
Reader x Sam

    You screeched on the brakes when you realized you were there. You nearly hit the back of the Impala, good thing you didnt, that would have just added to your list.

     You were shaking so much you could barely grab the keys to your car. You finally gripped them and pulled them out. The car slowly died. You opened the door and staggered out. It was in the middle of a thunderstorm,  and every strike sent you jumping. You tried to hold your coat over your head, but that just made you lose your balance, and you fell face first into a pool of mud.

    When you finally did enter the bunker, you collapsed at the top of the stairs. What had happened back there? The most terrifying thing you could think of. You couldnt stop thinking of that poor little girl, you murdering a poor little girl. You had to, but murdering a innocent child was one of your biggest fears and regrets.

     Suddenly you heard someone call out your name, and you were slowly picked up. You looked up to see Sams face over you, full of worry.

"N-No Sam, d... dont worry f-for me."

    Sam layed you on a couch before replying.

"What happened y/n?"

Concern filled his voice, as you flinched at the memory.

"She w-was a girl, a p-poor little g-girl, and I k-killied her! I almost c-c-couldnt bring m-myself to, but I-I did, I dont k-know why I just d-didnt pour salt down her mouth, I-I just... just..."


    You start the whimper as you feel tears rolling down your cheek. You closed your eyes as you tried to think of something comforting... having fun with the winchesters, pranking Cas, and the warm feel of... lips on your mouth. Sam had pressed his lips onto yours, you didnt even flinch. It was comforting. You felt warm again. You smiled.

    "Its ok y/n, I have had to kill many innocent people because of them being possessed by demons, heck I once had to kill a pregnant woman! Her baby too! We all have things that we regret, but that doesnt mean we should let it get to us."

     You smiled as you raised your shaky hand up to Sams and grabbed it, filling you with warmth. You used your other hand to brush through Sams hair, his hazel eyes staring right into yours.

    "Ill get you something to eat, just stay here."

    You turned onto your side as Sam walked off to the kitchen, maybe it was alright. The little girl did try to kill her after all, and had succeeded in killing several other innocent people. Maybe you were doing those people a favor, and there was nothing to be worried about, nothing at all.

Nothing at all...