

You were following Dean down the stairs to the bunker. You had just gotten back from a hunt you were nearly killed on, and Dean was so mad at you that he hadnt said one word since.


No reply. You broke and slammed your fist on the table. You didnt understand why Dean would always overreact about you being hurt.

"Dean! I dont understand why you are always overreacting! I can handle myself!"

"Thats not it."

"He speaks! Then what is it?"

"This isnt real! None of this is real y/n! Your dieing!"

You stopped what you were doing and stared at Dean.

"You mean like, what happened to Sam? None of whats happening is real, it's just my head?"

"Exactly, you did almost get killed on that last hunt, and your in a coma, you have been for about 8 months now."

You sat down at this news. Which meant only one thing, you were most likely laying in a hospital at the moment.

    Y/n's face had fallen pale, and she seemed to be doing worse. It had been a year since she had been injured, and her face was scattered with scars. The nurses said that if she didnt wake in another month then she would be put into a coma room or whatever that is.

     I sat next to her gripping her hand, and her chest stopped rising for a second, but then continued. Her heart rate always stayed the same, 89 beats. I had visited her whenever I could, amd moved her to a hospital near the bunker, so it would be easier to visit her.

"Sir, visiting hours is over."

I looked at the clock, visiting hours always ended at 7:00pm, not 6:30pm.

"No its not."

"Im sorry sir, but the hospital is running out of room and we really need to put a patient here, so were gonna have no choice but to move her to the coma room. All patients that have been in a coma for a year usually stay that way for the rest of their lives, im sorry sir."

I just stood there and felt a tear run down my cheek. Y/n was like a sister to Sam and I, and I was not giving up on her, not at all.

"Can you visit patients in the Coma Room?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright then, just keep her alive."

I stormed out of the room as thunder cracked above the hospital, it looked like it was about to rain when I got here, and I was guessing a thunderstorm started, anything to get my mind off y/n.

    When I walked outside, it was in fact raining, hard, and thunder boomed in the backround. I got into baby and drove off to the bunker, where Sam was waiting, always hoping to see y/n with me.

    Of course I saw the usual face of sadness when I walked in. I had stopped on the way to get some coffee, since we had a hunt to do research about.

"Any news?"

"Uh yeah, actually, y/n is being moved to the coma room, where coma patients live off of machines other than themselves."

Sam face dropped at this news, and I sat down next to him, as we both comforted each other as we cried.

Awesome. You just killed a vampire version of your best friend in order to get out of this coma. How wonderful, you were furious, you were determined as the days that went by counted in the back of your head.

Like Bobby, you had to go through your worst fears in order to escape. You had started crying halfway through, but you knew that you were nearing the final memory.

You walked through the door to find yourself in your old family room. You and your sister were sitting on the couch, and some dudes claiming to be FBI came to your house. You and your sister were vampires, well your sister was one, and you were becoming one.

     You stood there and knew you had to watch the scene you still had nightmares about. You sister stood up and hissed at the FBI man, and he cut her head off. You winced and stood there while watching your sisters disembodied head laying on the ground. Tears ran down your cheeks rapidly, and you started holding back a lump in your throat.

    Your old self stood up and started to scream, and the FBI agent made you drink the vampire cure, and after you yelled into the air, you were indeed cured.

Gosh time went by so fast in your head. You couldnt even stand it, suddenly a door appeared in front of you, and when you opened it a bright light filled the room, time started to go by faster and faster, you finally stepped in when your counter hit

"What do you mean you have to unplug her?!"

"Sir she has been in a Coma for 3 years exact and that is the time we unplug coma patients."

"Why? Why dont you have any hope for them?"

"Sir, she is already basically dead."

No, not that word. I wouldnt take it. I wouldnt give up on y/n, she wasnt going to die, not while im still alive. I walked over to y/n and grabbed her hand, and when I felt her hand was incredibly cold, I knew I had to let go.

     When I did let go, the familiar rythem of beeping changed, and I turned sround to see her heart beat was now 91, not 89. I looked at her and saw her fingers twitch.

"I think shes waking up! Oh my gosh she waking up! Nurse! Shes waking up!"

    As the light faded away several figures appeared above you. One was a nurse, and the other was Dean. The nurse was taking a tube out of your throat and when you were able to move, you immedistely hugged Dean, ignoring the stiff back pain from lying in a bed for three years.

"I missed you so much Dean!"

"I missed you too y/n..."