly bastard, talk or I'll snap another one of your fingers off, I'm giving you one chance."

"B-but I didn't-"


"AHH!!! OK, OK, IT WAS ME! Just please stop..."

The man looked up at Kenji, expecting him to let go. But Kenji gave him the death stare. Then, in an instant, he tore his arm off.


"I gave you one chance, but you threw it away like the arrogant human being you are. You disgust me, now die."

Then, just as Kenji was about to stomp his face with all his might, the voice of his sister disconnected him from his blind rampage.


Kenji quickly stopped his foot from reaching the man's face. Then he slowly turned towards Kimiko. Then he looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him with frightened faces.

Kenji slowly moved his feet away. Then he stared back at the dying man on the floor. There was a large blood puddle on the ground.

"Hey! Move aside!"

Ambulances and Police sirens could be heard in the distance. In a minute or two, they started surrounding the area. Kenji backed away from the body and let the paramedics check whether the man was still alive or not.

He had no pulse, nor was he breathing.

He was dead.

The police officers asked who did it and they all looked at Kenji.

Kenji looked at them with the same eyes he gave the man. Intimidated by him, they kept their distance until Kenji walked up to them with his hands behind his head.


Kenji turned his attention towards Kimiko and smiled.

The man was confirmed to be the notorious molester and was confirmed dead.

On November 23, Kenji Katashi was charged for manslaughter and was given a 3-year sentence at the age of 14.


