
The Story of Sam Winchester

   You heard the soft crash of waves as you woke up. Then you remebered that you were at a beach. A hotel at the beach. You looked out the window and noticed Sam and Dean were out sitting in the sand, with nothing but swim trunks on.

     You threw on a bathing suit and started to head out the door, when suddenly you felt a chill go down your back, and you turned around to see Chuck standing behind you, more like God.

"Hello y/n."

"Uh, hey?"

"Im sorry for this, but I have to do it."

"Do, what?"

Before you could awnser you were in your old room at your old home. You looked around and searched the entire house, but no one was there. You opened the door and stopped at what you saw. Everything was bare, a everlasting desert. You tried walking outside, but a invisible force stopped you.

     You pounded on the force, but nothing happened. You sighed and sat on a nearby couch, when you felt a weight next to you, God.

"Sorry, y/n, your immortal now, you dont need food, water, you do need sleep , but the only thing that can kill you is the First Blade. You have the power of the King of Hell, but no matter what, you have to stay in this house for the rest of your life-"

"First of all, awesome. Secondly... what about Sam? Will I ever see him again?"

"You can visit him in his dreams, but otherwise no."

You stared at where God used to sit. You dropped your head into your hands and sobbed. You would miss Sam. You wouldnt be able to last.

    "Sam, you need help, you havent been dealing with this well at all!"

"Well no shit Dean! Y/n's been gone for almost a week, all of her gps' s are blocked, and everything she had was left behind! You know what this points to? Either Crowley or Chuck!"

"Sam she shold be fine, shes a tough girl, just get some sleep."

I groaned and layed on the nearby couch, I hadnt slept for almost a week, and my eyelids were pretty droopy, before I knew it, I was asleep.

"Sammy! Wake up Sammy!"

I was being shook by Dean who had worry in his eyes. He sighed in releif when he saw thay I was awake.

"What Dean?"

"I think you were having a nightmare, you were sobbing like a maniac and making weird choking noises. I had to wake you."

Then everything flowed back to me. Y/n, the room in the bunker, how she was immortal, the shimmering in her eyes, it had to be her, but why was she immortal?


"It was y/n, she came to me in my dream."

"Sam thats impossible-"

"She said she was immortal now, I dont know why, but I do know we have to find her."

"Sam, if shes immortal she could be anywhere."

"I dont care."

"Well you should Sam! Did she tell you anything else?"

I tried to remeber some more of my dream. I then remembered her saying something about me sleeping more, so she can see me more or something.

"She-she said something about sleep, and how she would see me next time."

"Well... maybe thats how she visits you, is in your dreams."


   You had searched everything and tried everything. You couldnt teleport out of the house, and whenever you would break something in the house, it would clean up after yourself. You sat on the couch watching Sam and Dean on a hunt. You so badly wanted to be there with them, but you still had to figure out why God did this mumbo jumbo in the first place.

     You had just visited Sam for the first time, and it was the most wonderful thing for you, after seeing how much pain he was in most of the time. Dean luckily was helping him out, and you thanked him for that in one of his dreams.

    It was weird visiting the boys like this in their dreams and all, but you knew that it healed all three of you slowly when you did, especially Sam.

    Today was a different day though, something was off, and something told you that Dean wasnt protecting Sam anymore, but hurting him. You started to freak out when you couldnt get a connection with them, and then you felt it.

Large dark pillars shot into the sky and sped towards your house. It impacted it with a crack, and you suddenly felt free. You teleported into the back seat of the Impala, right as it was surrounded by a black cloud.

    You used your powers to put a barrier around the Impala, stopping thr darkness from getting in. The boys just looked around and eventually their eyes fell on you. You teleported all three of you into the bunker, and Deans baby into the bunkers garage, and sat down in a chair, breathing in the familiar smell of the bunker.

     Sure being at your old house was nice, but it reminded you of your abusive stepdad, who once shot your left foot for getting a D on a test, asshole. The bunker was your true home, and it was filled with good memories of hunting with Dean and Sam.

    Sam ebraced you in a hug and you both broke out crying. You kissed as Dean groaned and left the room, imbetween kissed you and Sam chatted.

"What was that back there?"

"The darkness, but that can wait."


"Get some Sammy!"